tits and samcro exchange pleasantries

0  2016-09-30 by JoeCumiaSr


Would've been a much different life had it not been for @AnthonyCumia @OpieRadio OJ Simpson & I crossing paths '96.

does this count as him being self aware of his "Brother Joe"-ness.

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Brother Joe :

A person who is devoid of talent or charm and therefore must rely on a close family member (usually a younger brother) to provide them with sustenance, shelter and attention.

Wow I didn't realize until recently what a Brother Joe I've become. It's time to get my life together and stop being such a loser.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

Fuck the both of 'em.

Ol gay bar band guitar hero joe sees writing on the wall with ant next time might be loss of his allowance he is just looking for back up tit to suck on