Right now Sam and Jimmy are thinking up how to respond to Opie and that makes me happy.

28  2016-09-29 by Dennyislife



Here's my idea:


I'd donate to Jimmy's next animated slush fund if they did that.

same, only if ant called in to help with the jocktoberrrr

I theorized that Jim and Sam can go nuclear if they needed to.

I can see that happening today; Opie is flat out calling Jimmy a liar.

I have a feeling of Jimmy snaps, it's going to make Ant's stories seem very kind.

If Opie is truly out, the channel gets renamed, etc. then I can see that happening.

as much as id love to see this...i doubt it happens, just a few jabs back and then sit and let Opie bury himself...even more.

would be great if Ant called in today and the 3 went off about it all together...let all the dirty laundry hang out in the yard.

Jimmy cannot hold back. Ant said it himself the other day...roles reversed Jimmy would have snapped long ago. It might not be today but Norton will put Opie on blast at some point in the near future.

im sure once all the contracts are final and things are announced it will get ugly

Those two are far from lambchops

Pardon the salty language, but it makes my peter hard.


Oh my...


Well at least they both went all out with their negative attributes. Anthony, casually drunk and racist, and Opie, delusional and unfunny

And Sam and Jim as the wersels that they are. Its so perfect that it feels like its been written for us.

Right now they are both in a position of power; they have a show and fans, Opie does not. So if they do a show and make even a passive aggressive remark and a good natured chuckle, it will drive Opie up the wall. And he's a narcissist so you know he is glued to the screen reading every comment and mention of him.

They won't do shit, the pussies

same, only if ant called in to help with the jocktoberrrr