wow Opie is doing a show with Amy congratulations

6  2016-09-30 by Dennyislife


"I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.”

The Psycho will never die.

Seems like that means he isn't staying at Sirius

Now opie has his manboobs and an O B Tampon WOOP WOOOP

Its code for the higher intelligent fans that are just like him appreciates the radio comedy Juggernaut that he is. he will show everyone up when given enough space to make fugitive,war of roses bits radio/you tube viral master pieces. hes going after his moby dick the great white worm

Can someone here that reads books please explain this to me

going from his tweet with the video in

Moby Dick is the story of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler the Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale which on the previous whaling voyage destroyed his ship.

I think it is pretty safe to assume what this video means. Lol

He steered the ship and interrupted the crew all the time by going, HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON

From Hell's heart, leave it alone!!"

Don't forget the man bugging overtones

Turns out it was Artie.