How the fuck did Scorch get on the REACT channel

48  2016-10-07 by youfuckmymother


Because he's PFG you fag

If anyone ever clicks on any youtube labeled "react", a hellfire drone should instantly euthanize them from low orbit.

I share the same sentiment with people who laugh at commercials.

Didn't you just watch the video?


Damn! I thought it was going to be kids reacting to Scorch's PFGTV.

"Wait, Boston is the name of a band?"

"What was that guy's name? Lord Dougman W. Godspeed?!"

This must happen

Let's sponsor a 'kids react to the O&A universe youtube channel'? For the guys with money or motivation or whatever it is you need to move out of your mother's basement.

Who would film it? Most of us aren't allowed around children anymore.

Every other adult and most of the kids in the video has a link under their name plugging their YouTube channel or twitter account. Scorch has nothing.

Scorch is currently on a MEDIA FREEZE!

Only for a LITTLE bit!!! JIMMY KIMMEL did something with him LAST WEEK but I don't KNOW if it AIRED yet!!!!

I never really understood what he meant by that

I mean I know he was bullshitting but wtf is a media freeze

Sometimes, when YOU have a NEW PROJECT, the NETWORK/STUDIO doesn't like you TALKING about it, so they PUT you in a MEDIA FREEZE. They don't WANT you to call Attention to a this new SHOW or MOVIE!!! Can't HAVE the OTHER NETWORKS getting Wind of it!!!

Oh yeah well that makes perfect sense. I retract my bullshit accusation and go fuck myself.

What does he need to promote? Paul McCartney and Robert Deniro don't need to be identified either.

Can you imagine all the credits he tried to pitch to them? And after all the countless days of investigating their validity they settled on leaving it blank.



Probably nowhere this high, but he is going to make them hundreds of millions in the long run.

Yes I know you guys might be thinking "How does this guy lowers himself into doing these react videos"?

You must understand it comes a time in his life he just wants to have some fun and not have the pressure to crank out masterpiece after masterpiece, just like Bob de Niro.

They probably asked him to be on the show, basically to carry it, as all other actors are unknowns taken from the streets. Scorch's rate might have them set back a bit, but the video is doing extremely well so far.

They will get a big return on their investment through youtube ads, of course not a surprise with such a big name featured as a contestant.

They found him in a nursing home while casting one of their Seniors React videos.


On a CHANNEL that is SUBSCRIBED to by 6 million HOUSEHOLDS and has 1 BILLION viewers around the WORLD!!! These NUMBAS aren't as GOOD as "SCORCH'S PFG-TV", but they are MUCH BETTER than what OPIE's dumb Videos can do!!!!

If you TAKE the 1 BILLION people who WATCH these VIDEOS and 3 billion that watched PFG-TV, SCORCH has been seen by OVER half the PLANET!!!

Not a fan of the ol' opester, /u/pfg-sciple?

OPIE thought he was SCORCH when he was the SIBBY!!! HE also never gave SCORCH the CREDIT he deserved for making "O&A" into RADIO STARS!!!


3rd time this vids been posted, you fuck head.

HE is beloved and BROADCASTED around the WORLD! The real question is HOW did REACT get SCORCH!?


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Wow scorch is really coming out on top.

I wish as a subreddit we could come together and make fake people magazine and other tabloids with scorch gossip on the cover. That would absolutely blow his mind.

Does sam know about this?