Opie's angry that Sam "took a shortcut", FA LA LA LA LA

11  2016-10-07 by TangerineReam

Can't accept that former interns are doing better than a 60 year old with 20+ years of experience, FA LA LA LA LA

All the bridges are gone, FA LA LA LA LA

"At this rate; 5 years from now you'll being doing OVERNIGHTS", FA LA LA LA LA


tits and ant reunite, FA LA LA LA LA

out of monetary desperation, FA LA LA LA LA

but just after 2 shows, FA LA LA LA LA

the novelty wears of, FA LA LA LA LA

thennnnnn AAAAant and Tiiiiiiits are dead (because: old)

Sam is the sub's hero now fa la la fags

Fuck you. FalalLala

That escalated quickly job circus

Tit is doing shitty podcasts to promote his shitty show.FA LA LA LA LA

Sam works harder than the lot fa la la la