11  2016-10-06 by [deleted]


Ant was justified beating the shit out of him that night.

Ant was dumb having freaks like bobo and Big A at parties with kids and elderly family around.

Big A's a really good guy, he's just terrifying looking.

Compound Media needs to dress him as a clown in light of all the clown stories. Photoshop,anyone?

can you imagine Big A's breath fogging up an entire room full of family and loved ones? fucking disgusting

you know damn well everyone there knows those freaks are how Ant could buy that house (and pool) they get to enjoy. Knocking tin was never going to get him those things.

Ant's lifestyle was, or still is anarchy personified. Bobo yelling lick my cock and suck on my balls in front of children and the elderly and later face planting off of a 2" stage made it all worthwhile.


i love how he stumbles around and then crumples to the floor, tearing a hole in his fresh-off-the-rack Dockers.

He regurgitates a slurry of chlorinated burger at 8:39

i know, right? yecchh

It's like how a dog would happily eat dropped food off of a hairy carpet. Doesn't give a fuck. Shit, that burger was submerged for seconds. Sickening.

There's so many parts of this that made me laugh, but the best part was when the old lady began talking to him at 6:50 and Bobo is just oblivious to anything she was saying.

My favorite part is him babbling at the young kids about his missing glasses, and imagining how terrifying it must be for a 9 year old getting yelled at by a drunk mongoloid.

Mark Borchardt had an easier time directing Uncle Bill in American Movie. "It's alriiiiight, it's okaaaayy..."

Bobo's stumbling around like a bumbling idiot is a good visual representation of Keith's production skills.

An insult to Bobo's manual dexterity.

9:18 "I dont waaant you to kill yourself... your life is more important than a paaaair of glasssses"

"Cuzz I love this country! More than I love myself! And I love myself a laaaaaawwt!"

Was this the same night he puked in the studio?



"Cuzz I love this country! More than I love myself! And I love myself a laaaaaawwt!"