Which is better - Opie's show or Jimmy & Sam?

0  2016-10-06 by [deleted]

There definitely haven't been enough threads here discussing this lately so I just wanted to see where were all at.


Jim & Sam.

So we got 1 in the Jim & Sam column. Thank you sir. How about you other guys though? I need your input too. This is important stuff.

I have peckha

I don't think anybody really likes Opie's show they just joshin

I dont like the nature of their joshing though, its not good.

Why don't you go out in the woods or somethin


Jim and Sam was great today.

Did you know Anthony called into both shows?

mouth drops you're kidding me?!

It's jaw drop stupid

thanks, sweetie

puts cock in /u/chiponmy_shoulder's mouth

Jim & Sam.

Jim and Sams show have had a decent hour here or there, Opie's has been more consistent throughout. Perhaps it's the format and the amount of guests or the annoyingly cheeky rapport between Jim and Sam that's bothered me

Horsecock and Haramberts.

Horsecock and Sam. Opie's backup comedian hour(s) is boring as fuck...

So far Opie's shows have been better.

Why don't you go out in the woods or somethin