The biggest problem with Opie is not his lack of humor or self degradation, but his lies

20  2016-10-06 by TotallyNotObsi

I can forgive a person who steers the ship if he's not funny or terribly smart. Or even 8d he can't take a joke.

But the constant lies and backtracking is what makes me, a casual listener hate him so much.

Just admit it that you worked to get Ant fired after his twitter meltdown.

Admit it faggot with no "but ifs". Faggot


Nah its his lack of humor or talent

I think his neediness is up there as well. It's deplorable. For example the myriad of times he tried to get a line in, didn't get a laugh and then he proceeded to go: 'what, nothing on that? Really? I was a really funny line, I was laughing my balls off when I said it'....

No dummy, it was probably an awful line and people ignored it out of pity while awkwardly knowing full well you're not funny not articulate enough to be worth anyone's while...


Opie lied his ass off when he told Ant that he tried really hard to save his job! Does anyone else remember when Opie tried to act like team Anthony after he was fired but then after awhile he got pissed & admitted on the show that he didn't really try to save his job?

The spin was "He had a basement studio so I figured he didn't wanna work here anymore."

I'm fairly certain that any good lines were from "@ mentions" (all the shows twitter accounts) stealing them and using them as his own......because....he's not funny.

Yeah, if it got a laugh he would repeat it at least 5 times and run it into the fucking ground, but if it got nothing, he'd say, "thanks Jeff from Boston".

The thing is, Ant and Jim were so funny, I didn't realize what an unfunny dick Opie was until I started to listen to old clips.

How about his overwhelming need to try and control the way others view him?

Whenever the subject of child molesters came up, he always makes sure everyone knows how disgusting he thinks it is, and how angry it makes him. He'd repeat himself constantly. Just watch those old To Catch a Predator clips and you'll see what I mean.

Or how he's always bragging about he's not afraid of conflict and he always tells people what he thinks of them to their face, but he was apparently bitching about Jimmy and Ant to everyone but Jimmy and Ant themselves.

Or how when they were goofing on hoarders, he has to tell us dozens of times how he hates how people coddle mental illness. And how he refuses to talk about his mother but also won't shut the fuck up about her at the same time.

No, it's his delusion and unawareness. He clearly needs mental health help. Some kind of therapy.

Shit's just sad now, all across the board. Sam's really the big winner here. Good for him.

Hmm. Advice to someone more successful than you. Makes sense, right?

It's ok to still carry a torch for Opie, but do you really think that Opie could start his own podcast show & do it by himself with no cohost, no stars, & most importantly, Not be able to have the funniest comics in NY on the show all day every day? You're crazy if you think it would Last anywhere near as long as Ant! And that's not a Pro Ant, Fuck Opie thing, it's just a fact.

He's not more successful than me

Uh.. "Liar, whore" seems appropriate. Fuck outta here

In at the top of my field. He's not.

field of jerking off in a dark room? nah, i've got you beat there.


Ha ha. Go fuck yourself

how dare you?

It's an east coast thing brah. Welcome to our reality show

I gave up on talk radio.

I tried too, but I had nothing else to turn to. What do you listen to?

just music mostly and read. I cut cable about three years ago too. I had that I heart radio app and I found nothing.

But Jimmy and Sam are worth the 15 a month. Do you even know who they are?


You west coat faggot. You don't even know what sex for Sam was do you?

You read books? What a faggot!

Oh yeah, I cut cable years ago. Netflix plus Internet do far. I had Amazon prime for awhile, but gave up on it. I had HBO Now during Game of Thrones. 100% worth it.

just music mostly and read. I cut cable about three years ago too. I had that I heart radio app and I found nothing.