Opie is all the things he hated about Howard and complained about for years.

67  2016-09-29 by StuntPeckah

Opie cried to management and his agent instead of talking to Jimmy about it either on the air or face to face like a man. He had Jimmy censored (Uncle Paul removed from best-of airings), tried to have Jim pulled from the air (in studio less days), meanwhile playing the victim the whole time, right up to the current moment. Howard, Jr.

Then there's all his primadonna antics like the last minute contract re-signs? If you think his co-workers were sick of this shit, imagine how his wife feels! Fellas, can you imagine having to tell your wife that you dicked around till the last minute AGAIN to sign a very lucrative contract for a very easy 4-hour-per-day job and now you probably don't have a job at all, and even if you do it will be significantly less money? Oh yeah, and now a former intern is sitting in your chair and you have no other job offers or prospects! How would your wife respond?


Opie is all of the things that he hates about anyone. It's just him projecting. Go back and listen to any of his rants about anyone. Opie is the piece of shit stirring up drama.

Listen to his rant about Adam Carolla. He screamed about how Adam was a liar and about how he hates all the liars in the radio business. Well, years later Jimmy was on Adams show and surprise, Opie was the one lying about everything. He legit has a mental/personality disorder.

The December fight was him blithering like a mad man for a half hour, and then the second Jimmy responds to anything, first thing out of his mouth is "... wow, you're crazy...".

Don't you understand, though? Opie said that because Jimmy wasn't supposed to respond to Opie but rather just it there and kiss Opie's ass.

Are you suggesting opie is actually a helium filled analogue of himself? He really hated that shaq balloon thing

At least is Howard is successful and famous to the point that it justifies his acting like that to a degree.

Opie is so delusional when he compares himself to Howard, granted I'm not even a Stern fan, but I can recognize the impact he's had on popular culture.

I think he's being tongue-in-cheek sometimes when he compares himself to Howard. This just makes it clear though that Opie really does believe he is on Howard's level, artistically if not financially. Opie is so woefully disconnected from reality, I guess that's what happens when your coworkers/employees have been on walking on Greggshells around you for 10+ years.

According to celebritynetworth.com, Opie is worth $12 million with a $3 million a year salary

How could he possibly think he is worth anywhere near that?

Doesn't he understand how badly he's been exposed the last 2 years since Ant got fired?

Oh, I think he knows how badly he's been exposed. And although he knows he is a no talent radio personality, he thinks he is brilliant enough as a strategist to be able to convince the public that everything is working out according to some genius master plan. That plan being to use social media like a teenage girl, masterfully dropping hashtags and "clever" YouTube videos.

In short, he is delusional. I concur with shitlord cuntdick that Opie has a legitimate disorder.

He's basically the cunty side of Howie, only without* a modicum of his talent.


He was just jealous and always wanted what Howard had, most boring parts of he show listening to him drone on about Howard. 0 laughs just a tyra banks style lecture.

"I'm leaving you."


(pun intended)

His wife has gotta be super pissed right now. That's making me so happy.

His wife is probably sucking strange black dick in the room next to him. Which is why he keeps posting all these videos. He is William H Macy in boogie nights. A spineless rube.

When his wife leaves him, he'll blame it on internet hate. The man cannot accept any level of responsibility because deep down he knows that he's a complete fraud.

"You don't actually not love me, it's just the haters."

his entire life is a sham

The only difference is that his partner isnt a yes man and hates him "Hoo hoo isnt that right Ant?............Ant?"

Opie is Howard except for the success, talent, and money.

The December fight was him blithering like a mad man for a half hour, and then the second Jimmy responds to anything, first thing out of his mouth is "... wow, you're crazy...".

Oh, I think he knows how badly he's been exposed. And although he knows he is a no talent radio personality, he thinks he is brilliant enough as a strategist to be able to convince the public that everything is working out according to some genius master plan. That plan being to use social media like a teenage girl, masterfully dropping hashtags and "clever" YouTube videos.

In short, he is delusional. I concur with shitlord cuntdick that Opie has a legitimate disorder.

Don't you understand, though? Opie said that because Jimmy wasn't supposed to respond to Opie but rather just it there and kiss Opie's ass.

Are you suggesting opie is actually a helium filled analogue of himself? He really hated that shaq balloon thing