Official: Opie 3-6 PM beginning October 4th

124  2016-09-30 by radiospringy


Perfect time slot for his wife to bang the time warner cable guy

he can't afford fios anymore get it

Your mom's box.

This is going to be great. Now he has no one to carry him.

He'll have as many comedians in as humanly possible. Vic & Sherrod will be co-hosts without paying them what a co-host would typically be paid.

"Hey, we can't pay you, but you'll get to plug your gigs!"

Exposure? What are ya, fawkin doomed hiker or somethin?

"I'll be at the local Chuckle Hut tonight at 10PM duh huh"- Vic

They should just do bennington. You know, on the comedy channel.

I totally read that in Bennington's voice and inflection.

To the smallest talk channel fan base Sirius has to offer. Also the listener have no lives, no money and no lives, and best believe they won't be buying up your tickets. But hey, Opie!


What like Bob Kelly's show?

Except Bob Kelly is both competent and likeable.

Even if his podcast sounds like a Turkish bazaar half the time.

He'll just fade into obscurity, doing horseshit radio that no one will listen to.

He probably thinks he'll get better guests because it's later in the day and there is no conflict with Howard. He's delusional - like he always has been.

"Let's see what's on twitter today..."

Jocktober target No.1

And 2, and 3, and...


"Hey ERock, it's Artie. cough I'm sick... sick as dawg. I got a fever."

IF the stuff about Artie is true I'm jealous of E-rock getting a front row seat to the inevitable behind the scenes war between him and tits.

The war won't be behind the scenes. Look at the Nick and Artie fight for a preview. Any passive aggressive bullshit towards Artie on a bad day and the grapes incident -- "Leave it alone..." -- will seem like a friendly disagreement.

I'm pretty unfamiliar with Artie, never listened to Stern until after his decline. I really hope you're right and Artie just steals another show from Tits.

Artie in his prime was even funnier than Norton. I'm programmed to hate everything related to Stern, and I laugh my balls off whenever I hear an Artie clip

Thank God I never fell into that "fuck Howard" camp that Opie & Anthony brainwashed some of their listeners with. As much as I liked O&A in their prime it was never even slightly close to the greatness of Stern in his prime.

O&A? That's a stupid name

Artie's funny. Matching wits with a dullard like Opie is going to be harder than a pedophiles cock after reading child erotica.

Opie is a fag

fucking douchebag

Got a ponyt...I mean, is balding...I killed it :(

Ant likes a shemale

ant likes all shemales


I wonder what Sirius sees in him. I mean have they checked out his youtube channel and the amount of dislikes he gets? Do people still genuinely listen to him? This only brings up so many questions.

Agreed. In fact, Opie paying Sirius to show up wouldn't be worth it to Sirius. He's anti-funny. I mean, he literally made a show with Jim Norton unbearable and i love lill yimmy. Sirius must be run by complete fucking morons.... period.

Me: hater. Now let me disable comments on my YouTube channel

It sounds like they are paying pennies on the dollar compared to what he was making before. They must have chewed him down to practically nothing.


Doesn't work anymore. There aren't only 3 radio stations to listen to anymore. People go elsewhere now.

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I said a few days ago that Opie would probably go to afternoons and Jim and Sam would have the morning show. My take was that Sirius didn't love Opie, but it was more trouble to get rid of him than to keep him.

Say what you will, but it's still a channel that reliably creates content for Sirius, and people still know who Opie is. If they got rid of him, the entire channel and the staff would collapse unless they could cobble together a new identity for it. Would you want that workload? The other option is that you create a situation where there is suddenly less content for your subscribers, and no one wants that smear on their record. Sirius is a company running on inertia and brand names; is it that surprising that Opie is still around? They don't care about "good radio." It probably explains why Opie is so obsessed with going viral or being relevant on Twitter. In his mind, he probably thinks it gives him some great leverage in negotiations. The other reason is that he's a prima donna.

Remember what Jimmy said. Sirius did research on Jimmy, and found he was as valuable as Opie. Not more valuable, but equal at least. Opie's fans don't exist here, but the clearly exist elsewhere. I'm not psyched he's still on the channel, but at least now Jimmy and Sam can operate without him influencing the show, and the guy probably has less power around the office if Sirius cut his pay and gave him a time slot they don't care about.

Jim made very clear he wanted to be completely without influence from Opie if he were to stay at the company. And so now ... they're going to have to stay on opie's 'channel'?

I want Opie to be neutered. The pay decrease is good. As you say it's only due to inertia that they'd leave his channel name and brand up. But I want him to be seriously cut down, like a renaming of the channel to something neutral so it's clear that Jim and Sam aren't under opie's "umbrella"

But Jimmy is known on radio because of his working relationship with Opie and Anthony. Where else was he going to go, Rawdog? Ron at least has a good relationship with producer Wickland to not have gotten completely fucked on his move there, but Jimmy doesn't have that kind of pull. If he got moved to Rawdog or anywhere else, he'd be paid in the same range as Dennis Falcone.

As much as I don't like saying it, Opie staying around is a net good if you like Jimmy, Sam, Erock, or anyone on staff on the channel. Maybe some people on here would be okay with the channel imploding, but I think the joy would be short-lived.

Maybe in the next couple of years the identity of the channel can grow and overshadow what Opie brings to the table. If celebrities prefer going on the morning show, or Jim and Sam get more buzz than Opie, then Sirius will notice those things and realize his brand doesn't carry the weight they thought. Even Howard took a pay cut, so I'll be the first to say brands aren't everything to the execs.

I agree with most of what you say in a Machiavellian sense but it would be better to see Jim find a way to swing his weight and demand that he be dissociated from Opie.

As Jim said recently, he payed enough credit to O&A for helping his career and at this point the comedy and 'talent' he brings to the table speaks for itself and doesn't need to be linked to the tutelage of being Opie's padawan. Jim should really drive this home and see if he can start something on his own to really divorce himself from Opie.

Jim IS a brand. He seems to have grown a backbone and asserted as much in the comments in 9/28 and 9/29 Sam Roberts show. I don't think Jim needs a few more years, he especially and Sam as well have created an identity. With some producer support in SXM they can get the guests. If they allow this to happen what they have allowed is Opie's corporate socipoathic maneuvering to enable him (Gregg) to 'win', yet again.


Say what you will, but it's still a channel that reliably creates content for Sirius, and people still know who Opie is.

I really don't think they do. If they changed it to "Norton Radio" they would get more people coming in and have larger awareness overall. Opie is not a known person, and the people who know him don't particularly like him. The ones who pretend to like him will jump ship for a better opportunity in a second (Race Wars, My Wife Hates Me, etc.) The channel doesn't create the content. The people who do the shows make the content. I bet you anything if Jimmy for 5 minutes actually stopped grovelling and had a shred of fucking confidence he could stack the channel with people he knows and make it great. What pisses me off the most about Jimmy is how he could be a powerhouse if he stopped being such a fucking worm.

I agree, I don't believe Opie is well know person outside of the O&A universe. Google News is my home page, so all week I typed in Opie to see what turned up & besides some blogging sites nothing showed up, the entertainment section of Google News reports on the smallest of stories of even little known reality stars. The fact that Opie might of been fired or quit & no one in the media bothered to cover it says it all. Just look at the media coverage of Howard re-signing & even Mad Dog had decent press but apparently no one give a shit about Opie.


Don't give a fuck and won't be listening.

Somebody better be listening and report back may as well be you

Is this the official vote?

Yeah, I'll second it.

/u/andrealeenyc is the designated listener.


He knows you are, but what is he?

Notice no mention of Artie... I'll believe Artie is a co-host when he or SXM confirm it. Otherwise, it's just more Opie bullsugah!

You know you're dealing with pathological liars when we all view tweets by Ben from SiriusXM Customer Care as the most credible information.

I hope Ben's last name is Sparks.

It's Dover.

Artie hasn't said anything yet either.

Let me straighten it out then. Artie, much like Ant, will never be employed by Sirius again.

it's different. Artie has been back in the building multiple times on O&J, Bennington, Race Wars, etc. Ant hasn't.

You mean he "shan't" be working there again?

Ant's been in a race war.

According to Opie's twitter it is Artie.

I really hope this is not the case. Artie is going to grind through it for the paycheck. I'm not even going to listen to see the cringe fest. Boy does this board have fresh meat...

Artie's last grind working for a paycheck resulted in a drug binge, a bottle of bleach and a steak knife. If Opie thinks Lil Jimmy was a loose cannon, just wait til he has to reel in the baby gorilla.

Wow, those hallways at Sirius XM are gonna get real awkward next week.

How is he even associated with this? I can't think of any more incompatible people. Opie will drive him to relapse

According to Opie's Twitter that fat mammoth twat who spilled her coffee is funny, Opie's Twitter is credible for jack shit.


I think Artie would rather fuck Tippy Tom's rotten AIDS corpse than work with Opie 4 day's a week.


Opie is gonna break his own world record for worst show in the history of radio.

Gosh darn some of you are brutal!

This is disappointing, but at this point anything less than him being scraped off subway tracks will be a bit of a drag.

Yeah, I was really pulling for his suicide so that I could finally be laid to rest.

I knew it was coming. Opie would work for free just to piss off his haters gloating he was through.

Opie must be so fucking pissed. He probably had four more vague videos planned and they just ruined his great reveal.

He never got to the octopus or the turtles, I'm fucking ripshit.


Somebody should probably let SiriusXM know that that show is going to suck fucking balls.

They're a corporation. They would much rather go with a known quantity like Opie than try something new.

Perfect time for me to not listen to him anymore!

Opie's show replays at 5am-8am.

What?! So he still gets all the prime slots? That's bullshit.

You don't think it's great that when you're driving to work you'll be able to listen to the exact same show that you heard driving home yesterday?


So he got his afternoon slot, but his replay time is going to fuck Sam and Jim out of a regular morning slot? Sirius once again shows their lack of anything appearing to be intelligence.

Unless Jim and Sam are on a different channel. Which would be even worse planning. I don't see how this is anything else other than Opie being shitty about the start time for their show.

That replay better end at 8am. The would probably cut down the content or commercial breaks to make it only 3 hours.

My guess is that this is a baby step towards moving the replay and eventually taking Opie's name off the channel.

It would be great if Jim and Sam moved to a different channel. It would make it so much easier for SiriusXM to shut the whole channel down without collateral damage.

I recall Jim saying on the 9/28 show with Sam that he didn't even want to be on the same channel as Opie. If he remains there it will be a victory for Gregg.

what's the regular morning slot? i've never listened to O&A/J live before but the Jim & Sam shows have been 8-11am so far haven't they?

Good. I enjoy coming on here to see the reports of him making an ass of out himself. All of our lives would feel a little emptier if this shithead went away.

But this means some of you autists will actually have to listen to this dreck to isolate clips for the rest of us.

Better them than me.

we have many martyrs for this cause. even now anthony has assured me that he is grooming new children for it.

al mawt TitsRadio murtad kuffar shaheed inshallah!

No. I would like him to burn his bridges and flood social media with attempts at being relevant, showing how butthurt and alone he is. He could never make a side project like Ant has. He has to piggyback off of both a corporate network AND other talent to fill his talent gaps. Without Ant and Jim he has poached Artie Lang. It's the same fucking story, and as with Anthony and Jim it's going to be the same story of Artie deciding he's fucking had enough and isn't going to put up with it at a point.

If I'm being honest, yes, I would miss mocking Opie, Vic and Sherrod.


3-6 PM, perfect time for Lynsi to go whoring around

Fuck this retarded frat boy. He couldn't just walk away and let talented people start something fresh. I had it planned out in my mind already. Jim & Sam in the morning, with Bennington on in the afternoons. The rest of the schedule could have been plugged with replays and new mini-shows with talent picked out by Sam, Jimmy and Ronnie B. I would have gladly subscribed to that channel. Of course Opies ego wouldn't allow him to let a channel with his name on it go away. Fuck him and his retarded "stable of (hacky) comics". I hope Sirius quickly realizes that the morning show is far more popular, and they put him out on his ass mid-contract. Fucking booooooo

Never gonna happen. Unless you are lucky enough to have a 9am job, or drive for a living, (or not have a job)...they just aren't going to get listeners. 6am-8am is the prime morning spot. Opie completely fucked them over.

I really can't believe this is happening. I fucking waited from December to October for this event, to see Jim leave and what happens.. and it's fucking THIS?

His death is our only ultimatum

Well this sucks I know we want more jocktober stuff but this mean I will not hear j & S on the way to work cuz they start at 8 or the way back home cuz I have to hear this fag opie

good afternoon, lambchops

Talk about job security, Jesus Christ. Is this guy in a teacher's union? What does he have to do to get fired?

Sirius will throw the tiniest bit of money at anything that doesn't cause bad publicity/headaches. Quality is not a concern.

Except even that doesn't apply to Opie. One of his sociopathic videos goes viral every few months.

Opie being responsible for Artie's relapse/death will end up being even better than him just scurrying away into retirement.

I thought the same thing, not as a joke. Artie will force himself to stay for the paycheck and will promptly return to drugs to deal with being with Gregg. Gregg will give a bunch of "heartfelt" comments and here and there let slip that he doesn't give a shit and it's Artie's fault for being weak.

Why. Why is this guy allowed to continue doing this?

Siriusxm really brought out the big guns to reveal the new shows - a couple of tweet replies from a support account.

I knew people here got way too excited

So, we basically end up with the worst of all possible scenarios.

Or the best scenario for the longevity of this sub.

Nah, we got a week of Opie freaking out plus more material to shit on. It's the best of both worlds.

Who has bigger tits, Artie or Opie?

Artie has a better rack and he can use space between his cleavage and gut to hide quarters and bags of heroin.

I just don't understand. Why?!

Sirius can track listeners now, right? They will be in for a shock.

Sure. Opie and his dull self talking about how his in-laws came over for dessert or some other boring, pointless story. He's awful and should just retire.

What kind of motherfucker listens just for Opie? No one. That's why he got canned despite his desperate attempts to cover his inadequacies with sub-par dim wit "comics" like Sherrie small who is just as stale.

Every other sentence Opie utters is "What the fuck." Every other sentence Sherrod says is "What about the puss?" So cringey and just awful.

I'm embarrassed to even admit that I used to listen to the show. Glad Opie is no longer in the mornings and hopefully he will just quietly fade away like he never even existed.

Seems "Ben" from customer care knows more about what's happening than the talent themselves. Give that guy a C-level promotion!

Surely one of us.

Customer support lies through their teeth.

When the show was suspended in 2007 they pulled the same shit.

They'll say anything to keep you from unsubbing.

Love that he is competing directly with Anthony.

He'll win too. He'll be in people's cars and they can stumble across. You have to go look for Ant.

"Win" is a bad word. He'll be heard by more people.

Heard, but not listened to.


Ant's biggest audience these days is his bi-weekly hour of guest hosting the Alex Jones show. No joke.

To be fair, Jones has been playing the game longer... and his stuff is free. And you can get funny stuff anywhere, but Alex Jones has the corner market on that particular brand of mental illness.

SiriusXM is being run by morons. But we already knew that.

Countdown till he starts passive-aggresively rubbing shit in Anthony's face on twitter..

Opie's show replays at 5am-8am.
So Jim & Sam aren't starting until 8am?

With my schedule I guess it's back to Howard. :-(

I wonder how they rationalize being a show targeted at morning drive time listeners and starting at a time that they'll lose most east coast commuters.

Yeah, I listen online later so it doesn't matter to me, but this seems like it'll be a tough spot... and starting late for the end of 5am replay? That's not going to cause any friction

Time never matters to hardcore, but being on during drive time is a big deal.

More like Bam

More importantly.....what about EROCK??!!!

He's fat.


That would be great if it's Artie. Opie will drive him to drink again.


I guess now all that we can do is hold out hope that Opie is involved in a disfiguring car accident sometime between now and the morning of the fourth.

Like father like son?

I hope he winds up like the man on the elevator he made fun of

So he doesnt have a cohost or anything? lol what the fuck is he gonna say? and celebs arent around at that time doing this is gonna be a disaster I can't wait.

Anyone remember Arties's show with Jon Ritchie?

Well that is absolutle bullshit....starting Jimmy and Sam at 8am screws thw audience. 7am would be fine so mucg better. I hate that talentless fuck Opie


Calm the fuck down and see that the glass is half full. We now have the 3 in their own individual silos. A year (or less) from now, we won't see this. This is lining up to be an even better flame out. Play the long game with me.

Peckahs, etc.

Hopefully Artie goes "Phillip Seymour Hoffman" before this shit begins.

Easy now.

Morning Jam with Jim and Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking the gods payoff peckahs!

Sirius can't do any better than this talentless cuck?

Why does Artie need Opie?

Honestly, I'll probably be checking in on this show more often than Jim's, just to hear how bad it is.

Jim. Fucking. Breuer. Once every 6 mnths

Now I guess we have to attack Artie as punishment for his poor choices.

There's always a solid chance he'll beat us to that.

I don't understand how people that are terrible at things in the entertainment industry still get paid to do them.

Opie is the Leslie Jones of radio.

Pretty funny. This guy pretty much called it a month ago, and you faggots shat all over it, saying it wouldn't happen.

Wow me and my kewl 18-35 year old male friends aren't listening to nelly or puff daddy were listening to Opie radio! Opie is definitely going to be the talked about at all the coffee and hookah bars today! Tots cool beans my man!

This is the best possible outcome.

"humiliated and exposed as a back-stabbing, two-faced, lying cunt for all the world to see, yet still employed (at a fraction of his previous salary). back-burner'ed on his own channel, barely more than an afterthought"

He will not take this de-pantsing well, and luckily, he lacks the intelligence to take subtle digs at Jimmy and Sam. So we should get some decent Tits-fucking from time to time, when he flaps his stupid gums about them and they fire back.

You know Tits is going to keep tabs on every guest, and notice who's doing J&S more, and will bitch about that, too.

That'll be more Tits-fucking.

It should be great.

I'll bet this dumb faggot signed another two year deal because he never learns.

If tries any of his shit with Artie, Artie will light him up. This will end great.

What do afternoon drive shows consist of these days?

Bumped out of mornings next contract he'll be co hosting with the mad Mexican.

He did get mad nergo fired tho

So he must've bitten the bullet and taken any amount of $$ they threw his way


i kinda knew this was gonna happen. the only solace is that he got a major paycut


...this Seree-us radio guy keeps talkin to Ben or sumptin...snicker...fuk...home run...

Holy fuck, he was horrendous with just Jimmy, what will he be like on his own? This should be interesting.

I fully expect a rotating comedian roster.

Of course, that's what his career has been based on, it's all he knows.

He will never do a show alone, you can bet your life on that

The Ministry of Dumbness

What did i tell you?

Think it was, "Cummy is yummy," but there was a stall partition between us and your mouth was full, so I can't be 100% sure.

So we all know who October 4-31 of Jocktober will be dedicated to.


I'll ignore his dumb ass and focus on Sam and Jimmy.





That motherf*cker got 5 to 8 replay. I will not listen to that immature baby I hope I can get Travis and erock with Jimmy

The replay is the worst. I'll be in the office right when the morning show starts.

i bet he took a pay cut and i hope the show goes down in flames

Hey I heard from a reliable source that the new co-host is pfg? Can anyone confirm?

I'm kinda glad. This sub needs fresh content to hate and we need this sub to function in our daily lives.

Artie has claimed that he makes over $400k a year doing his podcast, no chance he risks that for Opie "Career Cancer" Hughes

Artie is lying.

When did he say that? He used to say he made more than he was at sirius.

It's the most wonderful time of the year... Obscene, gross online posts To worthless dipshit hosts 'Til they break down in tears. It's the most wonderful time of the year.


1 year deal @ 14.75k

FUCK. I wanted him to be gone but he just dug his own grave. I guess I have to wait for his firing now, but at least when that one comes he'll have truly ZERO people to blame but his own shitty, unfunny, double-D self.

god this is gonna be a bustaroo,at least he had the wherewithal to not go against Ronnie B

"You will lose"

This makes me hate the little cocksucker even more motherfucking Jimmy and Sam that way and eventually Artie too if he attempts suicide again.


I can't wait to call in.


Won't hear him no more

Is Artie the type of guy that can stand opies shit for more than 5 consecutive days? He seems like the type that can explode and snap on opie on air the 5th time opie says "hold on hold on" in one day. Plus he seems like the kind of guy that is eternally grateful to Howard. He has to be aware of opies past with him

Remember Artie had a problem with Opie before. They kissed and made up, but that can be easily rekindled.


Great the guy who hates turning up for work has a new show, can't wait to hear another show about trying to do the least work possible

So Opie didn't want to do afternoons, but got stuck with them? LOLOL

Opie wanted afternoons for years.

He tweeted, last week, that he didn't want afternoons.

Opie would never lie.

...and? He's said, multiple times, for years, that he did.

and he most recently said that he didn't

Opie played you guys again. Cunty drama queens.


ummmm no opie wanted afternoons jim and ant didnt. Opie thinks hes above the whole ''morning zoo'' type show

ant likes all shemales

I really can't believe this is happening. I fucking waited from December to October for this event, to see Jim leave and what happens.. and it's fucking THIS?

I thought the same thing, not as a joke. Artie will force himself to stay for the paycheck and will promptly return to drugs to deal with being with Gregg. Gregg will give a bunch of "heartfelt" comments and here and there let slip that he doesn't give a shit and it's Artie's fault for being weak.

Why. Why is this guy allowed to continue doing this?

His death is our only ultimatum