What did Patton ever do to you guys?

0  2016-10-05 by [deleted]



He does exactly the same thing people in this sub does. He gets caught up in internet drama, he makes fun of people he doesn't like, he directs his pests at them. Even when his wife died he was on twitter bashing people who criticized Ghostbusters. If anything he's worse. Why should he be off limits?


He's a preachy, hypocritical swj faggot murderer.

He's a preachy, hypocritical swj faggot murderer.


He killed his wife in broad daylight so he could focus on his Twitter agenda. Pretty low even for a kike

I dont hate patton, BUT I think the reason that people hate him is that once he realized he could pontificate on twitter for likes and upvotes that we wouldnt need to keep working on standup. He pretends to be a twitter philosopher. If he was smart he'd delete his twitter and get back to focusing on his career, instead of moping around by sitting in a lazy boy and staring at his phone.

He lost the ability to be funny, now it's all preachy and sad. He alienated a part of his fan base when he started talking about Hilary and politics. Like Patrice said "Don't ever forget that you tell dick jokes on stage for money"

He went from try to be appearing, all inclusive and balanced to just being another boring cuck carrying water for Democrats and SJWs

He's a moiderer I tell ya

he killed our favourite female writer!

He stomped on my cake.

He looked at me wrong. Fuck him.

He's eating all the food the fucker!


What gets me .....he was tweeting about Prince dying at the exact time/moment his wife was dead in bed.

Never cared for him at all as a comedian. His Twitter can be funny and it can also be politically douchey. But when I found out about him murderering his wife, well sir that was where I drew the line.


He was an absolute cunt to Sam Hyde. Fuck him.

What did he do? Shit on WP or something?

Sam was trying to give him legit, neutral advice about being too political for your fans but he all he did in response was shit on him like he was some random cunt troll.

Oh God oh man oh God oh man