What if Jim is a piece of shit too?

0  2016-10-07 by [deleted]

I agree that Opie has his faults, but how can everyone either ignore or not notice what a massive piece of shit Norton is?

I truly believe that Norton is a twisted sociopath.


  1. He tricked his fans into paying for his failed cartoon. First. he spent his own money. Vice hated it. He took money from his fans and never delivered. That would be bad enough. But the worst part is this. He got away with it. It takes a true sociopath to get away with something like that. You paid for it! (i'm joking, I know most of you don't trust this slimy bastard with your money.)

  2. He stabbed Anthony in the back. Again, that is bad enough. But -somehow- he comes out clean again. He took Anthony's cut and scurried like the little rat he is to spend it on tranny dick.

  3. The Doug Benson thing. Instead of talking to Doug about it, he tried to fuck him over. This is the sort of shit that bitches do. Seriously. I HATE people like this. Every fucking workplace has a cocksucker like this. I truly despise people like that. He pulled the same shit with Opie. Instead of settling the dispute on air or in person, he went behind his back like the faggot he is and fucked him in the ass. He went to the bosses and made a secret deal.

  4. Stealing Opie's Show. Yeah, I know. You love it. But he said he was "leaving in october." He lied. He fucked Opie over. Maybe Opie deserved it. But you have to be ruthless to do that to a guy with a family who made your career. Opie might suck, but he didn't deserve to be stabbed in the back like that. Again, Norton spun it and you all ate it up. You love sucking the Norton dick.

  5. Have you heard his fucking advice show? His "advice" is disturbing. Your wife won't lick your asshole? Cheat on her!

  6. He isn't that funny. He never was. This is the most impressive of Norton's conjuring tricks. He has fooled you all into believing he is funny. Day after day, Sam carries the fucking show. It's the fucking Sam show. But Norton gets most of the credit. When I point this out, the response is usually "Jim is having an off day." Bullshit.

  7. Eliciting sympathy for being an ex drug "addict.' I've let my drinking get out of control in the past. I drank whiskey, but mostly cheap vodka. This worm admits that he only drank beer, but somehow he had a major drug problem. Shut the fuck up. If you never moved on too hard liquor... just shut the fuck up. I don't ever bring up my drinking because I know it is nothing compared to an addiction to a hard drug like Heroin. The worst part about this lie is that it is designed to make him sympathetic in your eyes. It's pure manipulation.

8.The most brilliant thing he ever did was invent a character that is unfunny "ironically" so he wouldn't have to be funny. Ugh. "I'm being ironically unfunny" No. Fuck off.

9 I forgot the bullshit Tough-Guy routine he pulled for YEARS. The fake radio voice. Calling people "queers" when he secretly wanted to suck dick. Those old 'classic' O&A clips make me cringe.


Don't forget when he went on Howard Stern right after the boys got fired. The worm has no loyalty.

I'm not sure that happened, but I'll research it.

I don't doubt for a second that he would not only go on the Stern show, he would suck Stern's dick if Stern asked him to.

Suck my peckah

Anyone else smell a titmule?

I can't stand it when it preaches or tries to argue a point that is either wrong or not worth arguing, but for the most part he's aight.

He's funny more often than not and more open to changing his viewpoints than certain racist alcoholics.

OP is dead right but the majority of fucking faggots and losers on this sub will give him another pass. Because he himself is a loser, failed at everything he has put his mind too(vice show,comedy,movies). They love jim because they are jim.

They don't even realize that they love Jim because Opie & Anthony trained them to love "lil Yimmy."

Once the brainwashing fades they'll figure out what garbage "talent" he really is. The worm is officially on the clock.

Saw this on twitter and it made loff- Snort, Tranny, Uncle Paul, Repeat.

the greatest trick the worm ever played was convincing the fans he was funny