Sam and Jim need to admit Opie sucks

30  2016-10-08 by Dulaneyj65

It'd end the Opester's argument he was "done dirty" quickly. It's pretty obvious the reason Opie took a "fucking up his keister" this time around is that he brought very little value to the company. Keeping a worthless performer with a despised brand in a high paying spot makes no business sense.

Pretty simple, but when Jim, Sam or any of the guests face the issue they walk on Greggshells (which seems to enable more acting out on Opie's part) and pretend Opie getting demoted is some mystery instead of Sirius XM management wising up about the money they were wasting.

There seems to be some ban on admitting Opie is shit. As far as I have seen, only Gavin has acknowledged that Opie isn't funny and that is easy for most guys to look over due to his generally over the top faggotry (see Ant trashing his buddy by saying "he managed to get kicked out of Vice so don't worry about him" when confronted with the torpid sloth comment.)

Opie sucks. Period.


They might say he's not funny and killed bits, but they'll still pretend he was some crucial behind-the-scenes guy who furiously shoveled coal, pulled levers, and turned valves to keep the show running.


Yeah Opie, no effort. He was a fucking intern board op who didnt do his job/prep work. In fact no prep work was ever done until Sam came around and started coming up with bits that comics can get involved in without feeling cringey. Dreaming up a ketchup tasting event is not the same thing as painstakingly cutting up clips of jocktoberable shitty radio shows every night.

Opie BRAGGED that they never did show prep. Never forget that.

Still does.... It's going to be the best year ever.

It worked when it worked. And it worked in 2006.

This is why if Opie were smart he'd have grabbed Travis and charged him with prepping the show.

Haven't they said as much? Do you actually need them to say 'Opie is shit' before you believe that's the reason none of them want to work with him or talk about him?

Not at all. Sam said yesterday that the first few days of Opie's new show were great. Then spent like an hour defending himself against the accusations he took a shortcut and weaselled himself into his new gig. His colleagues have admitted he is an asshole, yes, but we've still frequently heard how talented Opie is these days.

The mystery of why Opie got demoted that they are entertaining gives a basis to all of his social media/on air shots. They all act like it makes no sense the Opester lost his morning slot, then make pointless arguments to defend themselves instead of calling a spade a spade. Then Opie can insult them again, certainly. It's like they are all still afraid of the fat titted monster.

I think it's more that they're taking the high road. It's the smart/long play. While it would be more satisfying in the short-term if they dropped an atom bomb on him, letting him bleed out slowly will be much more enjoyable in the long run.

It's not like they're letting Tits get away with anything; they've addressed and/or goofed on every one of his lies.

The higher the road they take, the worse Tits looks with his girly bitching. And when Tits' bitching is over, and I can't imagine what's left for him to bitch about, Jimmy and Sam still have each other, (most of) the fans' support, and a show. Meanwhile, Tits has nothing. He's dead in the water.

They know all this.

If anything, they're just giving that flappy-titted zilch enough rope.

Yes. Yes I do.