Noon in LA with Tits and the Gays, 10/06/16; a listening thread so you don't have to

95  2016-10-06 by RamonFrunkis

Guests: Pete Davidson, DiStefano, and Theo Von. Management LOVES the new direction of the new show!

I had the intention of doing another today because you peckahs enjoy them. But in the first 30 minutes, they've talked about:

1) The hurricane

2) The idiot child who was eaten by an alligator in Orlando like two months ago

3) Oqie trying to relate to "the youth" by saying he tried the edibles before fishing (presumably why he was posting aquarium videos?) but since Pete says he leaves a day after doing them to recover, Tits says "yeah I couldn't get the dosage right so I'm going to do the wax." Sounding as comfortable as a octogenarian discussing SnapChat.

4) They spent 10 minutes literally just going through Tits' Instagram while the "comics" commented. Pete said Oqie "Instagram is like a teenage girl's, sunsets, meals, beach photos."

5) Sleep studies for another 10 minutes...

6) DiStefano says "the Chinese have the best posture because they get hit if they do anything wrong."

  • Tits says, "no it's because they don't have toilets in China".

  • Pete, "is it because the toilet is too big and they fall in?" everyone laughs.

  • Oqie for literally NO FUCKING REASON tags this by singing, "DOWN ON THUUUUNDEEEER ROOOAD" to the tune of "Jungleland."

I seriously can't do this.

7) E-Rock brings up fancy Japanese toilets that clean your butt, presumably to tie to talking about Jim's toilet on today's Morning Jam

8) Tits brings up Charles Nelson Reilly for the second time in three days. How relevant!

9) Just talking about Alec Baldwin for another five minutes.

10) Ooo.. more uninformed political talk.

  • TV: "I was going to vote for Trump, but now I'm not so sure."

  • CDS: "100% of Trump supporters will vote for him. About half of Hillary voters will vote for her."

11) Takes a call: Dan in Detroit, "For Pete to say that his family is uneducated for voting for Trump is kind of ridiculous because you look at the other side of the spectrum and Hillary has 33,000 missing emails, four dead people in Benghazi, all the people that are dead around her conveniently, this fucking cunt is no better than him." that isn't a point, it makes no logical sense.

He's a registered Republican and was never a fan of Trump but liked Rubio and we'll be no better off with either one and Tits rushes him to shut up.

12) Tits reminds us that Pete said Trump can't read and he thought it was sooo funny when Trump first announced he was running and thought a Trump presidency would be hilaaaarious but then woke up one day and said, "this isn't ffffawkin funny anymore!" He had never said that on the radio.

13) DiStefano says Pence won because "he's a master debater...!" I said on yesterday's thread Club Soda Kenny sounded like he was doing retarded Chris DeStefano jokes as a character. Not I'm completely convinced.

14) Theo Von is convinced Donald Trump murdered Natalee Holloway. An 11 year-old reference, no wonder Tits thinks it's huhLAReeus. Pete says, "Wow, you just say crazy shit. No one likes you but you say some crazy shit."

15) Only took 40 minutes to bring up Theo doing Orgasmic Meditation and masturbating 60 year old women.

  • TV: "I just did one this morning in Stoiy-vess-aynt Town."

  • PD: "It's Sty-vuh-sant Town.." (which anyone who's lived in NY for more than a week would know)

  • Oqie: "Was she a pet owner? Did she have a cat? Did she have cat hair on her pussy ahhahahaha"

  • Everyone: "Jeeeesus, Oqie.. wow." «insert car crash noise here»

16) CDS apparently told people tells people he looks like the blind kid from Dumb and Dumber and they TOTALLY believe him!

17) CDS is asking Theo questions about orgasmic meditation and Oqie is answering for him every time.


19) CDS says he was jerked off by old women with tennis elbow... ya.. sure

20) Jason Biggs, or "The American Pie guy" as CDS calls him, walked by the studio wearing sunglasses, looked in the window, kept walking, and walked into a door frame. It's the first entertaining thing that happened.

21) They're watching some Mamma Mia audition video. He can't sing and it's amusing."

  • TV gets excited and says, "but did you see how symmetrical his face is?!"

  • CDS: "Yeah.. he's fucking BEAUTIFUL, man!"

22) Back to fingerbanging grandmas...zzzzzz

23) Oqie wants to burn Doctor Steve's house down with his wife and children in it? Because of files or something? Dafuq. Pete Davidson is leaving so the rest of the show is going to suck. Going to break.

CDS playing Morty's in Indianapolis, HOuse of Comedy in Phoenix after. Theo Laughign Skull Lounge iN atland Oct 20-23, Brea Improv "third through the sixth of 'Novembra'."


1) Kevin Hart! No, not his movie (yet). His Town Hall 10/12, visit before 10/7 to get free tickets

2) Foxxhole Comedy Channel!

3) What's the scariest thing about going to the dentist? "This is fucking REAL dental insurance, okay?!" ad again...

4) Credit Associates to consolidate your debt. 800-900-8407.. This was on yesterday too.. no?

5) Imagine waking up in the morning without fumbling.. SAME LASIK AD FROM YESTERDAY? AM I IN GROUNDHOG DAY?!


7) As Hurricane Matthew makes its way up the East Coast, as a public service SiriusXM has teamed up with the Weather Channel on Sirius 184, XM channel 1 until the danger passes.

8) Franchising a drive-thru coffee kiosk or drive-thru coffee house with Scooter's coffee might be what you've been looking for! provided you don't live anywhere with any of these, these, these, these, THESE, these, these


10) The same moldy CPAP mask commercials from yesterday...

11) Kevin Hart's comedy stadium tour movie... AGAIN

12) XM 103, SIRIUS 206 THE BOYS ARE BACK!! wait... no.. it's the Chuck call from yesterday's show... HA HA!! GET IT?!

13) The Opie Show is back!

1) ME: Pete Davidson said he stopped by just to see how I was doing!

he did not... at least on air.

2) Oqie still maintains he was "done dirty", says it five times in 40 seconds. Still maintains that Scott Greenstein said "you're the star in this situation, you're the star!" he also 'admitted' taht "we don't, uhhh, really need all these morning show because of Howard" and "he promised big name guests but so far we haven't had SHIT".

3) Rich.. someone is in studio. He's been here for many minutes with no introduction.

4) Vos' stinky ear video with Vic talking about road kill! Allergy talk! Theo's relative had a pet beaver or some shit.. oh it's apparently Rich from Covino and Rich?

5) Oqie complaining about their old stuido:

  • ME: There were naked chicks running around, everyone was fffawkin DRUNK, and there was that ONE FFFAWKIN GUY wouldn't leave their old studio at XM!

  • E-Rock: "Johnathan Schwartz from the Sinatra channel. XM built the studio just for him when they acquired him because the old President LOVED this guy and this was going to be the main studio outside of the one at Lincoln Center. And it was easy listening and jazz and they said, 'let's throw O&A in there'. He was Milton from Office Space, he was in his corner and wouldn't leave. The refrigerator would be emptied into his garbage can, boxes were stacked so he couldn't get to his desk."

  • Gregg "the (career) Destroyer" Hughes

6) Rich: "Is there a conversation goign on between you, Sam, and Jim?"

  • ME: FFFFFFFAWK NO. I'm just gonna... let that.. uhh.. fffawkin sit there

  • Rich: "What was the last communication with you and Jim?

  • ME: Uhh.. oh he wished me well because I had a family emergency. In a text. That was it. Neither guy told me that this shit was going down. I know that would have been a tough conversation. I know that Jimmy doesn't owe me anything but uh day I'm in the office down the hall and they're really, "you're moving to ffff. afternoons" and I'm like "ff..the hel.. err.. uhh.. the hell I'm..HELL NO!". They're like, "no, we're serious." and I'm like.. "WHAAAAAAAAT?!"

  • Rich: As a fan and just a guy that respects you guys, what's Sam's role in all this? Cus I know you're like a mentor to him but then he's working with Jimmy is he sorta stuck in the middle?

  • ME: I think uhhh.. look, Jimmy.

  • Rich: There's like an opportunity for him, but then you're like his guy, aren't you?

ME (flatly): No..This.. WOW, okay here we go. First of all, Jimmy could easily do a radio show by himself. I think Sam went for the shortcut, he had enough pull around here where he could have easily said no. He had his own show going on and his own brand. Uhhh.. he said on their show uhhh something about how we kinda grew apart. But the reason we grew apart, and it's partly my PROBblem, all of a sudden a couple guys around he started telling me that Sam's talking shit about you behind you're back and I'm like, "there's no FFAWKin way the guy I LITERALLY showed him how to do this, LITERALLY after his internship told him you know, you make sure you stay close to this place, uhhhh, ya know, fought for him for raises and jobs and helped him get his show off the ground, there's NO WAY this guy is shit talking me so I was actually mad at the people that told me that. I'm like it's not, there's no way he would do that. And then uhh I'm leaving names out this, if people want to come forward, they're more than welcome. Then there's someone that came... uhhhhhhhh, around, that uhhh not as familiar with the situation and the people here and they also told me that, they're like watch your back, watch out for Sam. I'm like giiiiit the fuck out of here. So my fault in this whole thing is that I should have, uh, confronted him and talked to him about it and I DIDN'T and then we sorta talked less and less and less and less to the point where, ya know, he basically is doing the morning show and he didn't FAWKIN reach out to tell me that's what going down.

  • Rich: "Did you find out some of these things like other people did? Like reading shit online?"

  • ME: I really do try to avoid all the hate sites. So no, it was people that came up to me and said Sam's talking behind your back and I'm like there's no fucking waaaay. No FFFAWKIN WAAAAAAY.

  • TV: "Wow! It's like Radio of Thrones!.... That Radio of Thrones right here, I love it! We need a little bit of PUSS up in here!" ughhhh way to kill it granny fucker.

7) TV: "I was bummed.. I was bummed that that worked out with you and Jimmy"

  • ME: That's my honest take on it. I think Sam went for the shortcut and Jimmy certainly doesn't need anyone to do a radio show. They feel like they can do a really good radio show together, so whatever, that's up to them. But I was very surprised that Sam would do that because he has his own thing going on. So anyway.

  • CDS: "And now you got me and Theo, fucking Dumb and Dumber."

  • TV: "You're way dumber than me, you idiot."

  • CDS: "You're FUCKING dumb."

  • TV: "Dude, look at you. You look.. muh.. you look like a f... you look like a b.. like a, uh.. like a premature BABY! that grew up. That's what you look like, dude."

  • CDS: "..WHAT?!"

  • TV: "Like you're gonna live to 80 but you'll never make nine months, bruh! You know what I'm talking about?"

  • CDS: "What the FUCK are you talking about? You're SO dumb."

  • TV: "He's underdeveloped. Look at him, he's underdeveloped!"

  • CDS: "That was like a boomerang of dumb. Like you threw dumb out and got hit back in the head with dumb."

  • TV: "Yeah cus you guys don't have education!... idiot!"

wow... that was fucking HORRIBLE

8) Now they're talking about Covino and Rich. Who gives a shit. Theo interrupts with this relevant bit:

TV: "Yeah.. lot of pedia-philes out there... There are. Well, the problem is they don't really have a place for them to go and they're out there and I feel like we gotta start tagging these people, putting a thing around their neck. We used to play kickball with the pet-a-files... Cus once you know they're a pet-a-file"

ME: Woaaahhh... what do you mean you played with pedophiles.

TV: "we'd get out there and play against them cus they had this law, we were in a league together, we were the grey team I think, but they had this law where you used to have to go around door-to-door and tell everyone you're a pedophile, remember that?"

CDS: "You still have to.. Your neighborhood gets identified. If a pedophile moves into your neighborhood, you get something in the mail, there's apps for it, of course that's still a rule."

Rich: "By the way, don't look at those things because you'll be terribly shocked at how many people are close by."

ME: WAIT DIS RED DOT IS COMING FROM MY LIVING ROOM! Wait.. MEEE?! EHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

9) Chris DeStefano is talking about some guy in PA who was wrongfully convicted for drug charges and was forced to be silent for 22 years?

ME: I kinda like that though. I like the silence. Most people just babble.. Babble about nonsense.


10) ME: Is this Doctor Steve? I gotta another thing we gotta do, we gotta talk about dildos, Theo. (wait.. they already did a thing?) It's educational... awwrite?

  • E-rock: "We gotta call him back on the hard line."

  • ME: Okay we're calling Doctor Steve because we're trying to figure out how they get the new clit if you go male to female

  • TV: "Someone told me they take some of your brain stem and put a little chunk of it in your nnnUTS!"

  • ME: Let's do this, I got an idea. We get him on the phone, we all tell him how we think they get the new clit.

  • CDS: "See who's the closest?"

  • ME: How much money we got? There's no betters in this room?

  • CDS: "It's potentially got something to do with embryonic development, and whatever nerves were there and I don't know"

  • TV: "Are you guessing words right now? Hurrdurr I'm a bayou battyboy, I don't know that embryonic is a word."

  • CDS: "So it's either a piece of your ear, which is wrong, or some piece of some type of spinal nerve, I don't know which one, and they attach that to a piece of skin probably taken from the back of a leg somewhere."

  • TV: "Dude, are you reading this off of something that's WRONG!" cocky little shit is bombing.

  • ME: This was supposed to be a fun little quick thing and you're getting all clinical and shit! Rich Davis:

  • Rich: "I was going to say maybe something with a little elasticity like elbow skin so you could form the vagina. OH, just the clit, you want to FEEL the penis?"

  • TV: "This one I'm gonna say, Mr. Doctor, I believe that they take a little bit of you brain stem and they put a little bit of it in a chunk of your nut meat and they put a little bit of that brain stem in there for the nerves and they G that out a little bit and put that at the top of the old, uh, vag-in-ell, brother.

  • ME: I'm going with the helmet. They save a little of the helmet and they restructure it as your NEW cuhhLIT

  • TV: ANd it works afternoons now.

  • Dr. Steve: Gender reassignment surgery, the primary aspect of this is a vaginoplasty where you're basically creating a vagina out of scrotum and perineum, which is taint. So basically you put the person in a pap smear position and you pull the penis back towards their ear and you make this looping incision that goes up one side of the scrotum, up to the base of the penis and down the other side and now that opens everything up.


  • DS: "And they you dissect up the ventral side of the penis (underside), dissect up there, and pull all of this stuff apart and you make this big flat... hold on the hospital is calling me, this is terrible timing." (HAHAHAHAHAH) "Oh wait, it was a weather report."

  • ME: YOU WORK HOSPICE, THEY COULD WAIT (crickets)... maybe not.. Ehhhhhh

  • DS: "So you pull this flap away and you have this dissected penis that's much smaller than it was before, then you dissect the urethra away from the shaft of the penis and then you cut all this stuff away to make a stump. NOW, then you gotta go into the taint and open it all up but you can fold all this stuff into the taint and invaginate it and create a vagina. Now, I can show you, I can send you a picture of one of these done because it's kind of amazing how lifelike these can be when they're done correctly."

  • ME: Mmmm... please send pictures.

fast foward

  • ME: What part is the clit?

  • DS: "Well, okay, so, here's the thing. Part of that is penile tissues, part of it is the nerves that are in the penis are still there, they're just in the top part of the vagina so when you shove another penis in there, you get that spinal reflex and you have an orgasm just like you would with your penis. Hold on, I'm gonna send this picture to E-Rock."

  • TV: "You send that JPEG, brotha. But I got a question for you, Mr... uhhhhhh... Mr. Wizard. Do they have aaaa... can you make it so someone can POOP out of their PENIS or is that impossible.

  • DS: "Uhh.. you can, but it's horrible. Hang on just a second"

  • TV: "Ahh... I want it, bro. I hate pooping out of the back!! Cus it's just a problem. You don't think it's a problem?"

11) They look at the photo of the transexual. They might tweet the photo of the constructed vagina. Who cares.

  • TV: "I can't look at it, it's pornography." <-- what "What's the, uhh, biggest dick you ever made, mister?" <-- is he retarded "I'm not doing pornography right now" (it's a medical photo) "because my senses are already jacked up now when it comes to sex." (must be all the granny fucking) "I have one more question, is the doctor still on? I gotta keep my senses clean, brotha. Yessuh, do you think like vaginas and everything will look different in the future cus like because we're evolving or something?"

  • DS: "Cus we're evolving? The only reason we'd change is if there's environmental pressure on us to change. So there's a natural variation in the human genome, so some vaginas are meatier and some have less stuff and some are bigger and some are smaller."

  • TV: "and some want to thumb wrestle! I can show you one that wants to thumb wrassle!" crickets.. STOP. FUCKING. HYSTERECTOMY CUNTS.

  • DS: "So if there was some environmental pressure that pressured meaty vaginas, for example, if for some reason there was something in our environment that would create a situation where those people would be more likely to pass their genes on to the next generation, then over hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of years then, yes, all people may have these giant meaty vaginas and the people who don't have meat flaps hanging down to their knees would be the weird ones."

  • TV: "And Boar's Head will rule the world, is what you're saying at that point? (crickets....) I'm in."


  • CDS: "Doctor Steve, what's your thoughts about.. uhh.. umm.. my daughter of 17 months getting a flu shot?"

  • DS: "Well, who's at risk of getting seriously ill from influenza? The very young and the very old. So if they're offering it, I would do it." The flu shot this year looks pretty good.

12) ME: I... DOCTOR STEVE!!! I hear the dog in the background. D-d-d-did he, uhhhh, did he see the peanut butter? huhuhuhuh (weak, polite laughter from the room.)

  • DS: "No.. I just got him in his crate and he's pissed."

  • TV: "I bet he's pissed! You've been cutting his junk up for a couple....! probably practicing on the dog! You've been Rubix cubing his junk over there.. I'm sure he IS a little TO'd!" Got Theo is HORRIBLE

  • ME: All right, Steve, are you still on the channel? I don't even know.

  • Doctor Steve: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, thanks, Ope, I'm still on the channel.

  • ME: I used to be in c-c-complete control and now I'm, uh, I'm I'm just focusing on.. THIS!

  • DS: I used to be on 10 pm on Saturdays. And Don and E-Rock are still working the schedule out so we're still on but we don't know when.

  • E-Rock: "Find it on demand."

  • ME: Is this hurricane (which is making landfall on the East Coast) gonna hit you? (in Tennessee)

  • DS: Ummm... no, we're REALLY inland, but I'm taking my kids to Disney World, supposed to go tomorrow but I guess we're going to go down Saturday..

  • E-Rock: Disney closes today as of 5 pm eastern and they don't know when it'll reopen tomorrow if they do.

  • ME: It'll probably be a couple days. (without a hint of sarcasm:) Will you even be able to fly down today?

Yes, Oqie, commercial airliners are allowed to fly into a Category 4 Hurricane. YOU FUCKING MORON.

  • TV: "I got one more question for the doctor. Uhh, yessuh, are you still there? Soo.. do you think a lot of people.. like, if there's a big storm coming, is it a good time to like kinda muuuurderrr a spouse or something? Don't people do that? Do you see, hear about a lot of that? Like people that come in that are victims of like storm violence?"

  • ME: IT'S NOT A BAD QUESTION! (yes it is, Tits. Yes it is.)

  • DS: "I have not seen that.. but we were talking about Katrina, like that one guy during Hurricane Katrina that was like, 'Thank God' had to pay off a bookie the next day and he didn't have to do it. But other than that, no, I don't see it, sorry.

  • TV: "Good time to murder! You gotta get it in, somebody's gonna kill somebody anyway."

  • ME: Thanks, Steve. (grumbling..) thank you for all the uhhhh allergy advice... seasonal allergies... wonderful... oh yea we should take a break. We posted a video of TWO JEWS TALKING! Club Soda Kenny and Judy Gold talking about Mikveh yesterday so uhhhh yeah go to the YouTube channel, OpieRadio. The Anthony video side-by-side is up there aaaaayyyynd what else, OH YEAH I gotta

  • E-Rock: It's gonna be up on the podcast too. That's coming back so the Opie and Anthony call will be up on the podcast on iTunes under Opie Radio.

  • ME: And just cus people just NEED to know, and I don't blame 'em. yes, Anthony texted me today. We went a little back-and-forth today.

  • TV: "WoooOOOOW.. dude!"

  • ME: Cus we gotta lotta FAWKIN press outta that thing.

  • E-Rock: "Was it like his last text."

  • ME: (pretending to be stupid).. wwha..what was his last text?

  • E-Rock: "The one you got mad at."

  • ME: Oh... oh E-Rock.. We're trying to keep it all

  • E-Rock: "It's the spirit of the show..." Laughter abounds..

  • ME: Ohhh... E-Rock.

  • TV: "Are you happy that you guys spoke?"

  • ME: YAA!!! Yeah, I am. It's a huge weight off my shoulders. It just seemed like it was time finally. It probably should have been time way before Monday but whatever ummm.. ##DILDOS!!! Judy Gold was talking about dildos yesterday and she mentioned she had a purple one. SO I wanna know why a purple dildo, I wanna know how you clean it for REAL I used to always think you just threw it in there with the dishes, what's the lifespan, and I'm assuming your lesbian partner has her own dildo so how do you kinda.."



  • TV: "I know her, I know of her, but I didn't know she was a lesbian."

  • ME: and how do you tell the dildos apart if you kinda have similar dildos with you, uh,, layydeeee

  • CDS: "That's interesting, I don't know" (No it's not, Chris. No it's not.) Then he tells a totally real story about living with an older couple in Lower East Side a couple years ago that had kitchen tools like egg beaters for food and then sexual kitchen tools but the apartment was so small they kept them pretty much in the same place. Then he slept with the old bitch after they broke up and she gave him chlamydia.


Opie then tells the story of Patrice's dildo collection and Theo goes,

13) TV: "Yeah, and then he DIED! Oh, my bad."

  • The entire room: "oohhhhh... no..."

14) Plugs:

  • CDS: "Morty's Comedy Club, Indianapolis next week. Week after, House of Comedy in Phoenix. @ChrisDComedy on Twitter and NETFLIX ON BENDERS.... I mean... BENDERS on NETFLIX."

Rich Davis, who I legitimately forgot was in the room: What are you doing with this channel? Are you still gonna be on this channel?


RD: "The logo is nice."

ME: I like the logo.

CDS: "The T-Shirts are fucking EXCELLENT."

ME: ooOOoOOoo thank you, Chris DiStefano. You can go to to get your t-shirts, a couple new designs up there, going veryyyyyyyy.. moderately. And the logo is more manly, thank god. They threw a very wussy logo at me at first and BOY did they make fun of it out there.

Anyone got the old, new logo? Can't believe I missed it.

RD: Covino and Rich 10-1 East Coast time, 7-10 West Coast. Every morning on the West Coast, channel 93, Rush 93.


TV: "Happy to be here, man. I actually have a mild erection right now. (crickets) And I'm not sure where it came from... (crickets).. so it's kinda cool, a little mystery in my pants. I didn't look at the porno but I've been thinking about it and have been stimulated the old-fashioned way so I'm thanking God for this little bone I got going."

No wonder Oqie likes him, he's fucking Southern Oqie.. Dull, unfunny, stupid, and and bland.

Break #2, not doing the third.

1) This is what happened last time on Jim Norton and Sam Roberts. YAAAAY!!!

2) Commercial for Desert Trip Radio, Channel 26 and on your phone.


4) TransEnd MiniCPAP 1-800-946-9857


6) Kevin..... Hart... again....

7) If you keep business data on yoru computers.. sounds like E-Rock talking over the commercial? Cuts out.. Carbonite.

8) Billy Joel radio

9) Moldy CPAP commercial again yay! 1-800-933-2959

10) Credit card debt commercial again.. Freedumb Debt Relief 1-800-556-6131

11) In a world.. where Kevin Hart.. Is 25% of OqieRaqio's advertising..

12) OqieRaqio is back! With Rancid



Dude, stop. You're going to wind up killing yourself if you keep this up.

It will be an honourable death


Just downloaded it but haven't watched yet, looking forward to this weekend!


It's like those engineers from Chernobyl. God bless.

the elephant's tits

I hope you take a piss break once in a while. Bladder blowout is no laughing matter

Yaaaay I love these. Please keep doing it.

Oqie for literally NO FUCKING REASON tags this by singing, "DOWN ON THUUUUNDEEEER ROOOAD" to the tune of "Jungleland."

I need a clip of this before I can believe it happened.

I believe it without the clip, but I need the clip.

Can one man be this autistic?Can one man be this autistic?

I got SO uncomfortable reading that. Holy fucking shit. What an untalented dunce.

He was singing yesterday too. He cut someone off 3 times singing like the first 3 notes of a song.

"yeah I couldn't get the dosage right so I'm going to do the wax." Sounding as comfortable as a octogenarian discussing SnapChat.

Jesus fucking Christ. Yeah, I'm sure the guy who's too scared to do a "baby hit" is going to start doing dabs of wax.

He probably thinks it's a candle.

These threads are the best. I love hearing how aweful opie is without actually hearing him

Theo Von is horrendous. What the fuck, how is he in studio? I'm so fucking angry that I even know this retard's name. Fuck

Theo Von

Isn't he the guy from like the first Road Rules?

Opie says sam talked behind his back too and took the short way up when describing that he took his job.

Nothing is ever the fault of Opie...

Considering Sam's history, would this being true really surprise anyone?

Maybe the talking behind his back thing, but the "shortcut"? Dude has worked step by step from being an unpaid intern to producer to host over the last 12 years. I don't know how anyone can consider this a shortcut.

Sam really has worked his balls off. And he was always nice to Opie publicly and loyal.

my vagiiiiinaaaaaa

Chris doesn't sound very smart. But I hear his dad was in the mafia so that's pretty cool huh?

The Gay Mafia maybe.

fawk yeah! peckah sucka. tony suckdickpro er sumptin


Tit thought the show would be better if he got rid of Jimmy.

Someone tweet Opie that 500mg is the perfect starting point for edibles for a guy just looking for a little taste.

Edit: OP, thanks for these. I couldn't get through the first break even with Pete in. Then reading your recaps in 5 minutes instead of punishing myself for 2 full hours, I was able to catch an actual tidbit of something interesting(Opie on Sam being a snake).

Chris had a good point about Chinese posture. But hes still a queer.

For Pete's sake.

Only suffering through this show for Pete Davidson.

Had to check out yesterday after a few minutes of the yelling and the Kenny and the yelling and the Kenny but am coping with today's edition so far…

Uh-oh. Pete left. Gotta go. He's my ride.

It's Double Digit IQ's in the Afternoon with your host Opie and his special guests Theo and Chris.

To clarify: When you say double digit IQ you mean collectively, not individually; right?

Why am I listening?

Rich (from CO-vino and Rich) is on the outs with the Morning Mashup crew because apparently he left that show to go to the west coast and do Covino & Rich fulltime.

Opie screamed, litrully shrieked, "SO THAT'SSSSSSSSSS WHERE MY MONEY WENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He also said Sam "did him dirty" and a few people warned him to watch out for Sam. Opie said he literally taught him how to do radio, but he took a shortcut and did the morning show with Jim.

He's also said that been assured that he's "the star" of afternoons, and there's too many morning shows, so some need to go.

So it's Opie, Theo Von, Chris De Stefano, E-Rock, and Pete Davidson for a short time, to be replaced at some point by Doug Benson.

Good to see Opie's able to do a show by himself.

I wasn't going to write out that Mashup stuff because I was trying to get some work done but oh well..

I would love to throw some Scooter's coffee right in Opie's face.

Jimmy certainly doesn't need anyone to do a radio show.

Somebody never heard that shitty advice show he did by himself.

Now I have to listen to this horseshit. From reading this thread opie sounds like he just hates Jimmy and didn't want to see him getting any kind of help, and it sounds like the worst effort imaginable to cover up his babyish spite. Why does he care so much what Sam does and doesn't do? Again, it sounds like he's barely covering up raw emotion - I WANTED MORNINGS! WAH! THEY SHOULDN'T GET MY MORNINGS WAH! - with utter drivel pouring out of his mouth. Even for this fat titted dummy it's surprising he can't think of a smarter way to rail against what happened.

Does Pete davidson even do stand-up. Doesn't he have better shit do in the morning. Why the hell is he even always on radio show? Plugging SNL so more people will tune in to watch him on SNL?

I mean this Chris and Theo fight is actually entertaining.

The idiot child who was eaten by an alligator in Orlando like two months ago

And weren't the Opie ballwashers just complaining about Sam and Jim talking about Corey Feldman because it was too old?

They did the same "butt washer" toilet and wet wipes break. Again.

"I couldn't get the dosage right so I'm going to try the wax"

What a special guy

Opie is all in with The Pot.

"I'm leaving names out of this, but if they want to come forward". Throwing Erock under the bus

Thanks for doing this and suffering for us. I'm sorry you aren't deaf.

But now I wish I was blind

I hope Theo gets hit by a speeding bus walking out of the building. He sucks so bad he makes Opie look like a genius. He's seriously dropping some Bobo lines.

Theo Von is one thirsty bitch.

child rapists should be forced to listen to this show every day instead of prison.

You expertly capture Opie's essence in the written form. If you could do the equivalent on pretty much any other subject you'd be a rich and famous poet or lyricist.

/u/RamonFrunkis How could that transcription fire you for performance issues? This week you've demonstrated that your transcripts are accurate and fast. If I owned a transcription company I'd hire you.

Thank you for your service

Does anyone else just come here to see if he dropped any bombs on Jim or Sam? Couldn't be any less interested in anything he has to say.

TV: "Like you'll live to 80 but you'll never make nine months! You know what I'm talking about?

That's like the shit Bobo would say when Sam wasn't writing insults for him. Is this faggot a downie?

You're such a masochist, it's incredible.

THanks for transcribing Dr. Steve's dialogue though, the only worthwhile part of all this flaming diarrhea car crash as always

God bless Erock for bringing up Anthony's text

How the hell does Opie keep getting these guys to essentially come in on their own dime and basically co-host the radio show for free? It's one thing if they come in for half an hour or so to plug their gigs, but you got Vos basically show up and doing the entire radio show.

I mean, I know Vos is kind of a punchline in a lot of situations but does he really need to keep doing this for free? I figured he was above Sherrod and Henley in the business.

Opie financed the Rich and Bonnie Women Aren't Funny doc.. They are also friends.

well, they are friends because he financed their movie..

Oh muh gawd. This is so thorough. You even changed the font to match his dumb high voice. You're like a tard-stenographer.

I can't believe you're still doing this. And I keep reading it.

For the love of Dennis, how the fuck can Sam NOT do a Jocktober of Oqie?

The man(?) is begging for it.

Theo Von is an escort; right?

This sounds like an enjoyable program

Pete Davidson is leaving so the rest of the show is going to suck

Smart man.


Take a fella break.

Thank you for the post. You are doing gods work. Love that management loves the show.

So now he loves working afternoons?

You're a king among men, OP

So Theo just called Opie a reconstructed pussy, fantastic.

Well... Opie is going to be devastated when he hears this breaking news.

those robbers are good eggs for not raping that lady!

Digital Music News presents a very compelling argument that she fabricated the "robbery."

jesus christ someone get Jessie Ventura and his team in here in INVESTIGATE THE COVER UP

I don't know if this is dedication, brilliant, autism, or some combination of the three. God speed sir.

I'm on day four of my two weeks' notice, and I'm leaving tomorrow at 1. I couldn't give less of a fuck if... uhh.. if uhh I uhh. WAIT HOLDONHOLDONHOLDON.... uhh... peckahs.

Moving up or just movin out?


So, is this the 'different' direction he was talking about with Ant? Doing the exact same thing as O&A but without the talent? Ant was really being nice by offering tits some good advice in ditching the whole comics route and trying something new.

funny how @opieshow has 100k followers within 3 days and jimandsamshow has a realistic amount. Opie is so obsessed with "his numbers" he has to be buying fake follows right?

He just changed the name of the old account.

Holy shit, Opie.. Pathetic.

That description by Dr. Steve was painful to read. Jesus.

Ha "The logo's nice" Opie on the channels logo.

I fear for your health if you keep doing thiso to yourself ramonfrunkis :(

Theo is a fucking nut.

Bless you for doing this.

Opie- "But you heard Jimmy! In October he's done!"

Greenstein- "No, Gregg. In October, YOU'RE done."

Are you fucking autistic? Thanks for doing this.

So what you're saying is it was a great show?

'Radio of Thrones'?? Dude read my post yesterday! Hooray!

Your part was actually not horrid. A merry peckahs to you.

Holy shit dude.

Is this some kind of bet payoff?

Theo Von Douche Chill. Fucking yuck!

I felt the pain without even having to listen. Well done, OP. Keep them coming.

Tits and The Gays - "Tune in for a mouthful of cum!"

The cadence. I can hear his voice in my head. Asshole!

Don't have time to read the whole thing, but Theo Von fucking stinks. So does Opie.

So Theo Von has become one of the new Opster favorites

The Chris Destafianoio guy, Theo Von - holy shit. What a fucking nightmare.

Thank you for your service.

Best titles ever. And I mean that sincerely. Not in a passive aggressive, sarcastic way that most comments are

i need to hear the Chris vs Theo fight.. Please post the timestamp!!!! That sounds amazing. Thank you for your service.

You deserve a Purple Heart sir. Thank you for your service. I could barely finish reading this shit. I don't know how you listen to the whole fucking show.

Wow.. you hate Opie so you're obviously really cool but you obsess about it.. NOT COOL MAN!!!

Theo Vonn is funny and I like him as a stand up, but he drives me insane on anything audio because he has that constant nervous chuckle. I can't stand it.

hes really crushing the southern wigger comedy game

That def wasn't a good bit. I've seen him crush at the Comedy Store, he probably saves his shit bits like this for the faget Laugh Factory.

"What do they clean the tables with, syrup?" made me laugh.


The show was actually pretty damn good. GFY.

I'm just glad it's not a Nick Nolte interview

Idk I thought it wasn't bad. Jim brought up some weird references and to talk about Blue Chips... Totally forgot about that shit movie.

Holy fuck balls that was bad.. Jimmy dm'ed me on Twitter after i called it worse than Opie and judy gold..

What did he say?

Edit - pretty cool, cuz I tweeted some very negative shit

That was actually mature and diplomatic. It wasn't the best interview and Nolte sounded barely conscious, but it wasn't horrible. Old Hollywood stories are the cat's meow!

It was 3pm here and I nodded off half way through one of his stories.. This is supposed to wake people up on the way to work right?

Maybe you needed a nap, sweetie


Haha, the worm panders for listeners.

Did he block you?

Nah he was cool

Just downloaded it but haven't watched yet, looking forward to this weekend!