Eddie Q's alias is Opie

7  2016-10-07 by Swampbox29

That sly fo....I mean chimp Sam Roberts


It didn't even occur to me until a caller suggested the name i-Q-phone.

"Oh no, Eddie does NOT share top billing with ANYone!"

Have to go back and listen to it again and look for other jabs that went completely over my head and made me ask why they're blathering for an hour about some businessman I couldn't care less about.

Talking about some other apple guy named Federighi who, unlike Eddie, has a "chiseled chest". Even though there don't seem to be any shirtless pictures of him anywhere.

He talked about there always being a guy everyone hates who tries to look cool to interns when they start off. Sounds like an Opie move to me.

What are we talking about here?

Oh there were plenty of subtle jabs