Oh no, Opie spent 15 years doing nothing but trashing anything and everything in his industry. Opie and Anthony always win in the end. except the very very end, then everyone else wins lol

44  2016-09-28 by SirWallaceII


I almost feel bad for the opester. Then I remember every jocktober raid, stomped cake, and dead dog... this career implosion couldn't happen to a nicer guy

I don't care about any of that. It's the shitty radio, lack of intelligence, skill, and bit ruining behavior that stirs my pot.

Don't forget about that poor scuba diving Frenchman....

Get well soon Claude.

It's not the trashing people thats the issue, it's Opie going behind people's backs in an attempt to sabotage them

Waaait I thought that was Howard.


It's both. Maybe if he patched things up with Howard years ago he might have told Sirius to let him do afternoons. But somebody had to blab about The Hallway Incident for attention.

To be fair, they had far more success than they ever had a right to. They lucked out by catching the shock jock train when it was going strong and they rode it for the next 20 years. Opie has no business being in radio and Anthony is lazy white trash who would have gotten fired much, much sooner from literally any other job on the planet. And now they're millionaires.

So yeah, they sort of won. I mean, at least until Opie's wife leaves him for another sk8r boi and Anthony is found face down in his pool within the next two years.

I think Ant sorta got how lucky he was to find Opie. I think Opie thought he would have made it either way. I don't think he understood how lucky he was to find Ant.

I think Jim has the best grip on the reality of his situation. He's almost 50. Everything he tried on tv imploded He can do theaters, but without that radio show, he's back in clubs.

Leave Opie alone guys, he was VERY poor growing up. Sure he lived near a country club but he had to bring his lunch in a cement bag every day...wait I mean once....wait I mean...

He could barely enjoy his yachting and fraternity while eating his peppridge farm bread.

Need to get Scorch's reaction

Some are odd and some deranged, stories that are very strange...WEIRD NEWS!

no song on earth gets me more pumped than the weird news theme

Hes a masterful negotiator. He got all the time off he wants!

No one wins in the end. It's a stupid thing to say. If you're lucky, you wheeze and hurt and struggle in a comfortable bed at the age of 90 something in the end, surrounded by a loving family that you raised and supported.

but more likely you're in an alley in a black neighborhood with a needle in your arm

There are no winners on this sub, sorry. Opie is a multi-millionaire while you start threads on reddit.

He's been broadcasting for 25 years in one form or another, he's apparently left "on his own terms". he's got a net worth somewhere north of 20$ million dollars.

He's 53 and retired and rich.......

Are you sure he didn't win in the end?

he didn't win unless he's happy. there's no way he's happy.

More like $10 million once Lynsi divorces him and takes the house and Bam's kids with her

He's irrelevant. He clearly, desperately wanted to leave a big mark on radio and he didn't.

Funny thing, if he stopped doing radio after WNEW or Homeless Charlie he might have had a hint of the legacy he wants so badly.

Hi Opie.

He kept saying how everyday he was "fighting for my faaaaawkin life". Clearly unhappy and desperate to keep his job which he didn't.

So yes I'm quite sure he didn't win. Faggy italics.