Keep digging that grave Opie you titted fuck

124  2016-09-29 by Dennyislife


This is the greatest day of this sub. We might as well end it now.

If we all place our heads really close together we won't even need to buy lots of bullets!

I say we jump off a bridge and all hold hands

Does it have to be hands?


It worked in Saipan in 45'. For the emperor, Denny Falcone!

Like my favorite seen in Schindlers list

I thought this after Greggshells, and Greggshells 2, and when Ant choked a bitch. This place keeps on giving

I think when news networks ran Ant's picture claiming him the be the Nice terrorist. That was a good day.

Did that really happen? I thought that was a joke.

I... I thought the stills of that were just photoshops. Wow.

It was our finest hour.

You are not wrong sir.

Of all the funny things on this sub in the last year or two, when I opened those pictures and links that day - I was absolutely crying over here.

It was the first thing in the O&A world that even made my wife laugh.

so far

This really does feel like the end of a movie. Now Anthony dying is all that's left

And the post credits scene is a log crushing Roland to death.

This is the day we've been waiting for, some of us for years. I guess it looks bad when you just write it out like that.

The idea of Anthony getting fired, and Jim separating from the show to do radio with Sam seemed impossible 5 years ago.

Not a good idea. In a sub full of great ideas, this is not one of them.

I was always hoping there would be a perfect Jamestown style ending here.

It's been a pleasure, it really has. Just when my life gets even more boring, this sub delivers.

"Take us to break you fat piece-a garbage"

No no no. There's more coming.

Jim may of diddled a toddler in real life. Big A may of killed a woman. Bobo may turn the gun on his mother and Mr. Maloonigans.

This sub is a never ending giving tree. There has to be more. Don't give up.

Hot damn. Slamming Jimmy with having no integrity and Anthony for not having the cash or audience. Double whammy, cocksucka. I bet words will be had now.

Yep, he's basically calling him a no spine having worm.

Jimmy, comment?

Ant himself said Jim stuck with Sirius for the money/audience. It was no secret, and Ant doesn't hold it against him.

Say what you will about ol' pissy eyes Cumia. He's not petty, as far as I can tell. If he hates you, it's because you've been a passive aggressive cunt to him for over a decade. Or you're black.

So now he's saying Jim Norton doesn't have integrity? Aw shit son

We're on the cusp of an old school, hate-filled, "fuck your mother's cunt"-type rant from Jimmy, hold on to your dicks

So Jimmy has no integrity for not going over to TACS, but Opie presumably has lots of integrity for not even sticking up for Ant? What a dummy.

He is right about Ant's lack of money and audience, though.

Especially when on that first day back opie claimed he was "devastated" by ants firing and he fought for ant. I actually remember thinking that was the first time in a while opie was being genuine about something. Boy was I fucking stupid.

That is fucking crazy.

"Waah! He's abandoning me!"

several hours later

"If he had any integrity, he would have abandoned me years ago!"

Well he needed him that day. Also they're not that close.

Opie isn't good at radio

Opie is asking Norton to play.. Plz play Jimmy. Plz

Where all the marriage warriors at

I knew he'd meltdown but not this bad. Keep going, Opester

This meltdown is the funniest Opie has ever been.

The guy who stood by and let Ant get fired, after he carried him for 20 years, is saying someone else doesn't have integrity? If they offered Opie 5 mill a year, without Jimmy, he would've cut Jimmy's throat and signed. Opie has alienated everyone he'w worked with. Sooner or later he has to look in the mirror.

I wish someone would tell Opie on twitter that he is sounding like an old cunt...needy and nagging like his mom.

I'm beginning to believe his mom wasn't even that bad. I bet he was projecting all his bullshit onto her.

I think u might be a genious. Never considered the obvious. Spot on.

Opie is above all else

Opie is going all in.

Was jst about to post this. This is the artillery shell, there's no way to ignore this.

A recent thread starter mentioned that listening to old shows he saw that Opie would only contribute during the funny Ant/Jim riffs by reading 'funny' lines from listeners. He's doing the same thing on twitter, hinging on people who bring up issues and posing himself as "just answering questions" as a way to vent what he really thinks. He can't say it straight up like a man.

Just when you think you've seen the bottom of the well, it gets deeper. Fuck is this nigga dumb.

In all fairness to Opie, the 'integrity' slam may be the one thing he's saying that's actually true. After all, he didn't get the nickname 'worm' for nothing.

Fingers crossed for opie to slam Jim on how he defended Amy for stealing from Patrice

I mean.. pretty much everyone on this sub also said that if Jim had any integrity he'd have left Opie and gone to Ant's network... Everyone said he was putting his paycheck ahead of his integrity. In fact, he was nicknamed "paycheck" for a while... Opie is reading from our playbook...

I was more along the line of him not signing with Sxm if he loves free speech so much, doesn't have to sign with Cumia

I was personally more in that camp as well.. that's why I said "pretty much everyone" and not "everyone." A lot of people thought it was a betrayal by Jimmy to stay with Opie instead of jumping over to Compound Media.. especially once the NYC studio got up and running.

Opie, please stop. I can only get so hard.

If your erection lasts more than 4 hours, please seek medical attention.

Or a pecka sucka dvv dvv

This is better than the finale of Cheers

Need a clip of the Jimmy and Opie fight from '04 or '05 when Opie passive aggressively made Sean Rouse, a comedian friend of Jim's, in the green room forever after wanting him there early. This was just after doing the same thing to Bill Burr.

Opie was talking real strong to Jim that day as well.

Edit: it was 4/22/05 youtube has a clip

I'm going to need to dig that out later.

The main reason I believe Jimmy is because he's the only one saying that the O&J show wasn't working. It's undeniable it stunk. Opie is tweeting like it was a great show and they were doing great radio

We can either believe the guy who openly admitted to tranny sex and exchanging pre-adolescent oral under a porch, or the guy who prided himself on fooling people into handing over possessions so he could break them.

Oh my god oh my god

No longer can produce testosterone and is on an estrogen fueled twitter rampage, this is hilarious.

"you are blocked from reading opie's dumb tweets"

oh shit, not just passive aggressive anymore. he's spraying breast milk straight in jim's eyes.

East Side Dave has been trolling Opie in a lot of his posts, it's fucking great.

I wonder if they met face to face, would Opie prove to be the tough guy he's always claimed and try to fight him?

rofl, spuds pretending he's not too busy getting his gelatinous moobs in a huff to miss taking the "heartfelt" distraction opportunity to #ThoughtsAndPrayers (me me me MEEEEEEE) about yet another daily tragedy

Everyone who ever said Opie was an untalented loser is being vindicated this week.

So Jimmy doesn't have any integrity because he didn't join ant? Remember that first day back from ants firing that opie said "of course I'm devastated ant was fired and I fought for him to stay?" Where's opies integrity seeing as that was a gigantic lie?

Good thing that yesterday Ant said he wanted jim to stay at XM that money way better and was a no brainier


He's kind of right though. Cumia's audiences and all...

For god's sake someone post a screeshot.

fake, forced, weak burp jimmy has no integrity PERIOD

Who was human garbage again?

Jim was loyal to Opie and the show originally. Apparently this meant little to Opie and even maintaining a working relationship fell apart within 2 yrs as the show went down the shitter.

Wow, admitting that he has no chemistry with this co-host.

As detestable as he is, Opie is right.

Jim had no backbone, which we all know. He should've jumped ship and joined TACS. And been a broke washed out failure like Ant.

We all kiss a little ass to keep our jobs though. Even if we hate our bosses, we need that paycheck. Not saying Jim's off the hook like the worm we claim him to be, but we're all kinda guilty of that.

So Jimmy is basically a "worm" and Anthony has "no one watching..." someone's been doing a little lurking...


I think what Opie means is that Jimmy loved Ant, but decided to stay with someone he didn't like (opie) for the money. I can understand that argument.

If Tits had any integrity, he'd go after who he's really mad at; the suits at Sirius who re-signed Jimmy, gave him "his" show, and took away his last shred of leverage.

If "integrity" = "taking less money for doing what you really want to do" (which is what Jimmy would have done if he left for TACS), why's Tits still holding out for more money?

If Tits didn't want to move to afternoons, yet he knew that Jimmy didn't want to work with him (and vice-versa), and knew that Jimmy also wanted to keep doing mornings, why the fuck did he go on vacation and get all que sera with his negotiations?!?

If you knew someone was gunning for your job, or at least your time-slot, would you go fishing at contract time?

It's as if Tits felt he was management and had the final say in things, and was completely shocked to find out otherwise.

Oh so Opie even knows Ant's numbers.

So, Anthony is the man with class; and Opie is the man with integrity. It all makes sense now.

Opie is 100% right.

Jim didn't want to do a show with Opie. He did it purely for the money. He should of took a risk and joined Ant. He could of helped him build a better network.

Or, he did take a risk staying with Opie, in the hopes that he could have his own show on Sirius one day, and he just got his wish.

Jimmy has always said he wanted to do corporate broadcasting as opposed to a homegrown operation. Should he have fucked that out the window because one friend got fired?

What Jimmy did wasn't an example of a lack of integrity; it was an example of him not being retarded.

"Let me take a healthy pay cut and quadruple my commute for my good buddy Anthony!". What? NO!

For Tits to call it a lack of integrity was an extraordinarily cunty thing to do; there were so many factors in play.

What about the fact that Tits didn't like Anthony for the last few years they were together? Where was his "integrity" then?

Depending on how you slice this, Tits either comes off like a cunt, or a hypocritical cunt. And Jimmy was nothing but smart about it.

I was more along the line of him not signing with Sxm if he loves free speech so much, doesn't have to sign with Cumia

I was personally more in that camp as well.. that's why I said "pretty much everyone" and not "everyone." A lot of people thought it was a betrayal by Jimmy to stay with Opie instead of jumping over to Compound Media.. especially once the NYC studio got up and running.

It was our finest hour.