Future show ideas for nopie raqio

0  2016-09-28 by Rushguy

He's seriously fucked is all I can come up with. Testicular radio w his wheezing mentor? A podcast with Vic or Chris? I never hated gregggg or any of the regular comics but always understood where y'all where coming from. He can't do a 'live from a shit covered beach" show with any of them and make it compelling. Leaving uncensored Sirius where guests were easier to get and surprise visitors could happen is retarded. He can't do a compound anthony thing because he can't. The only thing I would tune in day one for would be a "Bubba and Greggshells 'Do' Their Friends" podcast. Two bitches giving out head-swivels talking about how long they've been doing radio.


I'd secretly love for Stern to hire him for a few bucks, and then just use him for intern stuff. Sweet revenge would be having Opie relegated to baby sitting Beetlejuice, and fetching potatoes.

Pretty sure Chris is on a tv show that just got picked up so at most he would be a semi-regular guest. Sherrod has some D level show too. He might be down to just Vic as far as full time co-hosts go.

The Opie and Todd Show

Yeah Stern can give him Riley Martin's old time slot. I think it was Thursday night from 7-7:30. Actually, Anthony should give him a timeslot and let him, you know, run with it.