This should get some folks bak on his side. What a fucking loser.

104  2016-09-28 by Treeckosis


At what point is it no longer just the "haters"?
The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

Saying that he has "haters" implies that there is actually some sort of Opie fans out there that support him. All his tweets saying, "Thanks for all the support.." and what not: who is supporting him? Where are these "opie fans"? Are there really any, at all?

A couple truckers called in Morning Jam with Jim and Travis earlier talking about how Opie made the show for them.

Either they were subtle trolls, or the "truckers are Opie's only fans" meme is very real.

Either they were subtle trolls, or the "truckers are Opie's only fans" meme is very real.

That has never been a meme, your mind just imagined that to make your comment seem like it had a point.

FAWK YEA you fuckin buried that cock suckah!! Piece uh garbage! tsss yea Harry the Hater why doesn't he just shave or sumppin

It's mind control. I was a fighter....

They're in Philly and Huntington, Long Island and none of them has internet.

That's honestly the saddest part about him. Most people with haters also have fans. He really doesn't grasp that 99.9% of O&A listeners think he's garbage.

I'll just leave this here.

Hahaha holy shit. Well done

Must be new here

Lot of new faces these last few days bro

Yeah bro

shut up

please tell me thats been tweeted to him

Not only that. Opie spent weeks getting this video blocked on just about every video platform there is. But as this is the internets, you chop one head off, another 10 sprout up...


Oh, who could forget the marvelous Harry Cocksucker?

holy shit, almost brought me to tears

I hate that he thinks that he made some relevant piece of satire he can post as a rebuttal whenever people are trolling him. He genuinely thinks he's shining the light on Twitter trolls and that this will make them scurry. What a retard.

He can post it. Just don't expect it not to be reposted with BBC in his face.

That's what is great though. The complete lack of self awareness and inability to be his own critic. This is what keeps Scorch going too. I want this fool to keep making garbage and therefore continuing to confirm what most of us have known for a long time-- he is a board op and nothing else. If he backs out of the public eye to prep bulls for Lindsay that is also a win as well though. As a fan of what was once the greatest show, it's a win win position. "You get nothing, you lose, good day sir"

I hate that he thinks that he made some relevant piece of satire

For some reason, just this thought alone made me crack up.

A woman procreated with this man.

He's rich tho. Only reason I see Bams ex going after that.


The death rattle of a never was

This day never stops delivering. He's just a ginormous dunce.

Wow. Whoever called the "one day away" from tweeting the "I like me" speech from Planes, Trains and Automobiles was as spot on as the SXM source...

Dr. Steve came out and thanked Opie for keeping the show despite what the bosses wanted. Opie kept Weird Medicine around because it didn't pose the same threat to him as Ron and Fez did. There is no defense for this man.

I'm sure Dr. Steve will "wrong" Opie in some way, and Steve will be exiled onto the Tit List

Now with the knowledge that he despised Uncle Paul, was Harry the Hater his plan to have a character way more popular? Like to beat Jimmy at his own game? I bet when he posted the first video he was like "this is how it's done, bitch!"

Yes. So was his brief Satan character.

Makes my stomach hurt thinking about the embarrassment from actually hearing that

Do I dare ask what the satan character was?

It was "the devil"!

Is there a link anywhere? I need to cringe-vomit.

Thanks sir. Ouch. "That's what makes the bit good"



Are you forgetting the absolute gold that is "loves the internet" guy? Those videos were fucking good man.

30 years in radio and he ends it by trolling on Twitter for attention from his dwindling fan base. fuckin oof

I love how fast Harry Hater vanished once Opie sucking the N person cock video came out. Harry Hater vanished almost as fast as Danny when his cross dressing pics were about to be posted by AntH.

Fuck you Opie. You're a cunt of a man.

How about the time he was gonna make it rain money in NY. ESD made a bearded joker rebuttal and the threats of rain never materialized

Look at that, gang. We're happier than a millionaire.

Happier than a Amy in feces

We heard you.

I've not listened to neither Opie nor Anthony since Anthony got fired. I take it I haven't missed much?

He has 5 times as many dislikes as likes on that video and had to disable comments because no matter how much he doesn't care about the "haters" his egomania would drive him to read the comments if they were there simply because they are about him.

When the majority of people are "haters", you're the cunt in the room. Opie is a cunty cunting cunt.

It's truly amazing how unlikeable he is.

This is why women are embarrassing. All they care about is money. How on earth could any woman not only marry, but have kids with this piece of shit? He has no personality, no talent, nothing interesting to say...he just has money.

Your husband is in his 50's and spends all his time recording people and random things in a desperate attempt to be "viral". There can't be more than a few thousand people who actually give a shit about what is currently going on, but he reacts like the entire country is sitting around waiting for his response videos.

I'll be bummed if he does actually go away. I legitly enjoyed following him in this delusional state he has been in over the past few years.

This isn't about your bad luck with women, this is about ridiculing a giant man-baby.

Please try to stay on topic.

He's become an inverted Scorch.

Im not an Opie hater, just a cuck faggot, but good christ the dude needs to just STOP. I think he really may be mental.

May be mental? He is definitely mentally ill. His mom is legit mentally ill. He absolutely inherited something really bad. Just having a low IQ does not tell the whole story. Sure, he's classically dumb - I mean, he's super dumb for an adult with a full time job, but he's also a malignant narcissist and shows signs of pretty bad paranoia.

He should be medicated. I bet his family is miserable around him most of the time.

Hahaha...fawkin homerun, Harry Hater. You tell those pieces of gawbage!

Bobo's "drunk angry guy" character was better than this.

I prefer Bobo The Used Car Salesmen myself.

Well yes, Barge In Drunk Guy is the greatest character since Othello.

Isn't that the video where Opie sucks a dick?

Nearly 15,000 ( thousand ) views in a year ( 365 x 24hr days ).

This guy's fawkin good.

I wonder what a potential employer thinks when he googles opie and sees his twitter timeline.

That he's PFG? Top 5 desperate tweets after the break folks!

his teeth look like the bent metal strips in a russian music box mid-song

A relevant reminder of why the listeners hate him?

What the fuck hes loosing it

I got 3 seconds into this and wanted to punch my screen, I forgot what a fucking piece of dogshit this "character" is.

Why is he still fucking communicating through Youtube videos?

Because he lost his radio show and his colleagues still working in the medium despise him?



Everyone who is forced to interact with him will end up a "hater". He's impossibly unlikable. It's almost impressive in it's severe psychosis.

I would pay easy $9.99 a month to hear this guy do a solo podcast. It would be gold.

1k thumbs down and counting....

Imagine being his kids. Going to school and this 60 year old man is trying to act 20 being too cool for the room guy. Im sure everyone tolerates him until her finally drops dead and they can spend his dough

Autism intensifies

That guy is funnier than Opie.

Yeah, this was the perfect time to dust off that old chestnut.

At this point, he needs a douchebag intervention, but thankfully, he doesn't have any bros to stage one; he stabbed them all in the back.

Paranoid, duplicitous, and buxom is no way to go through life, son.

reminds me of how funny harry hater is. hopefully the opester brings back the character and makes new vids. easily better than any of jimmy's characters, other than chip.

Harry crybaby.


The comments on the video are great


Anybody else bothered by that lone fucking hair coming off the middle of his nose? Never thought his face could get more punchable


We heard you


Fucking jabroni disabled comments what a sack of shit

Christ, his bottom teeth rival Will Ferrell's. Fucking bazooka toothed faggot.

If he makes daily harry hater videos, I would consider a paid subscription

How does one grow a hair on their nose? Furthermore how does one not notice they've grown a hair on their nose?

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Harry the Hater? I don't see no hats !! ... tsss

I can't be the only who is blocked from Opies twitter, whenever his statuses get posted can you post screenshots or at least quotes please.

That he's PFG? Top 5 desperate tweets after the break folks!