You think Jimmy is ever going to drop the A-bomb on Opie?

2  2016-10-06 by TangerineReam

I thought he would've after Opie's whole "Sam told me I should also fire Jim Norton" claim. Opie is dying on his own, coupled with Jim's little passive-aggressive jabs on the side, so its still really entertaining. I just wonder if Jim wants to use the A-bomb, or if he even HAS one ready.

I keep holding out hope everyday that I'll wake up to this sub with the news plastered all over the front page, with people screaming the "JIIIIIIIIMMMMYYY!" Goodfellas quote...


Opie needs to draw first blood. Then the Worm will not hold back

So the Sam wanting Jim fired thing wasn't drawing first blood?

Eh sorta. That was more of a laughable lie than anything. I tend to think of first blood as something private and personal. Like if Patrice was being used by Opie to get back at Jim, that would be the last straw for sure.

I think he was going to before O&A talked on the phone. That completely killed the tension that was building the last two or three weeks.

sadly this is correct

Theres gonna be some drama with a guest or something. As soon as opie steps on Jimmy's toes in a more tangible way, jimmy will explode. If opie was a flight attendant on the side, and happened to bump into jimmy on a plane, he'd be fucked.

Ha. Although that argument lends toward the fact that Jimmy would explode over something like that because he's an entitled cunt (which he is). That takes away from the fact that Opie is scum, and deserves it. Having said that; I'm still waiting for that figurative serving cart anyway.

Opie will do some behind the scenes shit. Jimmy won't read his email from teft explaining the situation, whatever it may be. Jimmy will come in with a spring in his step to do the mourning harambe show, but then find out the thing that happened. And then fireworks. That's my hope anyway.

If it doesn't happen, meh. I could live without it. It'd be pretty sweet if it does though

I agree, but I've been edging over all this drama. I want the A-bomb just so I can finish.