Is it just me, or does Sirius have an abundance of money to throw at talentless radio hacks?

89  2016-10-01 by killorbekilled1

There is NO way Opie's new show was getting good/decent ratings, how and why in the fuck would Sirius re-sign him? All they have to do is google his name to see all the shit that he gets, and how much people hate him

I don't get it.. It seems like they don't even know what the fuck is going on with their own shows, maybe in contract negotiations he still acts as if he pulls some of that old O&A weight around, which we all know died when Ant got fired


They just try to fill airtime.

This is the most likely answer.

Opie, love him (lol) or hate him, has radio experience. So, from a management point of view, he is capable at running a show. There are no growing pains. He'll bring his audience (whatever it may be) and they won't have to worry about that time slot.

It is cheaper/easier to give him the slot than to test a new show and new hosts.

Yeah but if you lose ratings you lose sponsors

What sponsors? Their station has had the worst sponsors since the XM202 days.

I don't even hear Stephen Singer anymore.

That's quite the revelation.

I doubt they care whether posts are good or bad. I think they probably see a lot of talk about him online, here specifically and think there's a lot of buzz around the loser. It's long been his "shtick " to be hated

Harry the hater =5D Chess.


There is zero content on Sirius that would make me run out and buy it. I initially got into it for Stern and was happy to have all the extra shit, but now I wouldn't subscribe. Stern is a fucking Nancy these days and there is absolutely nothing compelling enough. Not to mention all the fucking commercials... - Truckers and car companies are their real market. - Still the content is better than 'terrestrial' radio, but who listens to that shit anyways? We live in a podcast world for people who want specific shit. I never listen to morning radio.

Not to mention literally any other channel + podcasts are available to stream at any time via Apple Music, Spotify, etc.


They need content. And the age old rule of . Tried and tested applies here I think.

If Sirius had a way to track individual listener listening times. Bar the web app/mobile app and random surveys I think It would be different.

TBH I think the fact a percentage of o&a fans use the 30 day free trial helps them. Being they wouldn't do that for hits one. So it shows a fake spike in ratings IMHO

In terms of pay at Sirius prime O&A were making sidekick money on the Stern Show. Not that he isn't talentless but Opie probably isn't even one of the top ten paid broadcasters on the platform.

Artie was getting like 500k I think that faggot opie was making 2+ in the merger and I bet way more on XM

IIRC, Artie had a similar deal to Jimmy. He was well paid and had the ability to leave for gigs. At one point, Artie was making 50k a weekend (plus expenses paid) in addition to his Stern income.

So, he was probably earning way more than Opie in total. Although, I'm not calculating Opie's Viral Spiral royalty checks - so my numbers may be completely off.

I think Artie said in his second book that his biggest year was $3 million as a stand up

They haven't made over 2 since they were syndicated on FM and on XM. Ant confirmed this during his first few shows.

For every O and A reddittor, there are five oblivious Opie fans.

surprised opie did try and get jay mohr for co host christ almighty what a shitfest that would have been.on upside of it you would know where these two bags of shit were at so can avoid them like kid touchers

Jay lives in LA.

sure but he wouldnt he move to give his a career boost in only way opie could hes been killing it for since he was 18 putting up numbahs.they can tell the java log story once a day

Jay and Opie would be at each others throats if forced to be in the same room for more than a few hours.

Opie is appealing to the type of person that would pay for siriusxm in their cars. Old dads that drive suburbans around and think Opie is edgy. Sometimes they even leave him on with the kids in the car. But don't tell mom! Har har har.

Great point! He's edgy to guys with Man Caves!

You can make a popular blog about how major companys don't know how to use there money and are just as clueless as the day drinking reddit trolls based off this. "nigger" i'm hammered

Day drinking again? I like your style.

Best screen name Ive ever that is great I cant believe Ive never thought of that

Well, Opie caused this. BTW it looks like we are going to have close game today according to the projection.

They'll eventually file bankruptcy.

Didn't Howard say that they gave Oprah $50 million just to name a channel after her?

Yeah, they got money to throw around

Cut Ope and give fucking Ronnie B his own channel! He is the only reason I pay for radio! Pepper may be a centaur but Mr B is the greatest.

I agree, Ronnie B is the only reason to listen.

I subscribe to the Benington show through audible. Its about $32 a year.

$32 a year?

Yup, it was very inexpensive.

Wow... I might have to say goodbye to Sirius. Thanks buddy

I want to know how much of a pay slash Tits took.

They clearly do listen though as they wanted Jim to have mornings over Opie

And they don't have to pay him as much now.

You need to be a little goofy to not understand people listening to this guys show for decades might not unsubscribe just because the mood struck you that you don't find him entertaining. Opie will have a following until he is out for good and that many years gathers a pretty sizable one compared to the other shows sirius runs. Business is business and you better believe business with him is good if they gave him a contract. Its not feelings or emotion - its straight cash that talks and he happens to bring in more and have more equity than the number on his paycheck. Rest assured the second hes not financially viable he will be dropped. In the end its just good business.

Opie was humoring Anthony's offers through tweets, so if it makes you feel slightly better, he definitely got lowballed this negotiation.

or he was just playing us all.

Opie causes a reaction. Good or bad, it indicates that people are tuning in. I do NOT think this is any indication that Opie is working that angle, in any way whatsoever.

It is ironic. Opie wants to be loved. He wants to be viewed as a respectable broadcaster. He wants the respect of his peers. He has none of this, and he never will. If people stopped hating him, he would fade away into obscurity.

You don't have to "tune in" to downvote all his YouTube videos and witch hunt him on reddit.

Management like the direction of the show.

cant wait for vic's buddy norton to become a show producer

You're right, killorbekilled1. Maybe Sirius thinks that the reason Opies YouTube Channels comments are disabled because to many praising comments were coming through.

God Damnit! I'm the guy who hates others who misspell "Too." Now I'm thinking about sticking my new H&K .40 in my mouth! (Sorry, I had to brag about my new purchase.)

Thank you Moxson4, much oblige. Except you mispelled *too, you forgot to add an O. Don't worry, you just "O" me for next time. Cya' round the bend, and I hope that I will. Toodles.

Nobody listens to stern and he got another fat contract.

Yeah, but didn't Stern take a pay cut?

But Stern actually had talent at doing radio... You missed the point. Stern has a cult following, I still hear old jagoff's calling into his show left and right, unlike Opie who has the same 6 callers in rotation at any given time

radio is dead and shitty

Yet he still makes more than the racist, pedophile, transfucker who has a podcast.

I guess we now know who it is that always wins in the end!


Jews are cheap. News at 11.

Opie will be back to a disc jockey in no time

He never quit.

Jews have always been good at making money appear from nowhere.

Ahhh yes. Much like those Bernie Sanders supporters a few months ago...welcome to Echo Chambers 101.

You must be new here.

Name recognition. O&A used to constantly bitch about celebrities getting shows and channels, but that's essentially what kept the Opster employed since then. They probably don't know (or likely even care) how many people who listened, but "Opie" was a recognizable brand with at least some degree of mainstream notoriety, so just decide to keep him on.

Yup, it was very inexpensive.