She's Alive As Long As We Remember Her ....

2  2016-09-30 by SallieTomato

... as a fucking wet-brained drunken sot who thinks she's in the fuckin' Navy! lol


She's also actually still alive.

Shit I mean Oh, great!

That's correct, she's in a home for folks who can't take care of themselves last I heard in Elizabeth. I was listening to an old O&A clip a couple of weeks ago and one of the callers called exactly what she would be diagnosed with (I think it was alcohol induced dementia or something like that). Right now she thinks it's the 80's because of it. Which makes me think if she constantly waits for her old bf to pick her up to go fuck her in the as in his buick.


I really don't remember which show it was from. I listen to O& A and R&F everyday, so pinning a particular show down with that clip is pretty impossible. Maybe lady di's intervention. Just look on youtube

Also, her son was on Dr. Steve's podcast in December I think and explained all of this. Haven't heard anything since then, I check the obits for that area once in awhile to see

Jim and Sam need to call her.