Sam addressing Opie's comments from yesterday

0  2016-10-07 by Wolosocu


It feels like Sam is doing this so that the adults will keep talking about him. Ugh.


No it doesn't, it sounds like a man that had the one thing questioned that no one should ever question about him... His work ethic.

There's a big difference between work ethic and talent. He does work hard but he's severely lacking in the talent department. Aside from his awful voice which he can't really change, Sam's ability to speak English has actually regressed since he started as an intern. He may have won the perfect attendance award and the friend most likely to babysit SiriusXM's kids but he's not really enhanced his skills since he started. And he's gotta stop playing the victim.

He's being diplomatic, not playing the victim.

He also brought us Intern David's best moments, and jocktober. Who gives a care what his voice sounds like or how he pronounces things.

I just think there's plenty to hate on where we don't have to focus it on Sam, yet.

Saturday is National Fluffernutter Day.

What's everyone doing to celebrate?

I admit that I've never tried Marshmallow 'creme' but I feel like the bread wouldn't go with the other two products.

He said that he was Jim's equal, so that means talent, right? Of course he did it on Jim's first day off.

He said they were treating hosting the show as equals, that he wouldn't be going back to producing. Do you assholes even listen to the show?

Check his username.

I think you got mad and didn't finish reading my comment. I will take what you said and they are hosting the show as equals and point out again that Jim did 3 days of radio and Sam did 4 their first week.

You're such a fucking tool, man. You come on here and act like some genius when you're routinely wrong and just an asswipe. Fuck you. If Sam lacks talent what does that make you?

He's been on the skids lately. Not sure what's up his ass.

A big fawkin peckah.

I think it is the absence of peckkahs that makes him cranky.

Opie has a huge lack of talent and he's used that to his advantage by riding the talents of others to his Sirius show. He was a failure before Anthony and now without Anthony and Jim he'll be a bigger failure in a couple years. He won't take responsibility for what he has done and instead tries to blame it on people he knows. When he can no longer ride their talent he throws them under the bus in hopes it will stave off his impending doom a little longer.

But Sam does have talent and does know how to be funny and come up with original ideas. Despite his aggravating voice he will do well in radio.

Don't blame him if Opie "pass the buck and blame everyone else for his shortcomings" Hughes tells a lie about him, as he has just about everyone who ever worked for him, and Sam mans up and confronts it and responds.

When one critiques [or praises] Sam or Jim, it is not an indication that the writer supports [or hates] Opie (and vice versa); often there is no correlation.

My comment had zero to do with Opie, in fact I never compared Opie to Sam; I focused only on Sam.

lol what? everyone cares. look how this sub was blowing up all week long after the new shows started. there were 500 people in the live stream of both shows on tuesday. we are a coop full of hens and we can't get enough pecking in.

Everyone cares about the O&A(&J) drama. The Sam Roberts drama is blah.

he was dragged into it whether he wanted it or not. i don't see a problem with him addressing stuff on this morning's show, he knows everyone is curious about it.



Sam just said someone was shit stirring about him to Opie.. Sam said he knows who it is but won't say, but wants that person to know that he knows... Sammy getting a little gangsta


"I bring nothing to the table". - Sex Bagel

Rotund, whoops.


I think after today Sam's balls might actually drop

Sirius made a mistake by making Sam a co-host. It was ok when he was interviewing wrestlers on his on show, but he shouldn't be co-hosting a morning show. I know he worked hard for O&A, but no one is going to listen.