Good ol racist SAMCRO Joe makes an appearance.

7  2016-10-03 by [deleted]



His back and neck probably hurt from laying in bed all day not working.

its his wrist from playing shitty whammy bars and signing his brothers checks.

C'mon world, Joe needs his oxycodone. without it he can't play the hits. Joe needs to get his groove on, Obama.

Seriously. It's not Obama, it's not the ACA. This has been going on for years - health insurance companies deny services that aren't medically necessary all the time. You know what this tells me? It tells me his dr isnt submitting good enough evidence of the condition to warrant an MRI. DIPSHIT.

Yeah it's pretty much a condemning act of privatized healthcare more than socialized healthcare

he's a moron - if it was socialized we would have received the MRI - just waited 8 months

You know it's funny. I have a normal everyday m-f 40 hour job and I along with everyone else I know that has the same have no problem with health insurance. Maybe he should get a job and not leech off his brother?


"Our only hope"

I wonder if this 60 year old has been this much of a dumb melodramatic faggot for his entire life.

His last name is Cumia, so yes.


eat less and exercise.

he really doesn't understand how anything works does he? He thinks undocumented immigrants get great healthcare?

They don't need it. Their bodies don't break down prematurely and eat away at themselves like Joe's body currently is due to lack of work and exercise.

I thoroughly enjoy that he cannot comprehend anything over a sixth grade level and THUS THEN blames his piss poor education on others. What a zero you are, Joe.

I am happy he is in pain

Joe is in pain.


You pay for fucker you don't even know? Don't you mean your brother pays? Cause you don't even work you cocksucker!!

I love shitting on joe the most. He is racist against niggers while being a nigger. Its just amazing. I hope he gets like sickle cell anemia just so he finds out he is black and shoots himself

what a pussy

Whenever someone over 40 complains about pain its like no shit youre in pain. Evolutionarily you should be dead already. Stop complaining you lard and banana lovin oogie boogie faced nigger.

Just be honest with your Dr. Admit to him you're wetting the bed and the insurance company will authorize the MRI.

Only took two sentences for a grammatical error and to call the president a nigger. Well done, Joe.

Does the bottom of the document say he had cancer in the recent past?


Technically Ant's the one paying for it so if anyone should be pissed it should be Ant and not Brother Joe.

God Joe is an idiot. He's probably irritable because he's not able to get the roxy prescription he wants. Poor guy.