My thoughts on Jim two episodes in:

1  2016-10-05 by Mr702law

1: he is coming across as someone a little drunk with power. Boss Jim is not a good fit for him. 2: he needs someone to clamp down on his characters and what not. How many times can he use the same joke? He answered the guests questions probably 10x.

I have a feeling this is going to get worse and within days he might be the most hated.


Jim ran a joke to the ground thats your big complaint?! Fucking blow me this is the first time in years we have heard funny radio from people who actually enjoy doing it

His 'peckas' bit got legs I think.

No matter what he will never be more hated than Opie and Anthony around here, come on. We goof on him for the 60 grand and having a shitty stand up act, but I don't think many people around here actually hate him. If people hate the show they'll probably blame Sam.

Ant is hated?

Yeah he beat up a skeleton hooker but wasn't man enough to finish the job. Dumb and drunken fool lost his gun.


Vurry gewd ..

The 60 grand thing was not a goof in any way for the first couple weeks of it. People defended Opie by saying at least he wasn't doing what Jim did back then. Pretty much the most recent "bad thing" any of them does, he is the worst one and that's the worst thing any of them have ever done, until the next thing comes along.

I was laughing my ass off during the Bruce Campbell and Tim Matheson interviews...

Your ex wife called during to tell you she found a lump?

The interviews are good though right?


Edit - "hey Rick ashley, do you ever get a little sick of hearing 'that' song?

Jesus, day 2 and your being this big of a faggot, give them a week then get on your soap box.

leave the funny to us, look at your shitty movie reviews.

Their show will be what Jim's stand up is, over an hour of tranny and suicide jokes. It will get monotonous but remain respectable. It won't be my thing but it wouldn't give me douche chills

Yeah, people hate the same stuff they always complain about with Jimmy. He's repetitive, he sucks at interviewing, he sounds like a moron when he tries to discuss politics, he's trying to use the show to get laid by bringing on chicks he's working on trying to fuck. So it's not really surprising. Just don't listen live and skip over the bullshit.

What else is left?

The 15 minutes Jim does something funny like throw in an Opie dig or do Chip/Uncle Paul?

What does it matter? This is all a radio bit to get all three show members back together.

I actually enjoyed today's show.

I did too, mostly. But I could see this getting annoying.

Worse than O and J?

That's what I'm thinking won't be worse than O and J so this is a big step up. Yes it's not the Opie and Anthony and Jimmy show we love but it's better than what we had the last few years.