Sherrod is not talking to Opie. And Vic Henley told Opie "its been fun". How fucking funny is that

121  2016-10-04 by TangerineReam


When the two most talentless loser won't join a talentless loser on his show anymore...god this is precious

I like Vic and refuse to lump him with mumble mouth Sherrod.

I actually like Vic a rather smart fellow who seems to know a little about just about everything. But laugh out loud funny he is not...

But yeah...I shouldn't lump him in with Sherrod...who has no redeemable qualities whatsoever.

Read between the lines. Opie can't pay them anymore. Hence, the no money for a co-host.

If Opie has half a brain, he should pay comedians out of his own pocket. Basically outsourcing his own job to someone with the right skillset

He isn't going to make a year. He is frantic.

When the Artie thing was going around I was thinking that only happened if Opie himself just paid him so he can make a splash

Yeah, he should have paid Artie whatever it took to do this first week with him. That is literally the only thing that could have come close to saving his retarded, talentless bacon.

For a week, anyway.

You did bacon a huge disservice.

Brilliant point.

Vic and Sherrod were paid for their appearances?

Yes. You thought they liked waking up early to hang out with the Opster?

Gotta promote Live From Lew's Cruise and your soon to be cancelled show about race relations somehow.

Well, one of them genetically has a hard time getting up before noon as it is

That's shocking. I wish I could get paid to be unfunny. I do it for free all the time.

I was just gonna say you should be making millions on this sub :P

I was just gonna say

But you did say it!

That's hurtful, mister. Peckahs.


Hardy Harr Harr

Yes. Sherrod did get some money. Opie went to the assholes down the hall and got money for him. I imagine the same thing for Vic. Maybe someone can confirm if he had the same deal as Sherrod or not.

edit: Opie just confirmed it on the show today.

So 2 hack unfunny douchebags got paid for essentially walking on greggshells and being boring? But Patrice, Colin, Rich, Bobby and the genuinely funny comedians actually made listeners laugh and enjoy the show and they got paid nothing?

Fucking hell Opie is a clueless faggot.

on real shows, tv or radio. typically A list guests and semi regulars are paid, D listers get free promo. Staff at sirius xm see those guys as nothing more than a D at best.

It also means being on O&J didn't do jack shit for their ticket sales.

If they weren't being paid, but they noticed that being on O&J put noticeably more asses in seats at their stand-up gigs, they would have both been in the studio today.

I thought for sure Vic would do the show for free. What else does he have going on?

No one is going to pay all the tolls to get into the city to hang out with Opie for free...

I thought he said he lived in Manhattan.

Ok. Change it to cab fare. Or wasting 3 hours with Opie.

Vic sounds like the nicest guy on the planet but not a funny bone in his body. If you listen, he has stories going back decades about playing at all these clubs and coming up around all these huge names. It should tell him something that most of those guy s went on to become huge names and no one outside of O&A/J fans know who he is after all these years. Hell I've at least heard clips of all the comics that have been on that show throughout the years.. either on radio,YouTube or TV. I've not heard ONE second of his act anywhere.

I saw his Comedy Central special from 2006 replayed at 3am last month. It was as bad as he is on the show.

Did Vic ever plug anything?

He came to my shitty state college ten years ago.

makes sense. He cant pay them so throw them under the bus so he's spared. make them look like cunts, so you don't.

But they don't look like cunts. They were people he paid to be on the show, then when they couldn't be paid to be on the show anymore, they've got nothing to say to him. Who wants to be buddies with their boss after they get laid off?

Regardless; its just great that Sherrod and Vic put Opie on the "Pay No Mind List", when we all thought they were going to double down on Opie. It's a fucking knee-slapper.


How many of us have them?

Opie has to pay for friends.

You thought they were getting paid? LOL

It was either 50 or 100. Dumb twat.


Funniest thing I've heard Henley say.

Dassabesso, jussa not tawkin' an fawkin'

Soon, the channel is going to be:

  • Mornings - Jim and Sam
  • Mid Days - Bennington
  • Afternoons - The Bonfire
  • Nights - Night Time with Nagel
  • Overnights - Just play "The Arena" with Master Po every night.


not too sure i agree with yer uss there, lou

For once, I was so glad I listened to an Opie only show.

"Sherrod still won't talk to me"

hahahaha fucking wow. Oh opie YA BLEW IT

How the fuck did Sirius do research on Tits and not stumble on the fact that he needs at least 2-3 comedians in the room just to get up to awful?

Unless they want "Mopey Tits' Sad Sack Hit Parade", they're going to have to dip into one of their Swiss bank accounts to get some comedians in there.

On the other hand, Tits is unsalvageable, as both a broadcaster and a human being, so why throw more money down the drain?

If he doesn't get help, he'll wind up fulfilling Anthony's prophecy and just spin records for 3 hours.

They have to be aware of the dynamics & feedback to the shows right? They were hip enough to give Sam & Jim the top spot. So how could they not know that Opie needs a little $$$ for some C-list comedian help?

A: They don't give a fuck about him. They probably made him the offer just to keep name recognition for the channel, i.e. it would have cost more to completely rebrand than to just give him a lowball offer and who-gives-a-shit afternoon show. Opie got fucked & he knows it & it's killing his ego. These are great times we're living in.

Maybe it was a plot to reunite ope and ant by taking everything away and making him desperate enough to finally call, no way tits talks to zits if he's still in mornings.


Rats never stay on a sinking ship

Sherrod breaking the news to Opie: "dassabesso, juss' not talkin' to you any more n' fuckin"

Love jimmy :) So glad he goes rid of that shit finally an can move on. Just needs a good co-host now...

How amazing would it be if Anthony came back to Sirius? Ant, Jim and Sam

Very amazing, considering he's banned from the building.

Sirius will never take Ant back.

Another lie

how do you know? why should we jsut believe this? Is this from today's opie show or thwat?

Because OP is a lazy Luddite cunt.

Thanks brothaman

he did; said it twice

wonder what a spot like that pays.

How do we know this happened?

Because OP is a lazy Luddite cunt.

we need to hear the audio of this

Because OP is a lazy Luddite cunt.


car crash sound car crash sound car crash sound....

I'd consider it to be an honor never to be contacted by either douche

He isn't going to make a year. He is frantic.

Brilliant point.

When the Artie thing was going around I was thinking that only happened if Opie himself just paid him so he can make a splash