Jim and Sam talk about Opie leaving the show (09/28/2016)

171  2016-09-28 by beavvv



-they couldn't stand doing the show together, neither of them wanted to work with each other by the end.

-Op preferred when Jim was on the road because he didn't want him in the studio

-Jim likes Sherrod and Vic, like as genuine friends, but knew he brought the funny to the show

-their comedy went in two different directions (was it ever the same?)

-Jim does not want to do afternoons, Op wants to do them. Op wanted Jim to go to 2-3 days a week so they didn't need to be together all week, Jim was informed of this by their agent and not Op

-Op lobbied to get rid of Uncle Paul in the replays best of, confirming Op didn't want Paul to be on the show. So whenever it would be mentioned here about Tits ignoring him, he was in fact intentionally doing it.

-they both knew they had no chemistry, they needed Ant to basically keep the flow going. Jim acknowledges he's better working with anyone but Op

-Sam has sucked Opie's dick many times during this, but it's to be fair since Op gave him everything he has raqio-wise

-Steve C. reference "Yeeeessss" that actually made me laugh since it was so out of the blue

-there has been a lot of Travis love, makes me wonder if this is going to be a Jim/Sam/Travis trio in the future

-Op is not done with Sirius, he's in negotiations for his new contract. It was mentioned earlier Tits no-showed the last show he was supposed to do with Jim. Jim thought it was a family emergency, it wasn't.

-Op hated being called the straight guy/"bus driver" of the show, so you fucks clearly got to him. This part is at 38:45 if you want to check it out.

-Jim signed his new contract not knowing what the future of him on Sirius is. He wants it to be him and Sam, but he seems genuine when he says he doesn't know what's happening next.

-Jim says Opie and Jim hurt his stand-up/drawing power because people didn't listen to the show, as opposed to Opie and Anthony. Op and Jim's relationship had to end for both of them

-Anthony is getting a tone of love, which actually makes me sad. There's been no mention of any sort of Jim/Sam/Ant future. Jim says he's insane/volatile, but a genius.

-Jim admits when they moved to satellite the show started to be more about Jim and Ant opposed to the three of them, and that's when the tiff started between Jim and Op

-Jim doesn't think Op wanted him fired/out of the company, just that their time was up and they need to do their own thing.


-Op hated being called the straight guy/"bus driver" of the show, so you fucks clearly got to him. This part is at 38:45 if you want to check it out.

This speaks to Opie's delusion and complete lack of self-awareness. He thinks he's actually funny and knows comedy. Opie being called the straight guy/bus driver/ship steerer is the only positive thing you can say about Opie, and it's glaringly obvious to everyone except talentless Opie. He's a button pusher. Period. He should have taken that in stride and lived it up.

Opie is Lt. Steven Hauk from Good Morning, Vietnam. "Sir, in my heart, I know I'm funny."

Years ago I was looking at different wikipedia articles and Opie was in the Straight Man entry. There were only five or so examples and now he's removed, probably because no one has any idea who he is.

Pretty much a universal truth of life is that you are what most people think you are.
Opie is a straight man. He wasn't always, but that's what he evolved to in his career. Either be a straight man or hang it up. He will fall flat on his face without a good lead man. Just look at his train wreck show a couple of weeks ago.

Opie is a particularly poor example of a Straight Man. Listen to how Sam provides a sounding board/foil for Jimmy's jokes compared to Opie. It's night and day.

I'm generally not a fan of Sam, but he and Jim have undeniable chemistry together that Opie and Jim just don't have at this point. It's important to point out the way that Sam plays off of Jim's characters.

They did some research and found out I was equally popular.

So SXM is reading Twitter, YouTube comments, and possibly this sub.

Twitter and YouTube are such small, non informative comments (although indicative as a whole). However, I find it hilarious that potentially reams of paper were used to print out compiled Reddit comments with fantastic points, and dropped on an executives desk to mull over prior to contract negotiations. I'm not talking "haters," I'm talking 5 paragraphs explaining exactly why Opie is worthless in every aspect of his job. God bless the Sirius employees who combed this sub for nuggets to pass on to the decision makers above them.

He looks up from the papers with his glasses sitting down the bridge of his nose. "These are fans of the show, you say? Good heavens..."

"Let me get this straight, the listeners don't even like the show?"

"No sir, those are the former listeners."

plops down a receipt sized piece of paper

"These are the names of the remaining 12 listeners, 4 of which only listen to record and rebroadcast the show for the former listeners to make fun of"

"Mother of God."

Surely Jim is just being diplomatic here. There is no way they're 50/50 popular. Jim was the only reason to listen.

If that is the case then Denny would have replaced opie

Your boss should be proud of you.

I work for the government, the fuck the heck (that was a little harsh) else am I supposed to do all day? This actually gave me a task for 50 mins for you good eggs.


I'm glad you edited your post. That sort of language is just unnecessary.

I agree, fuck Obama!

Finally my tax dollars do something worthwhile.

This is why the opie lynching never ends and it's always 100% justified. Behold the incendiary borderlining non-talent with delusions of mediocrity.

Ants done dude. Its over. That idiot should have apologized, he got fired and went even more right.

apologized to who and for what? They never asked for an apology.He never got a complaint from the public because they fired him the very next day via email.

LOL at anyone who thought Jimmy even considered going to TACS.

He signed that Sirius paycheck before the ink on it was dry.

-Jim doesn't want to be on the same channel as Opie, wants Opie to have no influence on his career.

Op wanted Jim to go to 2-3 days a week so they didn't need to be together all week, Jim was informed of this by their agent and not Op

Also, Opie then told Jimmy that what their agent said was untrue, or inaccurate. But Jimmy said he's heard this from multiple sources. So, for whatever reason, Opie felt the need to blatantly lie to Jim about this.

Also, dropping Jim down to part time could have left some extra money in the pot for Opie's big raise.

I think it's a safe bet that the "for whatever reason" is that it makes Opie look like a total backstabbing cunt. That's a massive motherfuck, or attempted motherfuck, anyway, and not enough is being made of it.

Opie couldn't tell Jim he was trying to phase him out, but expected Jimmy to inform him he was re-signing with Sirius?

"keep your head on a swivel", indeed.

Tits is Jack Nicholson's character's description of a woman (which was lifted from some author) in "As Good as It Gets": "I think of a man, then I take away reason and accountability".

Everything makes sense except him saying that Opie and Jim hurt he's stand up drawing power. He's funny on the radio but he's stand up hurt he's stand up drawing power more then anything. It's always the same self deprecating am I gay? Am I not? Tranny tranny jokes all the time.


And remember Jim was bothered by his lack of say in guests. To be fair, I side with Opie on interviewing porn stars. That's old hat and also seems to be like Jim doing favors for his own benefit. Who here wants to listen to trans porn stars every week?

" Jim admits when they moved to satellite the show started to be more about Jim and Ant" so that was the last 12 years?

-Jim likes Sherrod likke as genuine friend

We don't buy that. He liked Vic years before he may have replaced Anthony. Vic was even on some key episodes. But Niggerboy means nothing beyond Opie holding him up as racial justice post-Anthony or Ant's "No, we had more niggers on besides Patrice and Keith!"

Fuck. Ant was right.

Of course he was. We all have our laughs at Ant's expense but Opie is the real villain in this world and always will be.

Look, Ant has his demons. But his are mostly personal vices and the energy mostly gets focused on himself.

But with Opie, you have to think there is some severe mental health issues at play. You know, like dear old mom. He's destructive, manipulative, narcissistic, and is an outright textbook sociopath.

Well, Opie is the real villain in the O and A world because he is hack and cry-baby

Anthony is still the villain in actual life, you know, because of racism, domestic violence and pedophilia.

There is no actual life to people on this board

I've never doubted ant at all. All the shit leading up to his firing and the shit exposed in the first greggshells episode. In fact, I'm not surprised in the least bit. We all knew Opie single-handedly dismantled the O&A show.

Why did this faggot sub jump on Ant for the racism thing? Literally all of you are racists and/or laughed along with it for years.

Because his racism started crowding out his dwindling attempts at comedy.

Ant was always right about Opie, though. When this sub actually started siding with Opie over the firing at the height of Ant hate, it blew my mind.

Influx of new listeners + reddit = lefty virtue signalling cunts

virtue signaling

You're a proud boy aren't you!


We heard you.

this sub is a bunch of nigger faggots.

It honestly seems that way. The morally righteous racism accusations coming form here were fucking repugnant. Like they don't realize they're LITERALLY acting like amy schumer. Kill yourselves.

Because you lose the moral high ground when you catch a DV case and misplace your firearm (and he's literally a nigger).

whaddaya mean "us"? Doesnt everybody hate niggers?


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I knew you were all a bunch of faggots! Nice try on the vindication tho


I never thought Ant was innaccurate, I just hated him after the doxxing thing.

The whole "doxxing thing" was maybe a 2 minute throwaway bit where he never actually ended up revealing anything- he just joked that he could have if he wanted to.

What exactly are you hating him for?

Who gives a fuck if he said bonniesretardsister is in charge of salads at the Queens Panera and sucks nigger dicks after his shift ends in the alley. I can't get mad at Da truf', yall just niggaz in dee-nyle.

I beg your pardon?

He may be at a low point, but as the worm so elegantly pointed out today, Ant is an honest to goshness tortured genius...

it's kind of funny how between the two of them, Opie is clearly the worse person and he never even beat the shit out of a woman.

To be fair he did punt kick a dog and a lot of people care more about animals than humans

How's Ant's show doing?

Better than Opie's.

I agree. That bitch was asking to be punched in the face.

You d think you're talkin bout niggers or Sumpin'. Tssssssss

but Ant's still a piece of shit, right?

Y'alls feelings have more ups and downs than a teenage girl's

if you think he can't be both right about something and a gross piece of shit then you're a dopey cunt.

Teenage girls? Now you have Ant's attention.





Who said he isn't? We got us a dumbass over here, "y'all".

Ant was only right insofar as Opie is a nut case. Ant is just as bad with childish texts behind the back of the dude sitting at the table with you and then he accidentally send it to the wrong person.

Not even fucking close

Sam- "...you wanna get into this youtube video we're mentioned in?" Jim- "Our fins hurt."

Thanks for upping this keep your head on a swivel .

This is great. First Anthony, now Jimmy and it's not Opie's fault at all right? How anyone can defend that boob is beyond me. He completely alienated his cohosts who, whether you like them or not, were absolutely the driving force of the humour behind the show and now if finishes like this after all Opie's bullshit.

I guess he's just getting started on reinventing himself.

Opie's departure went down exactly how everybody here speculated. He just fucked off and hid like a boobied bitchtits.

Good riddance

To bad rubbish.

Anthony's tweets and subsequent firing were Opie's fault? Ok...speaks volumes of this subreddit that you got 33 upvotes.

A show doesn't run on humor alone. You think just telling jokes will keep a show afloat?

It's "Too bad" - not "To bad"

Yeah, interruptions and stopping the flow to read unfunny twitter comments were crucial to why people were fans of the show.

YaY! We got another true blue TBO'er on the line here. Pay attention as we pass by folks, he's an endangered species.

Faggot out!-


that caller "birdman" should be shot

The next caller "mike from north carolina" should be shot as well. Time stamp of 23:32, he says that he was a "big Opie fan, he was the one that made the show".

"I'm gonna hafta find me anothuh mornin shoew to listen to". Are ya, dickbag?

That guy was so pathetic, I'm not yet convinced he wasn't a paid shill by Opie

9/28 was an inside job

Opie, the Actor Gregg Hughes, unveils his new character "mike from north carolina"

Had to be Philly crew, no? I can't imagine a person genuinely enjoying Opie.

There are a lot of that kind of idiot in North Carolina. They don't care for subtlety or humor.

Almost every caller was terrible. That's just a product of how terrible the show has become. They've cultivated a shitty caller base because only dummies still listen. One guy was decent, only because he said Opie was devoid of talent and humor.

All of them should be. Like that caller that goes to Jimmy's stand up religiously and needs his daily, "Jimmy" fix. Juck!

I thought it was a perfectly pertinent question: "Hey all of you dumb fucks. Why don't you just ask each other what is up rather than waiting for news of secret about contract negotiations and shit?"

It's very odd to me these adults think they aren't allowed to talk to each other unless it's through microphone or an agent.

To ask Jimmy why he doesn't call Opie is to completely not understand how fucking shitty and awful Opie is. This point being furthered by his initial statement that Opie leaving is tragic (or whatever he said to that effect)

Opie obviously did a number on him, psychologically speaking. His mom would be proud.

Man, I know what you are saying and it's the way to handle 95% of the population. But if you ever had to deal with a legit narcissist than you'd know there is no point in direct confrontation.

You end up in the most bizarre surreal conversations where they'll badly lie or avoid the topic. And even if you stand there for an hour making sound arguments with proof they'll just keep contradicting themselves with stupid lies. If you have to deal with them (family, co worker) you quickly learn to just ignore them when they are in a mood. Then talk to them hours or days later and pretend like they was never an issue to begin with. Then days or weeks pass and they repeat the shitty behavior again and you are stuck in the same dilemma of ignore reality for a bit or have a pointless argument.

Ouch. You just described my boss/longtime friend. (A VERY Jim/Opie situation know that I think about it…)

You speak the truth. Yet I do occasionally need to sit him down and say, "OK, what are you thinking? What's your next move?" so I can proceed, deal, assist or ignore him with a clear conscience at least.

Sort of like the guys who refuse to evacuate when the hurricane/flood/wildfire is coming. It may be their prerogative to stay behind, but I'm at least going to knock on their door to make sure they have some canned food, flashlight batteries and water wings before leaving them to tackle that forest fire with their garden hose.

Who is that caller who said Opie made the show? "I'm gonna have to find a new morning show." Yuck. Truly someone with horrendous taste.

had to be a troll

You would hope so but there's always the chance that he's just a tasteless shithead. There are plenty of them out there, just look at most of the highest rated shows on tv.

well that's true...probably called in during the Big Bang Theory commercial break

or Opie having one of 5 fans calling in.

So Opie cut out Sam from the show and his life. For what?

For being better than him

What a disloyal douche. Sam is the only guy left that speaks somewhat highly of him.

he's also half his age and does a way better job than opie ever did, and i'm sure he knows it.

Yeah, this is impossible to defend.

because Gregg Hughes is a sociopath.

I'm glad they are willing to admit now that Opie with Jim Norton was not a good show.

I don't know what Jim is talking about there. I heard that him and Opie had great chemistree. PERIOD.

If the mole is indeed real, then it may be that he is having momentary realizations of abject failure by being all for Ant getting pushed out in combination with Opie with Jim failing.

Management loved the direction of the show, whatever that fucking means

I thought it was fine but O&A redditors have to bash something to feel good. These same people celebrating now will be bashing Jimmy's show in a month.

Clearly everyone Opie has ever worked with in radio is suffering from some sort of mental illnesses and Opie has been right along, what could be more plausible?

Actually I think Opie may be the problem.

Do ya?

Ant said yesterday Opie even tried to get ron&fez thrown off his channel. He hates anyone to do remotely better than him, even if it actually benefits him. He also used to talk shit about Steve C's videos and then did exactly the same thing with his own youtube! he makes money off of all those videos most of which only get views because jimmy is hilarious in them. summary: Fuck you Opie

he makes money off of all those videos most of which only get views because jimmy is hilarious in them.

Well, when you're a multimillionaire, you have to do everything you can to make ends meet. HE'S GOT TWO KIDS, DUDE!

He has to do something to keep that wife. Hoo hoo robin, opie's copying me again.

Two of someone else's kids. Just like Uncle Paul.

Opie just blocked me on instagram for saying 'goodbye tits' :(

Just PM him saying: 'I'm sorry I did that'.

That's hilarious! do any non-narcissists ever feel bad for him or fear what he may do?

Man if there was ever any doubt that Opie wasn't a huge piece of shit, this thoroughly eradicates it.


Opie's a cripplingly insecure narcissist who wants to distance himself from all parts of the O&A show because he doesn't trust anyone involved with even a slight amount of radio power (Ant, Jim, Sam). Which is why he picks lemmings like Sherrod, Henley, and Distefano who have nothing to do with the old show. Lil' Jimmy is finally free.

I hope they grow out of all of that phony laughter. "eh hehehehe" yuck.

There it is, the first of what will undoubtedly be many criticisms from this sub.

Heres another: enough with the mma dumb dumbs.

and fix that roberts' boys face

Oh like you weren't thinking it Mr. Happy Go Lucky. What else do we do here, show support? What is this little league? What are we 6? What am I going to have for dinner? What time is my next nap?

Not even close to the first.

Sounds to me like Opie never knew what it was exactly that he wanted, he just knew that he wanted to be the one to make the decision.

You know, when you're not blabbering drunken incoherent nonsense you're actually quite astute.

Wow, The past 2 years I've lost almost all interest in Jim because of Opie. But after this clip I'm back on board and wish him and sam nothing but the best. I have a good feeling about this show.

I love the admission that he has zero connection to the Uncle Paul character when he listens to it. I believe that is called disassociation, James.

There was a Norton & Friends last week in which Jim "Uncle Paul" Norton seemed to be legitimately weirded out when Mark "Nu-HAAAA" Norman clumsily talked about young girls' private parts. Without Opie there, Uncle Paul was kept locked in a trunk while Real Jimmy was grossed out. Fascinating.

The awkward silence from Jimmy was definitely fascinating.

I think Normand was talking about teenaged girls, who are old ladies to uncle paul

I wish. About a half an hour into Thursday's show, Mark started going off in weird directions about women's vaginas being the same size from "birth to death," child pron, pedos, babies with pretty eyes, his naked niece's vagina… It was squirmy.

Suuuuure! My old students got told that all da time from psychologists! They are like lil Jew fibbers, though. Never did nothing to lil Jimmy except wish him well on his little league games.

He's going to beat Whatley's record for early retirement by a lot.

I'm glad it's finally over but I still want to punch Jim in the face for thinking he could make it work with Opie for two years. Somehow all of us knew it would be a trainwreck, but he didn't? He's either an asshole for not realizing, or an asshole for realizing and going with it anyway.

If he realized, which I guess, I'm still ok with that. He took the high paying job. Most people would, considering the alternatives. And maybe he didn't even have any possible alternatives (inside sxm). And wasn't it before they made that magical analysys that showed Jim being "equally" rated to Op?

Has it really been 2 years, Birdman?

I am amazed at what a hateful douche Opie really was being the scenes. Did he understand the humor of the show? Apparently not if he wanted Uncle Paul edited out of the replays. Fucking idiot. Hopefully nobody hires this piece of shit.

The sad thing is that I don't even think Opie personally dislikes Uncle Paul- I think he just doesn't like having to explain/justify the character to his inlaws.

What a loser if that's his real reasoning. Comedy killer. Glad he is gone.

Always thought it was either that or his wife bitches about it

jim needs someone to play off of and Opie is too unfunny to be that person. Sam gets Jimmy's characters and so far they have great chemistry. Ant is funnier with someone to bounce off also. Hope those 3 end up in at least a guest show!

Sam, Ant, and Jim is probably the ideal show at this point.

no its not, it wouldnt be the same and we will finally get a show with pure comedy, no stupid political rants and jim playing devils advocate. jim is silly around sam and doesnt take himself so seriously, thats the best jimmy, not serious jimmy.


Ron, Ant, and Jim. Sam and Erock producing.

Back in time 10 years and back on XM where management supported the shows brand of humor.

Jimmy didn't even want to be on the same channel as Opie. What was the plan? Horsecock & Sam mornings on Rawldog?

Opie is just such a bitch.

"If you bump into an asshole one morning, you probably just met an asshole. If you bump into assholes all day, you're probably the asshole."

Can't remember who said this but it applies to Opie like no one else.

It was me, I said it. I invented that.

hoo hoo

You're loying.


You're welcome, fuck stick.

I'm sorry I did that. Trying to turn over a new lead SNIFF

Narcissist gonna narcissist. None of this is surprising. Greg doesn't do stable, healthy, mature behavior. He ran and is hiding behind his agent and the managers at Sirius, letting them do his dirty work.

Could be why that's why a show with Breuer fell apart - Breuer learned a lot about this kind of dysfunctional shit, and probably realized in time that Greg would turn on him, too. It's only a matter of time before Greg turns on anyone he tries to work with. He's gotta have a rep in the industry that he's incredibly difficult to work with.

He had one job - just show up. It was the easiest job in the world - the staff did the little production required, you get free food, and get to meet celebs, and make jokes for 4 hours a day. But he fucked it up, because he thought sitting there making up stories, stomping on jokes, and wiping out everything people loved about the O&A show (bits, porn stars, whack pack, phone calls, events, Jocktober, the soundboard, Jim's characters) was good enough to merit ahuge paycheck and Stern treatment by management.

He's the guy in the bottom of the rowboat complaining about everyone abandoning him, while he's chopping a hole in the bottom of it.

you a good boy

Say "call time" again.

Serious Actor Jim and Serious Radio Personality Jim were both on point today.

Who's opie?

Sweet, can you start cutting out shitty guests on a regular basis?

I'm listening to this and I'm having this strange reaction where my lips are turning upwards and my mouth keeps opening and this weird "ha ha" sound keeps coming out. This feels familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

Put the end of your pistol on it and pull the trigger

What if I use a toe trigger shotgun full of AIDS? lmao

Opie wanting to censor Uncle Paul is a such a little bitch move. Ok, we get it, you have kids, you're offended by this piece of comedy. That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of other people that find it hilarious, so fuck off with your thin-skinned comedy censorship bullshit. Him essentially trying to say "this is not ok to joke about" is just disgusting. This faggot was "the destroyer"?

I love Jimmy but Uncle Paul and Chip get old really quickly. Uncle Paul: say disgusting pedo things to push buttons, Chip: say a terrible joke to kill the momentum

But Chip and Paul are great when doing it to unsuspecting guests…especially by phone (i.e. Paul vs Honey BooBoo's mom, Paul vs Jerry Sandusky author etc)


Drugs help

Why would Sirius bother resigning opie?

Because he has over 30 years experience? Built the 2nd most popular talk radio show? Spawned Sam Roberts' career and Jimmy as a broadcaster? People don't seem to understand running a show is not just about telling jokes every now and then. I love Jimmy but Jimmy barely knows how to put callers on the air.

The most surprising thing to me out of this is that Opie shut Sam out of his personal life. He really does seem like a weird miserable guy.

Jim: Believe me I never interfere when somebody is being funny...

<a few years earlier>



I can jerk off to the call ins all day. Fuck Opie!


Sam's dig at Opie at 23:17 is fucking great.

I wonder how many fans will cancel in support of Opie. I'm going to put the number at 0.0.

I'd guess more people will resub to hear Jim and Sam, so your number is too high.

JIM: "I'm not being overly diplomatic. I'm just not mentally-ill enough to think that it's not partly me."

Obvious shot at Opie

Jim's sniffing is enraging during this clip

There was no sniffing. The mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing, but there was no sniffles.

Whatever it was was very distracting.


Couldn't agree more... "Serious/Matter Of Fact Jimmy" where he will tighten his lips, pause, and then inhale deeply through his stuffy nose is infuriating. He does it the ENTIRE time!

Opie finally dies the radio death we all waited for and predicted yet, the sniff lives on... God I hate Opie.


He may be using opie's mic

Once the cord is officially cut. What are the chances Norton will release all his frustrations about working with opie throughout the years on air? How he's the biggest non contributing hack ever, how he's the epitome of everything that was mocked on jocktober?

That's not Jim. He has to know how much O&A helped his career. He is pretty loyal to Jay Leno because of the same thing. He'll say his piece once or twice but won't dig in.

"The company did some research and found out I was just as popular as Opie"

"just as popular" I like Opie and Jim but Jimmy is 10x more funnier and entertaining on the radio than Opie. I don't know how well Jimmy is going to handle being first mic now with Sam, but I really hope the make it work out.

Maybe they came back and said Jimmy is 10x as funny, but he wanted to be nice and said "just as popular".

That's how i took it. Jimmy was just being polite.

The twitter followers give you an impression of how popular they are. And we know Opie buys followers.

Can you imagine how utterly loathed Opie must be compared to Jimmy when the official spin is that Jimmy is 'equally popular'?

I'd guess 10:1

I can't wait until a month from now when Op has had his estrogen driven response and Jim and Sam can respond again and talk about how they held back today and didn't go "all in" out of respect to a guy they worked with and helped break them into the business. It will no doubt happen too! Opie truly is mentally deranged. His procolamtion as someone who has evolved from therapy is another rip off from Stern.

lol you quick for those views. Beat me to it.

Man, Opie even cut Sam out of his "inner circle" after Ant's firing? What for? What stupid fucking office politics was he playing at?

He thought he was above everyone else and bulletproof. Now he's left on the side of the road with a foot print cake and a broken guitar.

Jim is right about Ant. He is a comedic genius.

Unfortunately, he's also a fucking insane piece of shit.

Oh man, 50+ minutes. I can't wait to hear all the Norton nose breaths. Thanks for posting.



Why does this sound like they're inside a pepsi can?

Because the only work you had to do, is one mouse click, that's why.

? Just answer the question if you know the answer you queer.

Sounds like just the uploader saving the audio at a lower bitrate/quality to reduce file size for whatever their reason.

I don't know it, truly sorry.

Now listen you queer, I'll smash you in the goddamn face.

they need a ship steerer

Currently listening, Jim putting all the cards on the table and cutting through the bullshit. Atta boy, Jim.


Jimmy doesn't like Sherrod that's what I understand.

Sherrod has no respect in the business, everyone knows he rode Chris Rock's wave and bought his material

They work well together without the busty 3rd wheel.

Does he really think Vic and Sherrod are funny?? I refuse to believe this.

Vic's not there to be funny. He has a lot of random knowledge that helps move along discussions. Sherrod just lets them talk about black people.

But I'm still angry!

Jim says every comedian is funny. Because comedians have to stick together and stuff.

Holy shit. Opie was trying to pull a Tom Chiusano on Jimmy.

It's over. Jim saying to Sirius that he wants to stay, but doesn't want to work with Opie is.. expected, I guess.

I was all about Jim joining TACS way back when Anthony first got fired and started his own thing, but after listening to both Anthony's shows and the Horsecock and Sam shows I have to say that I'd rather see Jim signing up to do a show with Sam. I haven't listened to the Sam Roberts Show enough to know if it's good or bad, but hearing him and Jim together is a treat. Jim gets to do his characters and Sam is, well, he's just the most lovable mixed race tranny in the world.


Anyone got a re-upload? I listened to half and now the fags nabbed it off youtube (oh yes, they check the sub.

Much appreciation /u/beavvv if that was you who uploaded the first to youtube.


Oh weirdly it's back up when I refreshed it. downloding it now in case, uif you could upload it on another free host that they can't lob copyright at that would be sweet



Opie might murder his whole family now.

Prediction: Opie will backpedal the shark video and try to explain that he meant something other than what he very obviously meant.



I still don't understand why Opie told us to watch out for blacks at the end of his shark video.

Maybe he's going to team up with Anthony again.

No one mentioned that they never once came to Opie and said, "Hey we're going to do a show together." which would have been the thing you do to a guy who gave you both radio careers. EVEN if he's a little bitch. STILL should have come to him and let him know. - They did the deal first and then kept it from him. Both shows will ultimately suck balls. Golden age of radio dies with Howard, and he's flatlining hard as it is... - I can't wait for all the hacky bullshit Jim will bring to Sam's show. *vomit

No one mentioned that they never once came to Opie and said, "Hey we're going to do a show together."

It wasn't their call to make. Opie was the boss. Now he's not, but they still don't know what's going to happen. And everything is being held up because Opie is a vague ass who sucks at contract negotiation

Hrm... I heard it as "I found out from our manager that Opie didn't want to do a show with me. And then I found from Sirius that people like me and want me on the radio with or without Opie. Meanwhile we have fun hanging out when Opie's on one of his 200 personal days so hopefully we can do something together but nothing's been offered to us."

No one mentioned that Opie never once came to Jim and said, "Hey, I don't want to do the show together." Which would have been the thing you do to a guy who gave you his life and propped up your own career for 15 years. EVEN if you never give him credit like a little bitch.

Eye of the beholder, ear of the un-beholden, I guess.

You're right, but EVEN though tits is a SUPER CUNT and I do mean SUPER, despite his total cum facedness, you have to go to the guy who gave you the mic and at least tell him. You don't ask, you just, him and Sam both, go to him and say, hey, we like our chemistry, we appreciate all you've done for us, we're doing a show and by the way, go fuck yourself you talentless beach boy with tits. I'm saying you do the right thing, even though Tits is a little bitch. - It's 3 little girls. They'll all buy new dresses and this will be history soon enough.

Yes, I agree it's fucked none them seem to be able to have adult conversations off-mic.

For being better than him

Yeah, this is impossible to defend.

What a disloyal douche. Sam is the only guy left that speaks somewhat highly of him.

because Gregg Hughes is a sociopath.

I beg your pardon?

Look, Ant has his demons. But his are mostly personal vices and the energy mostly gets focused on himself.

But with Opie, you have to think there is some severe mental health issues at play. You know, like dear old mom. He's destructive, manipulative, narcissistic, and is an outright textbook sociopath.

Well, Opie is the real villain in the O and A world because he is hack and cry-baby

Anthony is still the villain in actual life, you know, because of racism, domestic violence and pedophilia.

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Sam, Ant, and Jim is probably the ideal show at this point.

There is no actual life to people on this board

You're welcome, fuck stick.