Let's just assume everything Opie said today about Sam is true.

3  2016-10-07 by Mr702law

Would this surprise anyone? I can easily see Sam running a "Survivor" type scheme behind the scenes. Forming alliances, working double crosses.


"Forming alliances" you mean what normal people do when they work with other people?

Opie leaves the second the show ends, he doesn't talk to anyone outside that studio. OPIE is a delusional out of touch old man who never held a job in the real world.

The best example you'll ever find of this is when during their first fight Jimmy said "I come in and say hi and you don't even acknowledge" Opie responds "I do sometimes!" As if he doesn't realize it's fucking impolite to not acknowledge someone saying good morning even ONCE!

On his first show the other day there was a point when he said something along the lines of "What kind of men say hi to each other?" And I'm pretty sure he was serious.

You left off the best part: "what are you, gay?"

It's hilarious that Opie looks at good work relationships as con jobs done to advance oneself.

"He talks to everyone." Yeah - because he wants his co-workers' respect, you fat titted asshole.

Opie leaves the second the show ends, he doesn't talk to anyone outside that studio. OPIE is a delusional out of touch old man who never held a job in the real world.

That's simply not true. Opie does this, but only with the faggot management types that he schmoozes with to try to get ahead, who are also soulless old dipshits like Opie, and the only ones he has anything in common with.

He tries to do this with his co-workers by shitting on management and faking rage at their actions when he probably came up with half of those ideas. Fuck Opie lol.

I'm pretty sure Opie is hated by management, in fact I think I remember that they do.

No, he had jobs... Golf caddy, pizza delivery boy, radio hack intern, marshmallow logistics coordinator, bra model, full time Radio hack, spuds Buckley, ear rapist.. see The Opester has been around!

He is the last Neanderthal. He must secure a future for his race.

You left off the best part: "what are you, gay?"