Opie and Artie!

0  2016-10-03 by EastSideDan

Ha ha ha. Fuck you Tranthony, you girl beating pedophile racist.

When does East side Dave start kissing Opie's ass?

TACN is dead.


"You're panicking, sir."

When you end an insult in "racist" its hard not to imagine it in a lisp while snapping your fingers....and I'm not quite sure what youre talking about but you seem a little too excited about it and will probably be let down

You are a known Cumia ball washer so fuck off, queer

nothing to do with Cumia, you just sound like a faggot. What are you even celebrating?

what a faggot!

How is that 7 dollars a month working for you?

broke ass nigga go fuck yourself

"Hoo hoo, I invented doing radio with Artie, Robin." He did, and Opie shows yet again that Howie is his unrequited hero. To the Opiecopter!

Garlic and Eggs!