SAMCRO Joe goes around Long Island harassing teens who wear Sons of Anarchy vests. Lots of people died for that patch, bro.

11  2016-10-08 by aftershave


Bikers and their "clubs" are fucking faggots.

Bikers are beyond gay. Look at my scary leather jacket and dangerous impractical bike wear. I have a matte black helmet because it looks cool.

I honestly think the bikers who wear the fluorescent body suits are less gay than the tough rad bikers on choppers wearing vests and scary chains.

all bikers are faggots and cowards

Most bikers are cool old guys in AA.

Most cool bikers are old guys in AA who still smoke.

Most cool bikers are cool old guys that smoke meth and watch me bang their old ladies while jerkin it...and very seriously working a rigorous and honest 12 step program.

"Honestly i should take it from right now"

But instead I'm gonna film you and act awkward then upload it so people can cringe at both of us.

What is the girl-voiced faggot filming this talking about? What biker would be mad that this kid is wearing something from a TV show?

It's all just another form of cosplay. If they weren't bikers, they'd be emo, hipster, Batman, etc.


Even a lot of the the transgendered people---aside from the extremely rare ones who are born hermaphrodites or truly have gender dysmorphia--most are just ugly, emotionally disturbed fucking creeps acting out like children and playing dressup.

I was waiting for that kid to light the fag and blow up the gas station.

What makes you think he wouldve shot the guy filming?

Both of these guys are faggots who should be burned at the stake. Watching that guy try to light a cigarette like a cool guy with trembling little hands in his TV show jacket was amazing though. Cosplaying queer

Smart thing to do, too, lighting a cigarette at the fucking gas station.

"A lot of bikers died to get that patch on their back..."

Uh, okay. Coffin patches are pretty badass.

He didn't earn it.. He bought it.

What a fucking dick. (The "Biker")

Stolen valor confrontations are great.

Fawwwk ya. He didn't urn it.

Shut up chip

Not sure who is more retarded, the guy filming or Brother Joe.

Fuck this - it's not like he's disrespecting veterans with stolen valor. Bikers are shit.

Someone else already posted this with the same fucking joke. This sub is fucking trash lately
