Lets Be Honest. The Jim and Sam Show sucks.

0  2016-10-04 by [deleted]

I've been listening for a meandering hour. Holy shit. This sucks. Sam is likeable but he isn't funny.

Now that Jim is free to do ANYTHING. He is doing basically the same shitty low energy chat show.

I prefer O&J to this shit. At least O&J was somewhat focused.


I'm still listening to this shit. Waiting for it to get better. Jim Sucks. He can't host a show. Sam is basically hosting. Sam is doing all the talking and Jim's "jokes" fucking suck. This is terrible.


Likeable but not funny is still a notable upgrade.

It's enjoyable. I'll take that at this point

what is enjoyable? im bored.

It wasn't great, but I don't think it sucked. I liked Ant's call and the fact that they addressed the Opie thing and took calls about it. I actually didn't mind the Paola and Russ interview. The Johnny Bench interview was fucking awful.

They have to work out getting better guests, but I thought their back and forth, with Travis jumping in, was good.

The best part is the O&A drama. opie knows that. that's probably why he is creating the drama. but , yeah, overall it sucks. I hope Opie goes on today and bashes Norton and starts a little radio war. both shows need some energy.

Too many of you attention seeking bitches are so eager to be ahead of the curve so you can go "I hated Jim & Sam before everybody!" like the trend-setting pioneers you see yourselves as.

I wanted no attention. Just stating the obvious....again : Sam is insufferable.

That is a really niggardly opinion


his appearance on this show sucked. anthony is washed up. he sucks now.

Great post

Give the kid a break, his head is full of candy.

True, but anything is better than Opie. That shit was unlistenable. I can at least listen to Sam in short bursts.

even opie could do a better show than this steaming pile of shit.

Yes it is a fuck

I'd say it's probably going to be on par with O and A's 2012-2014 lazy era. Entertaining enough, even it doesn't reach the pinnacle of the O and A show in its prime.

It's listenable. I'm fine with that.

it wasn't listenable. it was awful.

Umm give it a few fucking weeks if not a month before declaring it a full blown failure. The Johnny Bench interview was boring today for sure. The couple of test shows last month were much better than today's show. It's still better than being stuck with Opie in the morning. Unlike Opie I think J&S will try to fix things that aren't working where Opie would blame the haters and never take a hit. I'll take it and hope it gets better over time.

Sam should neither be seen nor heard.

I disagree. sam should be the guy that comes in sometimes to say a few things. He should never host anything.

I just started a thread comparing todays show with J&S interviewing Russ & Pao vs the interview they did on O&A a few years ago. J&S are just cheeky and fun where O&A's interview was uncomfortable and humiliating for Russ which equalled funny and entertainment for us. I'll take it over O&J but still a bummer.

High quality, high effort post. That's why i love this place.

No it wasn't. I went back to old Ron and fez shows after about 40 min.

Can't wait for Jimmy to throw a tantrum to see how Sammy takes it. Jimmy started today and Sam went silent. God if opie can do something that fucks Jim and Sam show up, through Sirius, we would be in for some of the best baby tantrum radio ever. Jim is such a tough guy towards opie. Kinda like a kid in a department store acting up because they know the parent won't smack them in public. Yay, go Jimmy!

You at least like the fighting, admit it.

I never wanted to hear this much Sam.

It had glimpses of the old O&A humor and jokes. I'm looking forward to it getting better as the weeks go.


not expecting O&A quality.

that is what it all amounts to. eeryone has low expectations. they WANT the show to be good because they like jim. but it was really bad.

i guess i hate sam. he brings out the worst in jim norton. jim needs to be around someone with energy. sam has none.

Show was okay, nothing great. Jim carried the Columbia woman thing way too far. Bench interview sucked. Fiance kind of stunk. I like that they take phone calls. They need to bemore focused on what's going on in the world and talk about it.

Jim.far better than our mongaloid.

It wasn't ok .it was TERRIBLE

Agreed it sucked, nothing left to listen too, I need to fill this void ...Black Mambo here I come

More of you are coming around to the truth, I see. Won't be long until the hate is back in full effect