Read Opie´s recent twwets. Theres´s 2 particular things I´ve noticed in his last hour of tweets alone and I want to see if anyone has seen it.

0  2016-09-30 by [deleted]



Don't be a mysterious faggot like Opie. Just say it already

I hate to spoil the answer for everyone but they were both written by an insecure crybaby douche.

c'mon dude

Sorry bro. I got excited.

I just went and looked. I noticed he's getting an unusually high number of likes (for Opie). One tweet was up to 75 likes, and another was in the 40s!

Hilarious that that is an unusually high number for someone in the media.

I wonder if he is liking his tweets with his alts?

Twitter is gay as fuck.

He's continuing to be an evasive dick. He has no good news. The good news is that he will relinquish control of the shit channel he built for 2 years to people who actually understand entertainment

Btw, enjoy the downvotes for acting just like your mentor.
