Is anthony talking about the opie, jimmy, Sam, thing?

0  2016-09-29 by Dumbperson69

Im a cheap fuck, and don't subscribe. If he is/was talking about it, please post clip, post-haste!


I'd say you're reasonable with your money, not cheap, for your lack of subscription

Yeah he said Opie is totally uncool and should take a long walk on a short beach. Then he laughed at something someone said off camera. No one could hear it. One of this better shows.

take a long walk on a short beach

Well if he said that he's pretty dumb because that doesn't make sense.

I know. Its so bogue.

No, because he's doing better now and doesn't need to rely on gossip about his old workplace for attention

I thought you said his show is shit?

oh literal grocery_man

Damm you.

He did address the situation actually. Kieth has been talking to Opie and among other things, most notably a Opie and Anthony and Jimmy model that would pay them what they were making previously. I wanted to put quotation marks as that is a almost word for word account of what he said

If a tree falls in the forest...