Now that we know Opie's here I have an important question for him

21  2016-10-03 by [deleted]



Greg's been here ever since we started shitting on him.

Why do you think he became anorexic and started dressing like a gay 34 year old? We've ruined him

We ruined him to the point where he can't even talk (radio broadcaster for 30 years) on his most influential YouTube vids.

I would like to know when Jim became a "worm" to him.

Oh fuck, nevermind I know!

When he went behind your back and stole mornings from you, with the guy (as Ronny says) that used to get you water.


But he never trusted Sam to get his melk.

That's because the melk was vurry important. If Sweetie Pie didn't get his glass of milk in the morning, his blood sugar would get low and turn him into a woman on her PEERIOD.

is that what did it?? I thought it was his vagina that bled...

He even debuted as Creepy Gay Kid. That stings huh Spuds?

Is it fun watching live while people make great radio?

"Jimmy fuckincoolnfuckin bu massa opie dabessdo."

*followed by a worthless sports fact by Vic

How do you know he's here

He did another "sand writing" video, confessing that he was behind the /u/i_hate_knickers account, but then quickly deleted it.