Opie has really lost it

35  2016-10-01 by theblackswede


This is a multi millionaire in his 50's.


Opie is more autistic than anyone who posts here.

Not me he isn't.

I hate that he steals the John Candy bit from Planes Trains and Automobiles. He thinks he's so deep. But hearing him say he's the real article at the end is always too much, coming from one of the biggest phonies to ever speak into a microphone.

If he had any confidence in himself and these videos, he would stop disabling comments. But....he knows.

Above all else, REAL.

I hate that he steals the John Candy bit from Planes Trains and Automobiles. He thinks he's so deep.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is a fantastic movie. I'd never begrudge it.

But if it's the deepest fucking work of art in the world to someone, much less a man old enough to have grandchildren, well, dang.

Oh, I totally agree. I love the movie, but just roll my eyes when he quotes Candy's monologue.

Love how he steals Edgar's voice, what an unoriginal piece of shit

We call that "parallel thinking" in the biz.

I wouldn't know about that, I'm just a civilian.

Synergy that shit up, bitch

Please, whoever did it before, put a cock in every single one of his mouths.

No need, it's implied.

There is very much a need.

Maybe of different ethnicities?

Fucking asshole has Alpaca teeth.

I actually think there's something wrong with him. Not in a "shoot up your workplace" sense, but he's genuinely not in the same reality. The kind of guy who can function just fine (clearly, he's still employed by SXM), but truly lacks any awareness.

Hopefully Dr. Steve can offer some insight.

There's a buildup of fluid in the tissue.

Imagine his wife explaining to the kids what it is "dad" is doing in the bathroom


If nothing else, hopefully the kids learn from their father how to treat someone when they're in the bathroom.

It does look like he is going in the bathroom, locking the door, and doing this embarrassing character. It looks crazy.

Why do i feel like he is whispering while he does this so his wife doesn't hear?

same with all these other cryptic stupid vids

Remember, this is Opie trying to prove to everyone that he can be a comedic personality on his own.

Member when Opie sucked the black dick? I remember.

I member

"These fawkin youtoob coments, they're fawkin brutal"

"Think what you want about me, I'm not changing"

"What you see is what you get"

"He is my pick me up, harry (Opester) plans to stay" - (The singer says this line so I think of it from my perspective rather than the Opester's, like hating Opie is my pick me up and he'll always have a show because it's all he knows, forever giving me something to laugh at and hate.)

"I'm not changin"

I can't get enough of my shitty retweets" (Not sure if he's saying "Retweets")

"I like me, cause I'm the real article

I think he might be so delusional, his projections onto a lame character almost sound like self awareness.

"Comments are disabled"

I love how he disables comments on all his YT videos now...the comments are genuinely hurting him.

Christ on a bike....What the holy fuck did I just watch?

Does he consider this his victory lap for signing?

"Sir, you're panicking"

Why the fuck would you link to his youtube channel? I just gave him a view and cant take it back now.

I hope he gets a DCMA for use of the song.

jesus christ

This is like someone took a recut from this sub and removed every redeeming quality.

These is a man having a breakdown.

This is heartbreaking. The man needs help. If so then God be with him.

someone tweet this to artie. he's sure to think it's comedy gold.

Opie wants nothing more than a successful youtube video. After many desperate attempts that drew up nothing but pure hatred, he then simply made another shit video, only this time he claims that the point is for people to hate it.

He was shit at something, so he literally made it his goal to be shit. It's the most successful he has felt in over 10 years.

Dude say what you want about Opie but he keeps the people talking......

-people that deserve to be set on fire

Holy fuck dude this is pure cringe.

I still think bizzaro Opie was Opie. He really has a bit of psychosis going on.

Lmao he must've been laughing his BALLS off making these!!

It's Bobo Chipperson.

I finally understand how women develop munchausen by proxy syndrome. Poor Lynsi.

unfunny psycho


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I think, my friends, we have all just witnessed the actual first appearance of "the Psycho". No way this person is sane. I actually fear for his family's safety.

I'm really starting to think opies existence is turning into a David Lynch movie.


Holy shit, I am experiencing unbelievable douche chills over here. This is the kind of video someone makes before going on a massive killing spree. Does Opie own guns?


I actually laughed at that. In a weird way

I liked it. Put a smile on my face. A little self awareness goes a LONG way

We call that "parallel thinking" in the biz.

No need, it's implied.

Maybe of different ethnicities?