I think its time we got cakestomp back out there

96  2016-09-28 by Dennyislife

Whos the guy with the troll army again?


Let's do it guys, one last cakestomp to finish him off in his currently critical state. He's never been weaker and more paranoid and batshit crazy than he is now. Let's land that killing blow and turn him fully in to his mothers son. Killing blow! Killing blow!

I think the one of him making the girl in the wheelchair take the money from his hand is WAY MORE damning than cakestomp.

"The troll army" haha. The cripple girl in the wheelchair video would work best.

Can someone here do a video of Opie's most bruuutal moments like cakestomp and cripple girl?

i think just wheelchair girl would be best. much easier to make headlines out of 1 thing compared to 4 or 5 different incidents.

I think we should wait until Gregg Huges does his afternoon drive show in Tulsa to start bringing that up again.

The soccer mom audience he is going for won't see the humor in it at all.

But controversy during contract talks would make that last remaining hair fall out

This piece of shit will be lucky if he's broadcasting out of Ronkonkoma

Now probably isn't a good time, Opie is going through some struggles in his personal and professional life.

It needs to be circulated NOW. Before the contract signing.

Old video resurfaces of disgraced unemployed shockjock assaulting a homeless man. IS THIS WHY SIRIUS FIRED HIM?

i was thinking someone should post that to one of those justic porn subreddit after it has been confirmed, something like "remember the millionaire shock jock that stomped a homeless mans cake? hes finally fired and is currently living in garbage"

Especially when he has no chance to defend against it either. This really would be the best time.

This would be the perfect time for it

You shouldn't kick a man when he's down... stomp him

Seriously: lets take this time right now to finish him off for good. He's going to be shopping around to other networks; would be shitty if both of those things started making the rounds again.