Jim and Sam confirm Op's stories

4  2016-10-05 by bry03cobra

Op was bashed for Doug Benson situation, then for claiming Sam suggesting Op get rid of Jim.

Jim confirmed he didn't want Doug on til he was on Doug Loves Movies podcast. Then Sam said he never said to Op that he should get rid of Jim, just that he should do the show alone...isn't that the same thing?


Saying "you should do the show alone" isn't the same as "Fire Jim"; you're taking it out of context.

I can actually imagine Opie sitting there and bitching on a daily basis to Sam about Jim, Sam probably had enough and was just like "I dunno dude, maybe you should do the show on your own, what do you want from me?"

Women behave like this.

Thats what I got from it too. You get sick of the bitching and just fire out a beaner hoping they'll shut up.

Plus, if Sam specifically campaigned for Jim's firing, I doubt Jim would be as pleasant as he is. He's never been that good of an actor.

sure, but I don't know what our friends south of the border have to do with this.

Doug Benson is a fucking hack anyways.

They really going to fight over him?

Just not worth it.

I was surprised that Jim is so friendly with him. They have nothing in common.

Is doug not sober? Can anyone confirm this?

Opie's "story" is irrelevant and a shitty attempt to spin. So Jimmy had a problem with Benson at one point. So? What does that have to do with anything? How would it justify Opie getting involved with which guests do or do not come on a show he has nothing to do with anymore?

Opie and Dice used to hate each other too. Bringing it up now wouldn't be any more relevant.

Ya unt we all know zat Opie is far too stupid to remember ze converzations he is having with his colleagues. He bends ze mammories to zuit his purposes.

Hm. Nope.


Saying "do the show alone" isn't the same as "fire Jim."

Or, maybe Sam said to Opie that he (Opie) should just do the damn show himself if he's so annoyed/pissed/unhappy with working with Jim. In other words, quit your bitching unless you plan on doing something about it.,

Sam is the only one smart enough to backstab effectively, so I always believe any stories about him.

Except Opie warped it completely. Gfy


Go to have you. We have work to do.

Yes. It's the same thing.

Opie layeth thy smack down

Yes but thin skinned faggots here won't admit it.

Hm. Nope.
