What allergy is it that causes you to mispronounce words?

27  2016-10-06 by Dennyislife

Any time someone corrects or laughs at Opie's flubs he blames his allergies. Just admit you are a dumb fuck and move on.


i would say autism, but Opie isnt smart enough to have autism...

Chris Chan is smarter than Opie. And he has more humor value.

He's allergic to humor.

Profound mental retardation. Dr. Steve could verify.

Too many cocks in his mouth pushed his teeth out of alignment which causes him to speak in an odd manner, thus causing words to sound mispronounced.



Answer: Acute Stupidity

Bells Palsey

I know he has an allergy to comedy!!! Lolz Hahaha am I right guys... ah boo..


Dassabessodaitice, technically it's viral, but commonly gets mis diagnosed as an allergy.

there is a possible out here in the fact that some drugs used to combat pussy-ass allergies do cause a generally loopy, fogged-out feeling

but that's not what he said

and he's a proven dolt

Allergy to literacy.



It's a sign of brain death similar to decerebrate posturing.