Calling Opie "Tits" is still funny...every single time.

69  2016-10-06 by Stuper_man03

It just never gets old. Even after reading this sub for the last couple of years there are still frequently times when a "Tits" is thrown out where I can't help but laugh out loud. For example, when the listener's thread for Opie's inaugural show on Tuesday was titled "Tits at Three" I laughed so many times that my boss even had to ask what was so damn funny.

I've only been listening for about 3 long has "Tits" been "Tits"? Has he ever had an on air meltdown over being called "Tits" by the sub? Other than Anthony's reference on Tuesday has anyone called him "Tits" face to face?


"Thanks for the mammaries." will forever be etched in time along with "One small step for man.." and "Pope said cunt."

Pope WROTE cunt! Get it right ya silly goose!

Bah I really am a horse's pitoot. Thanks for the save

Opie never acknowledges this sub.

Earlier this year, someone from the sub got through to the show and in a disaster of a phonecall, just kept awkwardly calling him "Tits". Club Soda Kenny ran into the studio and yelled at the caller, never giving him a chance to talk further, until Opie hung up on him.

He then did his "confused guy" voice and asked "Tits?" "What, do you want to see my tits? You like to suck on my tits or something? I don't get it."

It was exactly as bad as you'd expect.

I would love to suck on his Tits.

I came up with "Tits". Just sayin.


Club Soda Kenny ran into the studio and yelled at the caller, never giving him a chance to talk further

This is the same guy who was the loudest voice in the room every Jocktober. Always eager to bash the shit out of everyone and laugh at them for not wanting pictures of scat porn and Denny Falcone on their Facebook.

And his professional goon that he pays has to protect him from mean words.

Take all the famous incidents like the Cake Stomp out of it; how mean was this faggot to Erock or Bobo for years?

And he can't take people making fun of his fat juicy breasts, even though if he spent a quarter of the time at the gym doing arms and chest that he spent trying to get a "viral video", they'd be gone.

Titmule is my new favorite term for Greggs balleashers

It's gotten to the point where I don't even notice it anymore. To my brain it's basically like calling Anthony "Ant". It's just his name now.

What about Aunt, because he looks like an old lady now?

Don't think it originated from this clip but Patrice got a lil taste of the opsters delicious nips before his untimely demise.... If you reaaally must know... This clip always gets me howling...

Bob Kelly stepping on tit-shells ...

I love when people just call him Tit.

Tits on his first show asked why they called him sloth. Anthony played dumb a bit. LOL Then Ant was like yeah they were calling us Tits and Zits. Greg Hughes sounded like he was about to cry.

It's the tits


I Laughed at 'Noon in LA with Tits and the Gays. With Tranthony and Jimmy, O&A should have been tits and the gays anyway.

It is really funny. Believe it or not opie usta kinda get defended here pre ant firing. Then when noone could deny his awfulness he was dissected and the tits thing started

Titsenberg Hughes

Tit will always be Tits, no matter the physical appearance. He's a whiney bitch. Therefore, he's completely and distinctly earned his nickname.


Tits started with this sub, had to be after Anthony got fired. Things started picking up on here just before he got fired.


Did they even know enough about O&A to know about Opie's big freckled fat girl nippletitties? The people on the Howard sub don't seem as creative as here, it's like the grandma version of this sub.
