Opie and Jimmy are working everyone here

0  2016-10-03 by Mr702law

There's no way this isn't set up. They knew they were parting ways and this is 100% staged. Jimmy is way too spineless to have posted that "thanks for the mammaries."


Jimmy just made a tits joke. Opie could not handle that even if they are fucking around. This shits real

Guy who doesn't understand anything.

Yeah but it's fun to watch them do it. At least they are acknowledging his tits and how awful he is. It shows how desperate they are. Who the fuck would pander to this sub? There is definitly no money to be made from here, $60k aside.

Who the fuck would pander to this sub? There is definitly no money to be made from here

That's what I was thinking too. If they get any decent amount of press for it though, it argues in favor of a work (not proof, obviously, but a point in that direction)

The last show rant was real enough, Jimmy can't act, but the newer twitter stuff is pretty suspiscious to me. It's just too timely and tit for tat. I wish this had happened without 4 days in between shows.

Hmm.. I don't think so, tits would never allow a joke about his tits Jim "hey op, il make a joke about your tits" Me (high pitch)"What? I don't have tits"

Exactly, Opie is too much of a pussy to even allow fake insults to come his way.

People also need to be aware of the fact that OPIE IS NOT SMART, AT ALL

I'd envision it more like "the haters online say you have tits and they call me the worm. Let's start calling each other that"

No. Opie is too thin-skinned to be ok with the type of shots being taken.

Idk man - even if they were going to conspire on something like this, we all know Gregg doesn't have the level of self-deprecation needed to allow a tit joke.

This almost makes me reconsider but I'm standing by work.

That's right. Any day now Opie, Anthony and Jimmy are all going to join together and prove that they were working the marks.

Any day now...


I've had about enough your "this is a work" posts.


I know ET is just a plastic hand puppet but i'll be lying if i don't weep like a pissy eyed faggot every single time. I'm happy to go on the ride if its this good

It's a conspiracy maaaaahnn!

No shit sherlock

This almost makes me reconsider but I'm standing by work.