I guess he's cross eyed now

22  2016-10-07 by dolan_the_rapper


The guy on the left wants to kill him too

That guy made me laugh. Clearly not a big fan of men who take selfies

He probably thought Tits was gonna post it on some version of /r/fatpeoplehate.

Perhaps I will

he must know who he is

Is that Bill Ponderosa in the back left wearing the vest? Pondee!!!!



Why does this fuck look like a different person in every single photo?

Some phones have a beautification setting for girls, it's painfully obvious opie cranked it all the way up

Quanspiracy, he's a shapeshifting lizard? Or sloth.

Those are the eyes of a crazy person.

dis nigga looks like birds

Look at him use a book to cover his breasts like a school girl who developed early.

Tits turned into Benedict Cumberbatch.

More like Benedict Cumbersome.

tss more like beenadick cumberbitch er sumthin

Tss more like Cumabatch from mah pecka, or sumptin'.



Fawk Yea! how about ...more like 'Benetit Dumb-er-Sumptin'

Bendydick Cuminpants

Why would he have cumin in his pants why not salt n peppah or sumthin tss tss

More like salt n peckah tssss

I hope a subway slasher finds him

It would be mildly entertaining if those crazy clowns and tits ended up on the same subway car

And then while he's filming the nut he gets one of his titties sliced off and the video goes viral and finally, after decades of attempts Opie " tit " Hughes finally gets the viral video he deserves.

Does he dye his thinning hair blonde? He's 53. Just embrace it

I'd like to embrace his pendulous udders.

two shirt wearing faggot

Hes got to wear two shirts to cover up the goods.

You can't cover those tits with that little book.

Holy shit dude, I was thinking the same thing! You know that was intentional too


Opie looks like every alien in a movie that's trying to blend in as a human

Nigga look like he wearing a Edgar suit

wtf is this??

Opie doesn't need to do show prep you see. He's a master broadcaster of the highest variety and as such, can spend his time wandering the streets of New York looking for artistic inspiration and then the day before his next show call everyone he knows looking for a guest that will help him get to 6pm.

He destroys the afternoons this way.

Look and learn civilians, this is how you adult a career.

what a find!! this is some andy kaufman/andy warhol level shit!

Sam's lucky Opie taught him everything he knows about good radio

Most important 10 seconds of that particular minute.

a man riding public transportation for the first time in 2 decades due to poor ratings/negotiation skills.

Is he trying to do Magnum?

That's Blue Steel, he could never pull off Magnum.

This is very true. You need eyes that look straight for Magnum. Not one good eye and another looking into South Dakota.


He looks like a legit creep.

looks like he's trying to duckface


He definitely has a lazy eye or something. It's noticeable in a lot of pictures

Holy shit he looks like Christopher Walken

He's a wonky eyed bitch.

That mouth is Schumer-esque levels of ittybittyness.

He's been cross eyed for years, I don't understand why that is never pointed out.

Why is he covering up those luscious mammaries?

He's a man of the people.


He looks like he went to Greta Van Susteren's plastic surgeon.

Opie is apparantly melding into Florentine...

This is very true. You need eyes that look straight for Magnum. Not one good eye and another looking into South Dakota.
