Bobo is now panhandling.

50  2016-10-07 by Dennyislife


I learned it from Jim Norton awroyt

Laughed way too hard at, "I'd rather donate to Isis."

It's a good cause awright.

Donation to what? Your Mets retard fund?

Bobo has to be insufferable to people that actually have to deal with him.

Said hi him at Anthony's live appearance with Amy Schumer two years ago in Brooklyn.

That was a mistake. Holy shit. Can't tell you how annoying he is.

Yeah. Not only does he not stop talking, he brings every fuckin thing back to the Mets somehow. I literally was starstruck when I met him, like "Fucking Bobo!!" Within 5 minutes I wanted to commit seppaku.

That idiot blocked me. Must have been when I asked if Kurt Love was helping Ant groom his sister - it was the only time I ever tweeted at him.

Moron probably thought it was a joke referring to his sister a dog.

Who would have a longer line for a photo op, Bobo or Virgil?

Do you have any spare change? My car broke down and I need bus fare, awrite.

doesnt he still have that $5000 he stole form the radio station?

No, Travis and Danny set him up, alroight.

Don't the mentally handicapped get government cheese in the States?

Pretty sure Bobo's living of a giant settlement after his mom sued the teaching hospital for leaving him under too long when he was operated on as a baby, essentially leading to him being like he is.

He's talked a few times on the show about when that happened and he always worked in stuff like "pain and suffering," "emotional scarring," and other civil suit buzzwords. Which, that explains how he's always at the Mets game and ComiCon and all that other crap despite never being able to hold down a job.

True, but he's probably on disability also.

In twenty years, when you're wondering why you paid SSI all your life and there's none for you, it will be due to all the people getting disability

That's not really true. Disability caps out at around $700 and any income you make is subtracted from that. Also he'd make less because he still lives with his mom.

That's another problem with public assistance programs: they encourage tax evasion. For instance, you'll frequently notice that drug dealing is rampant in public housing. This is because dealing drugs is a way to generate income without jeopardizing those government benefits.

looks at FBI crime statistics This checks out boys.

That's a fair point. However, maybe if they paid out enough, people wouldn't have to do that. Even if you're receiving the maximum payment, it's nowhere near enough for a person to live in the shittiest town in america, much less a city.

Have you actually MET anyone on public assistance?

I grew up a block away from the projects, every one I ever met on public assistance basically lived like someone who was retired. They were bored and broke, but trapped in a system that incentivized them to stay home, watch TV and reproduce.

Not a bad point, but weird to bring up in an example of an actual retard.

Shit, didn't know that, never heard that story. What happened, was he deprived of oxygen or something? What were the circumstances?

The way he described it, it was a teaching hospital and the doctor wanted all of the interns to get a better look "even though he knew they shouldn't keep me under that long" (again, legal eagle Bobo pointing out the gross negligence). And I believe that led to either oxygen deprivation or the infection that led to his 48 surgeries.

I mean, consider the source, since it's Bobo. But it seems odd the amount of information about the botched surgery that Bobo seems to know.

Shit, if it's true feel a bit bad for slating him. I always figured the surgeries were just to do with his awful, mangled penis and that his intellectual shortcomings were down to him being a good, old-fashioned simpleton; the proverbial village idiot.

At least he'll never have to worry about money, unlike us "normies." It does make me laugh to think that because of some improbably, colossal settlement Bobo has more sitting in the bank in a trust fund somewhere than Opie has in the bank.

Doubtful, but still, I need something to get me through the day.

Tits has got millions in the bank and property in two of the most expensive areas in the US. Bobo was on here begging strangers for an i pad. Sorry to shit on your daydream.

I'm da undacova bObo awwwight? I just patend i'm of humble meeeeans

That's the fucked up part, if it's true and he's a millionaire and still begging for iPads

It led to his chewed up dick, not him being a retard. They left his dick surgery peehole open too long or whatever not his retard brain on silent. And he admitted to Dr Lydia once that he gets money from the govt for being a retard. He said he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

An underrated line from Anthony when discussing Bobo's penis's condition - hypospadias - in which the peehole was actually on the underside of the head:

"When you took a piss, did your dick take off like a harrier jet?"


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looks like he goes from homeless shelter to shelter. looks like an awful life.


Don't some of his uncles give him work?


He's saving up to buy a noose because his dear Mets failed again.

He's not lying!

I hate he used the word "donation" because he really is skimming poverty level, and I almost believe him...

I'll squeegie your car for 50 cents too awright

I just need some money for some natty ice awlright?

I'll donate $20 to the first person to con Bobo into sucking their dick or committing suicide.

I'll donate my best Lenny Dykstra jersey.

tsss...whud is he makin pancaks or sumpthin?

He saw panhandling got Kevin Brennan back on Opie Raqio and wants in awlroight?

"We should boo her womb." - Jim Norton talking about Bobo´s mom.

I'm broke, awright? I'm not loooying.

And why the fuck shouldn't he? Guy isn't going to pass his series 7 anytime soon, is he? Denny is salty.


He and Lady Di should write a book together and tour across America with it.

I don't dislike Bobo, he is what he is, but I just really get tired of hearing him on the radio.

I've all ready given to the Special Olympics this month

Gilbert charges $10 so this is a steal!

Tits has got millions in the bank and property in two of the most expensive areas in the US. Bobo was on here begging strangers for an i pad. Sorry to shit on your daydream.