We need to provoke opie into attacking jim and Sam just one more time.

24  2016-09-28 by georgie_best

They addressed the whole issue with too much respect today. I get it, they're old friends, they don't want to get childish, Yada Yada Yada. But I want a full on war between opie and everyone else. I really want opie to just say one more thing about them. If opie drops just one more subliminal dig at jim, I can see jimmy going into fuck you mode


Just go to twitter and ask questions. The vague faggot will say something.

Make sure to add #TeamJim

Here's how we do it - we need someone here to make a highlight reel of Jim's Opie bashing so that we can tweet it at him. Make it nice and short so that titty boy's attention doesn't wander. Edit out anything diplomatic or remotely nice, just leave in the good shit.

It would work, but it would be unfair on our little horse cock. The idea is to leave him triumphant at the end, standing on the higher moral ground, with Sam gallantly riding him across the sunset

It will happen naturally if Opie continues broadcasting. He can't help himself.

After hearing today's show I can't imagine how Opie would do an afternoon gig in a channel that used to carry his name. And oh by the way your old co hosts now have their own gig in your studio. I can't see how any of that afternoon show nonsense would even work.


Jim implied he is willing and able to unload years and years of rage on that balding, fat-titted narcissist if he's provoked.

We really don't, I think taking the high road also hurt opie a lot more than he thinks or knows. Sam even takes little jabs like "you kinda wanna introduce things on your own terms and set things up in a positive way... you know, not on YouTube."

Some of the families won't sit for all-out war!

Totally agreed

looks like we didnt need to do a thing.. opie flew off the handle this morning. if you ignore how mad i am reading each of his tweets, just the sheer level of hypocrisy in them, im otherwise so happy right now.

looks like we didnt need to do a thing.. opie flew off the handle this morning. if you ignore how mad i am reading each of his tweets, just the sheer level of hypocrisy in them, im otherwise so happy right now.