Opie just can't help himself.

3  2016-09-29 by WilliamTellAll


what a fucking child.

"Glad I finally have a platform to address Jim Norton's comments, and I will...right after we GET THE LED OUT on Tulsa's only home for Rock and Roll!!"

"In time" just say what you have to say you fucking faggot

"The truth shall come out soon enough!"

I expect more vague videos shot in an aquarium.

It's so obvious his mind is cracked wide open. It's why he keeps having to thank twitter users for their "support and positivity".

I like me. My wife likes me. My followers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article.


Opie is ALL IN with the vague, passive-aggressive melodrama.

He says weird shit.


If he gets any more vague he's in danger of being replaced by the opie bot.

He's doing radio teases on his Twitter. Maybe if we all stay tuned we'll read the big reveal.....right after this.