"He's enjoying other guys like Chris, Sherrod and Vic.."

34  2016-09-28 by Mr702law

Jimmy thinks those guys are hacks too


I would hope so. He has ears.

I saw Jimmy at a club one time and he commented on somebody talking during the show. I don't remember what he initially said, but it was polite. A few minutes later he looked back at her and said "I have ears, miss".

Jim also just said Opie lobbied to not have Uncle Paul included in best-ofs

I wonder if those guys will ever appear on Mourning Harambe. I have a feeling they won't.

The tried to take Jim's job. What do you think?

Did he respond to Anthony's comments yesterday?

Not yet.. If you're referring to the cunt text.. Pretty much saying show was extra uncomfortable after Ant gone. Similar to what Ant was saying about no way show was going to work after he was gone.

And Pissy Eye was right.

Short of one semi-decent bit, the show was a train wreck. The only joy was hearing them hate fuck each other with tension, long pauses, and passive agressive remarks, topped with cryptic tweets and shark videos.

Now that I think about it, it sounds alot like Christmas with my family.

They had a semi-decent bit?

Yeah, I remember someone posted it recently, it was just the one. And even then, its not all that great.

There was a show with Johnny Knoxville and Louie CK that I would say was the best post Ant show. Somewhere after that, I gave up.

His contempt was barely shielded.

Is that a quote? Did Jim really say that?

No, but I get that feeling too.

it's almost exactly what he said. he then gives them a compliment and says "but I'm enjoying other guys too" or something along those lines

Yes, that was the followup line.. I think Jim likes Mark Normand though

Because Normand is funny despite what this sub thinks

who the fuck doesn't enjoy Mark Normand?

Is he the genius that thinks Chlamydia only lasts ten days?

I've always had the impression he doesn't like Vic. I don't know why, maybe he's just a little quiet around him.

Me too. I don't think he thought Vic was funny or Sherrod. He's just too professional to bash them.

I'm not sure about Sherrod because he used to talk about him once in a while because he was part of that Cellar crowd.

I've never seen Vic or Sherrod do stand up. They didn't bother me on the radio either, when they were on 3 or 4 times a year. Doing a daily show is not for them.

Yes but maybe not in the context you're thinking. He meant that Opie enjoys the company of those men. Sherrod's big retard toungue up his ass while the other two take turns fucking his big freckly tits.