Now that Jimmy has control, is it possible to put together a tough crowd reunion show?

4  2016-10-04 by SkinnnyJewBoy

His first guest tomorrow should be Colin.


Jimmy, CQ, DiPaolo and a ouija board for Patrice.

Having those 3 together nowadays would be completely different than it was 13 years ago, but they all are still awesome comics and would be constant laughs.

If he's still on Opie's channel, does he have full control? Will there be limitations on who he can book? The drama will continue.

It's not Opie's channel anymore. And the remaining survivors are Col, Keith, and Dipaoulo. RIP Patrice and Giraldo. That would be an amazing show.

Unless you sonehow know differently, a new channel name hadn't been announced.

I also wish Jimmy would resurrect George from Otto and George and just completely shit on Opie all show how he stepped over his lines.

Does Keith really need to be there? Why not Vos, Bobby or even Dat Phan so they can rip on him. Keith is boring.

He should crowdfund for it.