Sam: 'Part of the President's job is to make the people feel better.'

0  2016-09-29 by AzraelApollyon

I realized today that Sam is every bit as retarded as Opie when it comes to politics.


I'm not saying Sam isn't a dope, but how is that inaccurate? All those Reagan speeches, even Bush's ground zero appearance, made people feel better and were well-received and considered to be the appropriate thing for a leader to do.

It's not necessarily wrong, he just comes off like a dope when he uses phrases like 'make the people feel better'. This was immediately after he said, 'There was a big shooting....uh, whatever the last big shooting was, he was at a baseball game!' I have no problem pointing out how much Obama sucks, but if he just happened to be at a game when the shit goes down? How the fuck is that within his control, Sam?

I was tuned out when they were talking about that. That I'll agree with you on. It reminds me of the 5 minutes My Pet Goat thing. One of the dumbest criticisms I've ever heard in my life, and TONS of dumbshits were saying it.

Right? Bush will go down as one of the worst Presidents but, wtf was he supposed to do? start panicking and shouting DEFCON 11 at a buch of black children?

I found it more retarded that he too didn't know Allepo.

Yeah he's a dummy. I love Sam's sarcasm and the ways he instigates but there are certain things I always hated about him: Him wanting to be a TMZ host, his love for these pointless 'celebs', the way he just fawns over rap/hip hop trash he calls music and trash culture in general.

If he keeps that shit away from the show, it will be a good listen.

They're all dummies, if they use politics to be funny its fine. Its when they start believing that because they're on the radio they know what s going on.


He kind of worded it like a retard but he's not wrong. Problem is no gives a fuck what Obama thinks any more except for his die-hard followers and he knows it. Might as well go on vacation.