Jim is missing the 4th Sam & Jim Show, and instead there's a hole filling in....

1  2016-10-07 by Wolosocu

Maybe Jim mentioned this yesterday? Not sure. But regardless, there's a WWE hole sitting in as second mic. Looks like it's Stern reruns today.


Non-Committal Jim ruins the momentum.

Jim has a gig in DC tonight. Was already booked before the show was set.

He can't travel from NY to DC and get there on time after 11?

If only there was an hourly air shuttle between LGA or JFK and DCA.... Oh wait: Delta does, US Air does too and so does United. I can understand why Jim would be scared he might not be able to get there, there's only 20+ flights that leave NY after 11 and arrive in DC before 5.

Yeah but he's doing local radio there in the morning to promote his gig.

Is he in studio or calling in?

Tweeted something about a limo picking him up to be in studio.

People will just make excuses for Jim.

I remember her, I posted her mom's hairy arms before.

Edit: Here's another.

Dang. She was smart to breed into some of that hairless Asian DNA.

Imagine all the hair on her lower back and ass. Makes me hard just thinking about it.

I call that lower back to naval coverage the magic carpet ride.

If anybody's on the fence between a) supporting the new show and b) getting back to shitting on Jim, remember that 1) Jim's show was booked long before the Jim & Sam Show was confirmed, and 2) he needs to show up on local radio to try and drum up any local interest and sell seats.

With Jim's tour dates and based on his last deal he probably doesn't have to work many Friday's, so this may be a normal thing

They've been talking about iPhones for 45 fuckin minutes


This Eddy Cue material is gold!!!!

Yes and this guy Mike Cannon just said, "He's done-yun (done & onion) rings"... Oooooof.

Guess I'll say it again..

Will ya