Look at this fucking asshole's attempt at humor... I really want him to be killed this year.

68  2016-10-08 by TangerineReam


opie thinks he just came up with the idea : "sex sells"

I heard he has an idea for a new show he's gonna call "Mad Men."

Opie came up with this idea of doing a mob TV show, but like a modern one set in either New Jersey or Long Island.

Hoo hoo I invented everything Lindsay sniff

Opie at a board meeting:

ME: Guys, now bear with me. I'm going to to say some thing crazy. No one cares about the product. Have a - now hear me out - have a beautiful girl in the ad and people will buy.

Investors look puzzled

ME: Take my idea for this spaghetti ad. No one gives a shit about spaghetti. No one eats spaghetti. It's weird, ethnic food. But, place a broad in the ad and boom - higher sales. Suddenly, people will be ok with eating Italian or whatever strange food.

Investors still look puzzled

ME: So, who's with me? With your help we can put broads in ads and watch our sales increase across the board.



Investor 1: Are you trying to tell us that sex sells?

ME: Yes! That's a perfect way to put it! What a great phrase - great use of words!

Investor 1: It's 2016. We've known about this for 100 years.

You Really know how to paint a picture with words man.

He really sold me on it. Dude's a regular Greg Greggerson.

You put yourself through a lot of effort to write all of that for seemingly no reason.

OK faggot, what's next?

Car car car car car car car car car car crash.

He doesn't have a single ounce of funny in him at all, I've met a lot of unfunny people but he takes the fucking cake then stomps on it.

Oh I see what you did there. Because Opie once literally took a homeless man's cake and then stomped on it.

No, because Opie isn't funny...

Hmm.. I don't see the connection.

Unfunny people are capable of being funny by accident. Opie can't even do that. If Opie farted it would be followed by a 14 minute defensive discussion about it.

This single comment is funnier than anything Opie has ever done.

i hope no one reports it for the nip slip in the shot. that wouldnt be nice to tits.

Yeah that would be unfortunate.

Let's call up the spaghetti corporation and share this wonderful idea for a print ad.

As the chief executive officer of Spaghetti(C)(TM), I heartily endorse this new print ad campaign.

I liked Hicks' "Drink Coke" version better. We all know the Opester is all in with the Bill Hicks.

The Opester's done some shrooms!

He carried the shrooms to his awesome genius college roommates using only his buttcheeks and asshole.

Just a taste.

Exactly, that's what he was trying to rip off.....How a classic comedy bit turns out when filtered through the mind of an imbecile...

Really the worst person in the entirety of O&As existence. You can't argue otherwise.

I hope he tumbles down the stairs and breaks his back

I hope someone breaks in and strangles him with piano wire :)

I don't really care what he's strangled with, as long as it gets done.

Would have been funnier with the caption "Spaghetti tastes even better when your raging father doesn't throw it against the wall!"

It's even worse when you realize eat pasta is supposed to be somehow related to got milk. He has just the type of 70s/80s frat humor where he'd see tits and think about a milk joke.

/r/comedycemetary and this sub should have a partnership for Opie content.

#subliminal #sexy

I'll say this though...If Jimmy doesn't drop the A-Bomb, then this little victory we're sharing in where Opie is humiliated by burned bridges, being in afternoons, and having everyone else around him doing better as he fades away; the victory (such as it is) will be bittersweet. The Ant phone call really fucked up the momentum to go against Opie. He's (or at least he thinks he's) up now. Hopefully he'll blow it hard.

Yeah the Ant thing was a bit of a spanner in the works, but Opie can't hide the fact he makes appalling radio for long. His tweets all get low single digit likes. If they continue to do that research Jim mentioned he'll be out on his tit-bags before too long.

The Opester just wants to remind you that he likes CHICKS and their TITS.

I mean really it's a funny picture...who finds this scene sexy? Why was it made? How come the 50s sucked a sex? His comment on it is lacking.

Is it -90 where you live? Nigga's a popsicle.

It's 2016, please refrain from using hurtful, derogatory insults that codify systemic, patriarchal, white supremacy. Thanks.

Fuck you CIS lord!

OMG. Are you like literally implying that critical theory of gender being a completely social construct is wrong? It's like 2016 I can't even...Get educated.

I want a formal apology on all social media platforms, and a akward press conference with your wife and kids in the background.

I would've thought this was fake were the level of subtlety beyond the efforts of this sub.


Now I'm even more frustrated Domino's doesn't open for another hour
