Jimmy lost

0  2016-10-04 by [deleted]



"I'm fighting for my faaaaaawkin life" - words of a winner.

No, Jimmys getting to do a show with someone thats not a shit head and he seems happy while Tits was bitching about his new show this morning before it's even begun. You can never win with mental illness and man breasts.

Opie got morning and afternoon drive on a channel named after him. But Jimmy has a show with his bff, maaaaaaaaaaaaan. Sammy is his soul mate, maaaaaaaaaaaan. Maybe someday Opie will let them talk to Anthony, maaaaaaaan. Start with a little phone call, maaaaaan. Living the fucking dream. The mentaility of basement dwellers sucking on their momma's tits til they're 40

You sound like opie

Tits bitched about being in the afternoon while announcing his show, your post is invalid, autist.


Autistic and a Cumia parrot.

Nothing worse than trying to sound super-smart and then misspelling one of your 20 dollar words... Omipotent... Hahaha....

Hey opie's got another screen name... hey opie, fuk off!

Opie is the biggest fucking joke and fraud on radio. But he keeps kicking their asses.


You realise the passive aggressive sniping was 90% Opie right?

Yeah Opie is a talentless piece of shit. But he keeps kicking their asses. It's so fucking annoying


You're the loser, Spuds.